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Which characters from Brawl won't be in the next game

luigi bros

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Ice Climbers, Olimar, Dedede, maybe G&W, Snake, Sonic, ROB (I'll be happiest to see him go, because then my friend won't pawn me with 2 stock left when we play.)

Ike won't leave unless the newest FE (not FEDS) is released before SSB4. And if the lord isn't popular then Ike might still stay. (Noooooooooo! My main! Don't leave!)

It'll be funny if Waluigi makes it to the next SSB.

This is my guess.

They may put a new FE character in there before a new FE game comes out to generate attention to FE which isn't doing so great as a series

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Maybe the third party characters though I dont really know how that works does the third party as the developer to insert the character? or does the developer ask the third party for permission to use the character? otherwise I think the roster might still be the same in the next brawl game just with newcomers.

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I think that it will be as it follows.

Mario's tier:





They may add Daisy or Rosalina, or add Dry Bowser as a special move for Bowser( As Zero Suit).

Wario; Maybe Waluigi or left as an assist trophy or whatsoever it'll be called.


DK's tier:


Diddy Kong

Maybe they will intro someone else.

-Samus & Zero Suit'll stay

Star Fox's tier:



Wolf'll stay IMO because he's like the archrival of the serie.

Maybe add Krystal.

Kirby's tier:



King DDD

That's all.

-I think Pit'll stay as in the Subspace Emissary he was Mario's companion and friend. I don't know certainly.

Zelda's Tier:


Zelda & Sheik


Toon Link

-Ice Climbers stay. If he passed from Melee to Brawl then make for sure he'll be in the next one.

Pokemon Tier:



Lucario stays as he was a special and unique pokemon

Pokemon Trainer goes out or is edited

I don't think they'll put a new pokemon.

Earthbound Tier:



F-Zero Tier:

Captain Falcon

Maybe Black Shadow is added or Blood Falcon. Not certain on it.

Fire Emblem tier:

Marth stays, he's the first lord and as so he won't be replaced.

Ike stays or is edited, maybe he comes with Radiant Dawn's appearance/custom.

Maybe a new lord is added, Lyn, Hector, Micaiah or Sothe.

-Sorry Olimar

-R.O.B. goes out if the Subspace is removed. I think he joined Brawl due to the story on the Subspace.

Third Party:

Sonic and Snake stay, maybe they add new third party characters.

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So many uninteresting characters (in terms of moveset) this time around. Characters like Olimar have a few interesting moves than the rest suck. I'd cut:

Captain Olimar

Toon Link



Meta Knight

Pokémon Trainer




Ike with a Fire Emblem character WHO ISN'T A SWORD WIELDER

If you're going to put in another MOTHER series rep, make it someone interesting. Ness is the middle man. Bring in Ninten or work on Lucas.

Salvage Charizard for Ridley

R.O.B. with one of the Ray models from the Custom Robo series.

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Rob has been there for 2 games, toon link is basically the version of young link so i doubt they'll be replaced. Ike will stay and somebody else will be added along with roy who would have made it if the game wasn't rushed, he had character info.

Why would ness be taken out, he's been in 3 games already i'd doubt that.

How can people possibly think its possible for ridley to be here?

falco wasn't cut in this one i'd doubt he'll be cut , maybe changed

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Rob has been there for 2 games, toon link is basically the version of young link so i doubt they'll be replaced. Ike will stay and somebody else will be added along with roy who would have made it if the game wasn't rushed, he had character info.

Two games? R.O.B. has been in one game, unless you mean Mario Kart.
Why would ness be taken out, he's been in 3 games already i'd doubt that.
Amount of games doesn't really hold signifance for me. Not a lot of people would mind if he was "renamed" Ninten and given a more interesting moveset (4d Slip? <3).
How can people possibly think its possible for ridley to be here?
Much more potential moves. If you're going to bring up size, he was MUCH smaller on his first appearance. Kind of like how sometimes Bowser is ginormous. Doesn't matter if they have to scale. Kirby is supposed to be 8 inches tall and Olimar is the size of a bottlecap.
falco wasn't cut in this one i'd doubt he'll be cut , maybe changed
Make him interesting, sure.

That reminds me. I wouldn't miss Jigglypuff either. B moves all suck. Give her aerial game to Kirby and scrap.

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Sonic and Snake will probably be removed due to being third party characters, Lucario will be replaced by a pokemon from Generation 5/whoever is the star of the next movie (I'm sure that there will be one).

If there is a new FE game featuring a new Lord, then I'm sure Ike will be replaced for him/her. I'm also sure R.O.B.'ll be gotten rid of as well as Wolf (because one clone of Fox is enough).

Sonic actully has pretty god cance of staying, I think. Seriously, Sonic fanboys would rage hard if he was cut. Also, where the hell did you ge the idea that Wolf is a Fox clone? He has a blaster, a similar ^B, and a reflector. That's seriously the only stuff they have in common. All of Wolf's tilts, smashes, throws, and aerials are different.

Other than that, though, I pretty much agree. R.O.B. might stay, but Luario and Ike are almost definitely out.

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Also, where the hell did you ge the idea that Wolf is a Fox clone? He has a blaster, a similar ^B, and a reflector. That's seriously the only stuff they have in common. All of Wolf's tilts, smashes, throws, and aerials are different.

You forgot that he has pretty much the same Final Smash as Fox (sure his is more powerful and shorter lasting, but in essence, it's the same as Fox's/Falco's).

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Oh, wow. The same Final Smash, too. Completely disregarding the fact that FSes aren't used in competitive play, that's still a very inconsequential difference. Did you not read what I said past "They aren't clones?"

Different jab. Different smashed. Different tilts. Different throws. Different aerials. That's a grand total of... 17 different attacks vs 5 similar ones. Except for the Landmaster, the B moves aren't even the same. They do have similarities, but they're ultimately pretty different.

Trust me, bro. I main Wolf and alt Fox. I know their playstyles. Wolf isn't a clone.

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Fire Emblem tier:

Marth stays, he's the first lord and as so he won't be replaced.

Ike stays or is edited, maybe he comes with Radiant Dawn's appearance/custom.

Maybe a new lord is added, Lyn, Hector, Micaiah or Sothe.

how do you want to make micaiah fight?

micaiah: *ellight*

enemy: *notices micaiah* *attack*

micaiah: *dies*

micaiah isn't cut out for brawl (than even shinon wound make more sense, he doesn't die that easily)

but sothe is a good idea :D

Edited by BrandedRogue
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Now that I think about it. Pokemon Trainer might have Sinnoh or Johto starters. Toon link isn't going anywhere, because they still have franchises on DS with him in it being made.

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Who won't be back?

Ike- New lord, or entirely new Ike.

Lucario- They replaced Mewtwo, and unless no similar pokemon comes out until then, he'll be out.

Pokemon Trainer: Switched up or out.

Olimar- Maybe. His being in this game was random to start.

As for Jigglypuff, the Japanese love her, she's not leaving. Snake and Sonic? Staying, and expect more third party appearances. "Clones"? Half of em' beat their "originals" anyway. Everyone else? Back.

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Oh, wow. The same Final Smash, too. Completely disregarding the fact that FSes aren't used in competitive play, that's still a very inconsequential difference. Did you not read what I said past "They aren't clones?"

Different jab. Different smashed. Different tilts. Different throws. Different aerials. That's a grand total of... 17 different attacks vs 5 similar ones. Except for the Landmaster, the B moves aren't even the same. They do have similarities, but they're ultimately pretty different.

Trust me, bro. I main Wolf and alt Fox. I know their playstyles. Wolf isn't a clone.

All Wolf is, is a modified version of Fox (like how Luigi is a modified version of Mario).

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I disagree entirely. I think the differences between Fox and Wolf are far greater than Mario and Luigi. I don't see them building him off Fox at all.

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Listen, bro. I main Wolf. Competetively. Meaning I know his moveset, and how all of his moves work. I somewhat competetively main Fox. I have a pretty good idea of how his moves work too. There is little to no similarity between the two.

All Wolf is, is a modified version of Fox (like how Luigi is a modified version of Mario).

That's Falco you're thinking of, brah. I'll work on finding a video comparing the two or something so I ca actually show you this stuff. Maybe I'll make one myself. Either way, I know for a fact that Wolf isn't a clone. Even if he was, he's Fox's... rival, or some shit like that. They can't cut him. He's staying for sure.

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Even outside of their moves. Here are some key details defining his playstyle.

Frame. Wolf is far larger than Fox and Falco, but since he crouches down for his fighting style, he takes just as much space of the arena. What this does for him is gives some nice reach with attacks like his ftilt.

Gravity. With Melee, Falco fell like a rock. He was a great combatant but had a hard time recovering. This is the same deal with Wolf in Brawl, which is defining since now Falco falls much slower.

Control. Fox has a much easier time controlling the entire stage. Wolf moves really slow and has a slow projectile. When he's up close, his fast and powerful attacks really hit a number.

It should also be noted that Fox has a lot of luxuries like multihit attacks which link into combos, while Wolf has long reaching swipes and kicks which have a lot of stall if the enemy shields.

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Oh, wow. The same Final Smash, too. Completely disregarding the fact that FSes aren't used in competitive play, that's still a very inconsequential difference. Did you not read what I said past "They aren't clones?"

Different jab. Different smashed. Different tilts. Different throws. Different aerials. That's a grand total of... 17 different attacks vs 5 similar ones. Except for the Landmaster, the B moves aren't even the same. They do have similarities, but they're ultimately pretty different.

Trust me, bro. I main Wolf and alt Fox. I know their playstyles. Wolf isn't a clone.

I agree. Why the hell would FOX (of all characters, no offense) have two clones? How can you alt Fox? He was only good in Smash Bros.64. Wolf is pretty good. After using Ike, you get used to the mild slowness.

I think Lucario is leaving. Lucas is leaving. Ike or Marth is leaving and may or may not be replaced. Sonic MUST go, for the next game's sake. I see Snake leaving too, since he's third party. Too bad, because he's my main.

Hm, let's see, Falco SHOULD go. Toon Link is leaving. Captain Olimar may leave, I don't see it happening with a big chance, though.

R.O.B. is leaving, and Diddy is too.

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I would love to see Ike go. I just hate him. My least fav lord from fire emblem. I really wanna see another mage type character like zelda.(Would love Sofiya(Fe6) but i know it will not happen) Maybe Mikky will make it in, or soren. Pkmn trainer should also go. I think that he was pointless. Maybe update his moveset or something. If they add a new pkmn , it would probably be a human type one like alakazam...or a 2nd gen pkmn cause of the remake. A golden sun char would also be cool.(thats nintendo right?) I wanna see mia. A healer would make the game alot more interesting.

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I agree. Why the hell would FOX (of all characters, no offense) have two clones? How can you alt Fox? He was only good in Smash Bros.64. Wolf is pretty good. After using Ike, you get used to the mild slowness.

Actually, Fox was the best character in Melee >_>. And I alt Fox by... playing with him as a secondary. I consider myself to be a decent Fox at worst. Anywho, as far as his slowness goes, that's easily countered by his high speed in the air.

And yeah, another magic character would be sweet. I love playing as Zelda. Golden Sun is Nintendo, so they may bring someone in as a character.

Also, Lucas isn't leaving. The Mother series have a pretty damn big following here in the states. Falco and Marth are staying too. Marth is the main face of FE.

If Toon Link leaves, you can bet your ass he'll be replaced with Young Link again. I really see him staying, though. TL is still pretty popular in the LoZ fandom right now. He may leave, but not really likely.

I do agree that Olimar might just be kicked. He just doesn't seem to have much staying power.

Edited by Xort
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Lucas was supposed to replace Ness in SSBM, but MOTHER 3 didn't happen so they couldn't. It was mentioned on the SSBM site way back. Saved transcript:


("Actually, at first, I planned to change him [Ness] into the protagonist of MOTHER3 [Lucas], but for various reasons during the delay, I settled back on the original idea.")

I think there will always be some form of younger Link. After all, Link has only been an adult for a few games. His true face is a child or teen. I'd like to see a retro Link, designed closer to his older concept art.

The problem with a huge cast is among the characters, everyone needs to have their gun. Their amazing abusable qualities and game changing abilities. For example Link's projectiles alone are enough for him to have a lot of mid range control, backed up by a solid melee game, which is balanced by his poor recovery. Some characters like Olimar have really lame move design and not enough things to keep them around. I'd be all for cutting characters and giving their qualities to existing or new characters to make them more defined. I feel the series loses this definition the further it goes. Yeah, everyone looks and plays different, but not as much as I like. It's fine to have tons of characters in things like MvC2. It tends to stand out more in Smash Bros.

Edited by Rhelm
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Jigglypuff- No one(sane) likes Jigglypuff, plus she isn't very good.

R.O.B- Game and Watch fills the niche of " haracter we don't like and have never heard of before" better

Ice Climbers- See above

Falco- I like Falco, but srsly he's not even in the SF games anymore and he's very similar to Fox.

Ness- One psychic kid is enogh kthx, and Lucas is more popular apparently.

Toon Link and Ganondorf need to be decloned more.

I don't like Olimar, but I think he should stay.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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R.O.B- Game and Watch fills the niche of " haracter we don't like and have never heard of before" better

Game & Watch raised me as a child!

Heh. I'd like to see R.O.B.'s specials preserved in another character, but other than that yes he has to go.

Ness- One psychic kid is enogh kthx, and Lucas is more popular apparently.
Yep. I still find it odd. Ness is like, the middle man of the MOTHER series. He's just based off Ninten. They should rep the series with Lucas and Kumatora. :]
Toon Link and Ganondorf need to be decloned more.
Whenever I think about this, I remember the Smash Bros DOJO!! blog post.
Down Taunt: Ganondorf draws a sword.

He takes out the sword he stole from the six Sages and takes a look at it.

... Then puts it away.

What are you putting it away for? Use it! People tend to make fun of Ganondorf for this.

It's like the creator himself is just trolling the fanbase. ;~; Edited by Rhelm
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