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A collection of battle sprites


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Hey I'm Ty, I do battle sprites for FE7x (s1.zetaboards.com/fe_project_ii). I've been spriting on and off for the last year or so. These are my sprites that are worth any mention, pretty much from the last 6 months or so. (not in any particular order)

First and only mug I've made so far, Madison


Custom class, Ranger, w/ animation


Anybody watch TTGL? (and that's a bikini if you can't tell...)


My first fully custom animation, Elbert. Still needs work with more stances


Mounted knight (still)


Uther (I have a half complete animation that I really should get around to finishing...)


Bow Knight Lord


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Some got cut-off due to the image per post limit

Elbert before promotion


I know it's a recolor but it's still awesome IMO


Undoubtedly the smoothest animation I will ever make (Princess from FE4)


Mage Knight, err... kind of


Uther's half-finished promoted attack


Elbert Version 2, should get around to animating it soon


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The top of the head isn't shaped right on the mug, and it looks as if she has no eyebrows.

On the sprites, I really like the Eirika with the staff and the Uther. And other than the Ranger and Eirika sprites. They need more frames. But other than that they look really nice. ^^ I like the Bow Knight Lord too. XD

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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I like the Elbert (walking) animation, but I think the sword is impractically long (not that Fire Emblem is good in that sense). I also think the timing between the frames needs to be a bit more dynamic.

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That's why I made a new sprite for it, considering it was awful. It's the last shown on the second post

And thanks for the comments and criticisms, appreciate it

Edited by hpty603
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GIF and PNG are the basic formats that should be used for pixel drawing.

JPEG is what you're referring to. Bitmaps are just stupidly large too.

GIF can also ruin quality if images are saved directly as GIFs from MSPaint.

Edited by Yuli
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GIF can also ruin quality if images are saved directly as GIFs from MSPaint.

If you're doing it wrong, yes :[

Don't create the image, then save as GIF. Do something like save as GIF, then create the image. While being lazy enough to answer: if memory serves, it's something to do with either how the colors are stored and/or the color index of the image. Or something.

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If you're doing it wrong, yes :[

Don't create the image, then save as GIF. Do something like save as GIF, then create the image. While being lazy enough to answer: if memory serves, it's something to do with either how the colors are stored and/or the color index of the image. Or something.

I believe that is what she meant. No need to correct each other when you're on the same wavelength.

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Rather, it was stated that saving directly as GIFs is bad for the quality of the image. It is only so if you do it in the wrong "order," so to say, rather than to save it at all. They are two separate sets of instruction, after all :/

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