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"So, you've returned..."


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"I didn't think you'd make it all the way here," Bizz said, her gaze lingering out the window. "I mean, after all, I DID defeat 1-A, once and for all. I've come far."

"Yes, indeed, you have," replied the silouette at the back of the dark classroom, his voice but a cold echo, "You've grown since Wolfe's class. I though you hadn't been strong enough. I had believed you'd finally been rid of."

"Don't think I could've made it out alive without help," Bizz smirked, "Pre-Algebra trained me well. He was a worthy opponent, yet no match for me in the end."

The black shadow came closer, his face still hidden and uncertain. "Driver's Education struck you hard that morning. In your weak state, I was going to finish you..."

Bizz swirled around, hair whipping across her face in the wind of that evening. "Fff, don't bring that up. And I had extra provisions in my secret inventory that day. With that, I cured my status conditions, and Art let me rest at her inn. It's time to face the music- or, rather, the Mozart coronation mass- you can't win."

"Hah!" Lightning struck through the window's vulnerable glass- Bizz leapt backwards in surprise. "Don't make me laugh- I heard all that happened in the land of the Chorists- you lost your title as one of the sacred Second Sopranos, didn't you? You and that wretched friend of yours both now live in exile, in the Land of the Altos..."

Bizz's stomach lurched, as if she'd been hit right then- there was an unexpected film of silence plastered throughout the entire room...

"Yes, I know about this," said the evil that blanketed the whole echoing room, rendering it absolutely taciturn, "I know all about the happiness that surrounded you as a Second Soprano; and, to make it even worse, you live in the lowest of low, the Land of the Second Altos. How does it feel, to have been singing that low for most of the six years you've lived with the Chorists? True, you were a Soprano once.. albeit it strongly proves that good things never last--"

"Th-that's in the past now," Bizz stammered, her voice slowly rising once more, "I don't linger on those kinds of things anymore... you're just trying to secure yourself, to make yourself feel more superior, after I defeated your younger sibling back in the Land of Larimer."

"Hah! It's only because that woman helped you out... you were completely powerless after you lost in the land of Wolfe, the place you loved so much--"

"Never again will you poke fun at the places I hold true and dear!" The younger girl shouted, drawing the sword she personally named Calculator, which had immediately been followed by the show drawing its own, "I've finally endured the trial of 1-A, so I can't possibly lose to you...

"... Algebra 1-B! Prepare to be defeated in the name of the Bizzlings, in this desolate Land of Ockert!"

"Hah... ahahah!" Algebra 1-B mocked in a cruel cackle of his own, "Even if you kill me here, there's still Geometry standing in your way! It's hopeless from here!"

"We'll see about that... !"

And thus, two swords clashed in a battle between the Bizzling of the North and the Evil of the Upstairs Land...

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To those of you who liked this, stay tuned for the prequel: The Land of the Chorists

And, keep looking for "The Final Result", coming to a theater near you at the end of the school year! And, what will Driver's Education have in store for Bizz as well? Ohh, the suspense!

This should be a series.

It'd be more interesting than things we have up in the WW section.

Of course, Metal Rabbit. After all, high school isn't over yet...

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