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FE3, Book 2 tier list

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If I had a nickel for everytime something like this has happened to me.




It's annoying at first, but funny eventually.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Lessee...Chiki can at least be a tank. Astram is just another sword guy, Media comes too late to be too much use, and Banut is only semi-usable for 2 chapters...

She's at least better than these guys. Ricardo has time being a thief on his side to make raiding go by even faster.

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Chiki being a tank with Fire Stone is honestly the only reason she's in Low-Mid. If it weren't for that, she would still be in Low.

not my fault i didn't realize the tiers had changed drastically over the course of this argument.
I don't really see how you can miss gigantic posts from me, but okay...
I continue to push for an update with Machis above Samuto and an elimination of the tiers below Bottom.
I don't think anybody would let me eliminate the tiers below bottom. I had to fight and argue passionately just to keep the number of characters in there to a minimum.

And I forgot to place Machis above Samuto.

Edited by Chainey
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Eh? You were the one who encouraged me to give Sheema her own tier...

Before that, even, you voluntary told me to shove Est into Fail tier without any real debating.

EDT: Lmfao, now Chainy has transformed into CAPTAIN GORDIN, DEFENDER OF EARTH.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Eh? You were the one who encouraged me to give Sheema her own tier...

Before that, even, you voluntary told me to shove Est into Fail tier without any real debating.

Yeah, I know, but then everyone was like, "LET'S PUT ASTORIA AND MACHIS INTO FAIL TIER" and I actually tried to argue Samson out of Fail tier (and failed).
EDT: Lmfao, now Chainy has transformed into CAPTAIN GORDIN, DEFENDER OF EARTH.
Zagaro, actually. Edited by Chainey
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I wasn't pushing for Machis in Fail that hard, just pointed out that he was kind of slowing you down and gave you basically nothing for your trouble, and I conceded on that one quickly.

But, really, there's not much of a reason why we can take a blow at Sheema for the whole Gra soldier thing [Yes I know that's not the only reason for her failing but it's one of them] but not Samson. Samson has the exact same conditions, so it's not like he's getting off scot-free. The difference is Samson is actually worth a quarter of a damn while Sheema isn't worth anything ever, so there should be a significant gap between them, which I feel is accounted for.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Indeed. I didn't want too many in there either. So I tried to keep it to a minimum too. Luckily it works out anyways, so everything's hokee-doree.

About time Shannan dissapeared. he was kind of a dick.

Wait...I thought FE1 had Zagarro! *lifts mask* YOU AREN'T ZAGARRO! Hey everyone! This guy's a phony!

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Lol no. You were the biggest proponent of putting Astoria in there.

Well, it IS an option to kill him for benefit...;;>>

But I'm also the reason Matthis isn't there. Or at least I like to think I am ...

Ok fine, I was the middle man.

Bastard spy...

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Julian is now in High tier, Merric drops down into Upper Mid, below Kashim for the same reason Kashim > Elren & Yubello.

Ricardo rises. Machis is now above ShanamSamuto.

Astoria rises in Low-Mid. Chiki promoted to Low-Tier.

Roshe back in Low tier due to being convinced of there not being much of a gap. Tiers back to old names.

Bishop Tier moved, for organizational purposes, since they don't really affect anything anyway.

=Top Tier=







=High Tier=












==Upper-Mid Tier==








==Lower-Mid Tier==












==Low Tier==



==Bottom Tier==





=Worse than Est=

(Insert large gap here)


=Bishop tier, based on hawtness=





Edited by Chainey
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About time Shannan dissapeared. he was kind of a dick.


Also, this thing about funds. If you get that much in the game, there's nothing wrong with spending it. Not spending your funds in an efficient way isn't very nice. Spending funds promotes efficiency. If the game had very little funds, I'd understand but..

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Also, this thing about funds. If you get that much in the game, there's nothing wrong with spending it. Not spending your funds in an efficient way isn't very nice. Spending funds promotes efficiency. If the game had very little funds, I'd understand but..

Don't worry, realized there's a spy among us. *has flamethrower* SPY CHECK!

On a serious note...There's a point here, but...we know that now. Only person this will ever really effect is Chiki, and I doubt she's going any higher.

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Also, this thing about funds. If you get that much in the game, there's nothing wrong with spending it. Not spending your funds in an efficient way isn't very nice. Spending funds promotes efficiency. If the game had very little funds, I'd understand but..
In an actual playthrough, you can do things like pour all stat boosting functions like the star shards and items into Alan and still do fine or buy two Dragonstones and still do fine, but for all intents and purposes for a tier list, I try to judge characters by how well they do with as little as possible. It's been proven that Chiki does absolutely fine with just a Fire Stone, so she doesn't have to spend more funds than necessary.
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Now thinking about it, Why is George above Gordon? Gordon helps early *broken record* , does pretty much the same job as George in the valley, with Parthia will pretty much come out to outclass him afterwards and continue to do so thanks to not fail growths. Gordon has like 3 chapters of slow time (The Lang chapter and the 2 after), George sucks outside of dragon valley (dragon valley being a nice place for any archer). Well, at least in comparison. Think he could go above George, George and him could switch places, or is there a point outside of "promotion item", since you get two orion's bolts early? (One I recall you get early at least...other you get just by killing the dragon guard in the volcano). Kashim can get the first one (since he's a killface anyways), while Gordon can get the next (since he wants to get as many levels as he can because he lacks Kashim's win growths). Or is that reversed? Either way, you don't get either at an unreasonable time.

Or is there an incredible, stupendous amazingly huge reason I'm missing here as I might be as I usually do miss something? You DID say yourself that George doesn't benefit from Parthia use anyways...Gordon DOES however.

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I left George above Gordon because he's instant-utility while Gordon needs to be leveled up and has rather poor movement especially since a lot of early maps have terrain.

Does it really make up for George sucking later? Besides, them Dragon knights are tough/ nice earlygame exp....

If anything, you could at least put them in the same tier.

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In an actual playthrough, you can do things like pour all stat boosting functions like the star shards and items into Alan and still do fine or buy two Dragonstones and still do fine, but for all intents and purposes for a tier list, I try to judge characters by how well they do with as little as possible. It's been proven that Chiki does absolutely fine with just a Fire Stone, so she doesn't have to spend more funds than necessary.

I see, but I think that funds shouldn't be considered in a tier list. Spending all your money for the sake of maximum efficiency is a pretty good thing.

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Also keep in mind that this is a tier list, not a speed run.

Like I said earlier with George, him depending on a special weapon so much shows a statistical deficiency compared to other units using cheaper weapons. If Chiki had to depend on 18000K stones in order to keep up with the rest of your team, then it shows a statisical deficiency.

Thankfully, she doesn't have to depend on the Divine Dragon stone. Banutu's Fire Dragon Stone saves her from being Low tier.

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Also keep in mind that this is a tier list, not a speed run.


Like I said earlier with George, him depending on a special weapon so much shows a statistical deficiency compared to other units using cheaper weapons. If Chiki had to depend on 18000K stones in order to keep up with the rest of your team, then it shows a statisical deficiency.

Having to use a special weapon and succeed <<< not having to use a special weapon and succeed. No funds in there.

How much money do you get in this game anyway? As long as you don't have tough times with funds, Chiki's dependence is no problem since it changes efficiency in a good way.

Look here:


Now look at funds. Forcing you to not spend money you have available is asinine, it's promoting conservatism where such a thing isn't beneficial in any way. You don't magically get Athos in chapter 20 if you have 100k worth of items in storage. If a funds rank didn't exist, then there'd be less of an issue of giving units better weapons to compensate for their faults, which in turn helps the survival rank. Also, things like Dart's promotion wouldn't count against him twice, since there's no goal for how much money you have to have by the game's conclusion. So now Dart taking 40k more than the average unit (- axes being less expensive than other weapon types, though that's kinda negligible) is really just that, a consumption of resources he depends on that others don't need to serve the same purpose (promoting). Otherwise, the hefty resource consumption gets amplified by an arbitrary money cap that you have to stay under. Something like spending only 500 of your 1500k money that's acquirable, or roughly 33%, IIRC.

I don't know how much cash FE3 gives you, though.

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