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Serenes Forest in Your Pocket


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With all the new gadgets of tomorrow populating the world, you can literally take the forum with you. I decided to do a simple review of how the forum stands on my PSP and Nintendo DS and a cellphone. If you have other mobile devices please feel free to review.

Load time - 6.5/10

This is probably the area where the forum will suffer the most, which is mostly at fault of the low RAM and processing capabilities of handheld devices. The only way the forum could speed this up really is to lower the image sizes, or have an image reduced/free version for handheld users. It's not really needed though, as in probably a year or so these devices will be faster.

Compatibility - 9/10

With the little amount of flash, java and javascript a majority of the site's features work on most handheld devices. Hopefully they'll have more plugins available for them in the future. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's for sure.

Posting - 7/10

Significantly harder to post obviously due to lack of a keyboard. However the DS is far easier than the PSP, and I hear the iPhone and iTouch are just as good as the DS in these areas. The PSP however is getting a new keyboard later this year, so perhaps it'll be able to compete soon?

Nothing really the site can do about this to be honest. It's mostly the handhelds to blame.

Display - 8/10

It's not really that distorted, and some handheld browsers ever make it look as it would on a PC, (such as the DS).

Glitchs and errors - 7/10

Very few glitches or errors, the only ones really are some images not displaying. Not great, but not terrible. Passable for sure.

All and all I'd say Serenes Forest scores about 7.9/10 in the mobile device area. It's above average, and works on a lot of devices, but of course there are some it won't. That's a given though. Features mostly work, and the site looks pretty decent.

Tested on: Nintendo DS, PSP, and a Razor Cellphone.

Any other devices you guys use?

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Iphone works good, i have gone on my dad's.

Any advantages on the iPhone web wise? I know it supports a higher flash version, which opens up a lot more possibilities, but anything else that sets it higher?

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Touch screen interfaces are absolute shit, especially when it comes to browsing. The iPhone/iPod Touch browser isn't very user-friendly either.

As for me, I use a PC. Because it's better.

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I'm surprised people actually bought the DS browser and all givewn its reputation for being well...rubbish. The DSi version is somewhat better due to more RAM and processor...downside is less battery as a result

One thing to ask about these. Did anyone use the Lo-Fi verison of the site* in thier tests. Its not as good as say, the cellphone version of Facebook (which I use at home as the bloatware of "New" Facebook grinds my browser to a halt while it swiftly flies along) but due to no graphics and simple layout it should be a whole lot quicker. Shame it doesn't tell you who started a topic :(

*-I'm shocked, the thing actually works for once. Every other IPB i've seen the thing just doesn't work properly...

Don't know why this topic is making me think of WAP...Yeah I saw right through that hype plus I'd only just got "real" internet in its dial-up, pay per minute glory :(

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IIRC there are options to turn off the display of avatars, signatures, and user-posted images, which would make mobile browsing much, much easier, I might try it with my PSP. Still, I prefer the convenience of computers, if ever I can't access one then I'm probably doing something more important than lurking forums.

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iPhone works fairly well with wifi, and it's great for posting. Without wifi, it's all about signal. Good signal makes for decent load times, bad signal and you may want to multi-task...

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