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Piracy is not theft

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Piracy is stealing, because you are taking something from someone and depriving the owner of some goods (money in this case). If you take it, you're not going to buy it. And don't make lame excuses about how you were not going to buy it anyway, it IS stealing.

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Would you go into a music store with a special laptop and rip data from CDs when the clerk's too busy looking at nudey mags and THEN put it back and leave?

Firstly, that's depriving the STORE, and secondly, as long as they lose nothing, of course I would!

Piracy is stealing, because you are taking something from someone and depriving the owner of some goods (money in this case). If you take it, you're not going to buy it. And don't make lame excuses about how you were not going to buy it anyway, it IS stealing.

Right... Now, first, a couple things;

First of all, is the "I wasn't going to buy it anyway". There are seriously things I pirate that I would NEVER think of buying. They lose nothing from that. Now, how about the things I pirate and buy? I've given them money for that! Or how about the things I'm unsure on? What if there's an album that could be total crap? If I pirate it, I can see if its good or not.

Not to mention the fact that artists themselves make next to no money from the sale of CDs, so Piracy is in most of their best interests. I can make more arguments for other things too.

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I can still afford to pay for school and rent AND go out with friends because of piracy : D Not having to pay for video games (cept 360 <_< ) or music comes in handy.

[typical pirate] besides im just one person, im not hurting anything! [typical pirate]

Cue:"But do you know how many people think the same thing!?"

Edited by Nanaya Shiki
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This topic was initially a joke... don't know why you all went serious.

Possibly because joke topics don't fucking belong in general discussion.

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That's clear. I think the question is over whether or not it SHOULD be. :D

It shouldn't, inmyopinion. There are too many poor people in this world who only dream of getting their hands on something original that they cannot afford. Thus they resort to buying pirated stuff. XD I did that long time ago, buy something that was not original, that is. It was cheap. ^^

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It shouldn't, inmyopinion. There are too many poor people in this world who only dream of getting their hands on something original that they cannot afford. Thus they resort to buying pirated stuff. XD I did that long time ago, buy something that was not original, that is. It was cheap. ^^

Things cost money to cover developement costs. If it isn't sold/developed any more though, I think it ought to be fair game.

But as always, THIEVERY IS WRONG. Don't do it, ever.

Edited by Bohemund
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Piracy is illegal because if you pirate it, you're much less likely to buy it. Imagine how many not-so-great games or songs you would have bought if you hadn't pirated them first. The company loses a little money on all of them. Now multiply that by several million people who pirate.

But like Bohemund said, I don't think that developers should have as much power to punish you if that game/CD isn't made any more. Then the only person you're cheating money out of then is Ebay. :D But it still should be illegal.

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It's stealing in another form.

You see, one fo the reasons SNK went barnkrupt was becase of piracy. You copy the product, but you sell it for less money than the official product, andthe company doesn't profit with it.

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Like it's been said, piracy=money deprivation. Sure, it's not that bad if you do it to something that's been around for a pretty long time, and isn't still being sold in common stores. It's still illegal, although the "unless you go up to a policeman and tell him about it, you're not likely to get caught" type of illegal. Sure, I did this to Fire Emblems 4 and 5, but I wouldn't think even a policeman would care about a game that's not being still sold (I think) in it's own country.

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In a moral argument, justifying something as wrong simply because it is illegal holds quite thin. There are laws in certain states in the US which prohibit same-sex marriages, sodomy, and in some counties even the right to live there if you are gay. Does that mean that people from these areas should accept homosexuality as immoral and wrong, just because it is illegal?

Public protest to a law through its willing abandonment is one form of social change, and one which has been used many times successfully within the United States.

There are arguments out there for why piracy is wrong, but saying "because it's illegal" isn't one.

Edited by Black Knight
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