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What do you think of remixed songs, etc.?

Intoner Two

on Song Remixes/Covers  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Preference

    • I like vocalized song covers by a variety of artists
    • I like remixes of musical scores into new styles
    • I like some of both
    • I really care for neither
    • I always prefer the original after listening to different versions
    • no opinion

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I do find myself both enjoying on occasion songs remixed and redone by different artists and if it's a song I like I also try to look up and listen to the original source/score/artist to compare (if I haven't heard the original before a remix); with video game music I'm a bit split on liking certain certain originals and certain restyled versions but overall I say I don't mind remixes for the most part (but some I don't like I will quickly ignore/skip over)

Edited by Rhaan
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I tend to hate techno/electronica and rap remixes of good songs because [officespacereference]no-talent ass clowns[/officespacereference] ruin perfectly good songs. The exception is when a techno song uses the voices of presidents or other great speakers to render the lyrics, then it's awesome.

As for covers, it's fifty/fifty. I'll use Michael Jackson covers for example. I liked Alien Ant Farm's version of "Smooth Criminal" better than the original. The cover was more fast-paced and driving in comparison. Fallout Boy's version of "Beat It," however, made me want to vomit. Fallout Boy already sucks and they have to ruin a masterpiece with their cacophonis vocals. They even went to far as to try and attempt Eddie Van Halen's solo and keep the butchered solo in their cover. Fuck Fallout Boy, they ruined that song for me.

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It really depends on the song. First, I like some covers, sometimes even more than the original, for example Gary Jule's Madworld is better than Tears for Fears' (both are great though). Sometimes covers aren't that good so it really depends on the song.

As for remixes, I haven't heard a lot but the ones I've heard were pretty cool. But with remixes I alwasy prefer the original though.

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I love a good remix. I have several variations of several songs on my iPod, but the remix is almost always preferred to the original.

An example of mine is Viva La Vida by Coldplay. I downloaded the Telemitry Remix of it, and I much prefer it to the original, because it has heavier bass, along with several extra nice things which make it sound better.

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