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Here are the basics:

We have our own sitcom.

You can pay the Fireman to do whatever for 10,000 gold.

We like foxes, and valkyries.

Feel free to burn the forest down.

If you need a Fireman, just look for the biggest fire.

Fourth Fox was elected queen.

Ilyana ate the king that never existed.

Don't crash through glass windows.

Here in the forest, it is a Vincentocracy.

Don't change your username to God.

Bianchi and Metal Rabbit are the myths of Serenes.

If you have any questions. Feel free to ask. And welcome to the forest.

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Your topic title reminded me of the OutKast song Hey Ya!

Welcome. Somebody else will fill you in on the other stuff.

Awesome, you just reminded me that I needed to download that song, and it's all thanks to this thread. You're working wonders already, Vague.

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hm, there seems many new members lately.

before someone spoils it for me, join me and feel the power!!!!!!!

THE ARMY OF DOOM AND DESTRUCTION!!!!!! has available space for YOU!

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heh, wow o.o

so much things

thnx for the warm welcomes, this is already the warmest warm warm place i've been to :)

ooooohh yeeeaaa! im going to enjoy this place ^^

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