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Piracy is not theft

General Spoon

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Also, DRM is the most fucking retarded idea since acid lined condoms. Seriously. DRM has basically no affect on Pirates, since they wouldn't be pirates if they couldn't crack shit like that. So really all it does is punish the legit people, in effect having NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER EXCEPT TO UNNECESSARILY LIMIT REGULAR USERS.

So either a) whoever is putting this shit in place is fucking retarded, or B) whoever is putting this shit in place wants to screw the consumer.

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Also, DRM is the most fucking retarded idea since acid lined condoms. Seriously. DRM has basically no affect on Pirates, since they wouldn't be pirates if they couldn't crack shit like that. So really all it does is punish the legit people, in effect having NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER EXCEPT TO UNNECESSARILY LIMIT REGULAR USERS.

So either a) whoever is putting this shit in place is fucking retarded, or B) whoever is putting this shit in place wants to screw the consumer.

The logic behind DRM and other failed measures against piracy is: programmers know (or at least should know) that its meaningless. However, their bosses (who know jack shit about the subject) see piracy and thinks I'M LOSING MONEY, YOU GRUNT DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR YOU'LL LOSE YOUR JOB.

it actually is theft, its just that were not the ones who put it on the internet, or did we.....?

Not theft. Illegal, but not theft.

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I pirate things.

I don't steal them.

If I had no ability to pirate them then I wouldn't buy them anyways.

If I didn't pirate things then the stores/game companies get the same amount of money either way.

Prove my logic wrong.

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I don't care one bit if it's illegal;

However, you fucking pirates are the reason everyone has to deal with ridiculously stupid DRM, and I hope they're adding a new circle in hell just for you.

Except no it's not. DRM is cracked like a bitch within the first days of a game's release, often earlier than that (Spore managed an impressive -3 days, golf clap), if it were made to stop piracy then its purpose would be rendered utterly useless.

DRM like Securom is made to kill the second-hand game market that is the source of extra money in such organizations as eBay and Gamestop. And that is where it's doing well.

That said, I commonly torrent programs to try them out. I've pirated games before, but for the most part, I usually end up buying the game. Not because I have some kind of duty to do so once I've gotten the game and tried it for free, but because I often enjoy playing a game elsewhere than on my computer.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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There's an obvious reason why Piracy is illegal.

It isn't because it's wrong or they don't want you to steal it, though. That's silly.

Piracy is illegal simply to limit non-profits.

Do note that a bulk of all artists actually make a living based on the sale of the product. It's the companies that make the bulk of the profits, and usually they make far more money off the product than they deserve. Music is a huge example of an industry that robs the artists, and then whines about pirating. I mean, yeah, the artist will be rich if his album/game/movie goes 'triple platinum', but that rarely happens, even if you count every pirate.

The only industry I can't really support pirating is movies. It's a large industry that features a lot of talent and a lot of people working for a living. Are there movies that aren't worth watching? Yeah. But 9/10, you can find that out from trailers, reviews, or your own tastes. Plus it takes forever and uses up a ton of space.

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Here's a little something to chew on: reselling a used game is illegal, thus a number of large company's are "stealing" profits.

Oh no, the used games can of worms is opened :(

Simply put reselling it is fine. Once I bought it, it is now my property. It only gets iffy with online based digital distrutions where you are buying a liscence to the title.

Publishers are just being grouchy as they see Gamestop sales danmaging their turf and what percentages of the sales and stuff. At the same time the publishers are holding back releasing them igitally as it could kill future remakes (see: Square-Enix). Thing is something like 80% of the trade in credit goes back into new games. Its a shame 80% of $10 is only $8 and gamestop is selling that game they gave you $10 for at $30+.

Many people wouldn't bother with the hobby if they couldn't trade stuff back as it would become too expensive.

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There's an obvious reason why Piracy is illegal.

It isn't because it's wrong or they don't want you to steal it, though. That's silly.

Piracy is illegal simply to limit non-profits.

Do note that a bulk of all artists actually make a living based on the sale of the product. It's the companies that make the bulk of the profits, and usually they make far more money off the product than they deserve. Music is a huge example of an industry that robs the artists, and then whines about pirating. I mean, yeah, the artist will be rich if his album/game/movie goes 'triple platinum', but that rarely happens, even if you count every pirate.

The only industry I can't really support pirating is movies. It's a large industry that features a lot of talent and a lot of people working for a living. Are there movies that aren't worth watching? Yeah. But 9/10, you can find that out from trailers, reviews, or your own tastes. Plus it takes forever and uses up a ton of space.

Are you trying to be stupid? It what god-forsaken recess of your mind does it make more sense to pirate music and software that hundreds of people worked on and depend on good sales for profit, while the movie industry even in these dire time is unflagging in it's ability to make profit, and the only one who loses out in the end if a movie is pirated is the studio (production, actors, etc are all paid before the movie is released). In stark contrast, musicians garner their revenue directly proportional to how many CDs they sell, they don't get a $20 million commission from a recording studio just for releasing the album, the album has to sell too.

Your argument defeats itself.

Edited by Black Knight
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