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So... how did your Valentine's Day go?

Freohr Datia

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Mine sucked =/

Yesterday I planned on coming on here (just the day before my computer broke). I didn't have time, though. Everyone else went on and there was no time for me.

My brother and I were trying to record for a song (I was writing drums and stuff) but I continually messed up. First, the drum beat went too slow. Then, I tried playing along to the song but it made me mess up. Then I tried again with the song muted and I played too fast... Plus, I eventually forgot how some parts went.

I tried to play FE to ease myself... It just made things worse. Everyone died all the time!!!

I tried playing Solitaire and did so well, but would always run out of options

I wrote down something I planned on making a topic on... And now I can't do it cause my computer's dead (and it was a pretty long topic). There's no way I'm typing all that again.

And there's poetry I wanted to put on here... Can't get that anymore either

There's more, but I can only type so much on PS3 =(

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awwww don't be sad freohr! I just played a whole chapter and then it got erased so i have to play the chapter agian.

For me, that'd only upset me depending on how long it was... I'm guessing long...

Well, to look on the bright side... When I tried to listen to Underøath to pacify me, it did work. They never fail me =) But that's the only bright side.

All this started on Friday the 13th... Usually I don't believe in those superstition things, but it just happened to start then...

Today's become bad too. I think I picked up a curse the second Friday the 13th started. People may tell me that I just got bad luck just because I expected it to be so on that day. I'd get into the story, but it's really long. If I told you how it went, I would love to see how much people would say it was my imagination. Normally my Friday 13ths are normal. This is the first time I had one so terrible (worst day of my life really)

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For me, that'd only upset me depending on how long it was... I'm guessing long...

Today's become bad too. I think I picked up a curse the second Friday the 13th started. People may tell me that I just got bad luck just because I expected it to be so on that day. I'd get into the story, but it's really long. If I told you how it went, I would love to see how much people would say it was my imagination. Normally my Friday 13ths are normal. This is the first time I had one so terrible (worst day of my life really)

Your luck will change again sooner or later.

Edited by Bohemund
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Your luck will change again sooner or later.

Maybe it will end by the Friday the 13th of next month =D

I was supposed to make a topic explaining what had happened on the 13th because it was the most terrible (and unlikely) experience of my life. I would do so now, but... typing it on Microsoft Word gave me almost 6 pages of a story and it doesn't go good without the details. There was much information I would need to tell. There's no way I'm taking the time to retype it all.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Maybe it will end by the Friday the 13th of next month =D

I was supposed to make a topic explaining what had happened on the 13th because it was the most terrible (and unlikely) experience of my life. I would do so now, but... typing it on Microsoft Word gave me almost 6 pages of a story and it doesn't go good without the details. There was much information I would need to tell. There's no way I'm taking the time to retype it all.

I'll wait for it. But you better share this time!

Also, can you remove the typo you quoted? lol

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The story about your live experience which is now forever trapped on your dead PC.


Before I typed it on the PC, I wrote it on paper. I could try type it in a topic but have everything split into how many posts it takes to fit it all since my typing space is limited on the PS3. You want that?

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Perhaps. Writing usually calms one's nerves.

So, what about the ghost story?

I could type it perhaps right now. I shouldn't be on here too long though.

The story will take many separate posts too =/ It's shorter though. =D

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It was cool and bad. Cool cuz I went to New York, bad because I couldn't spend it with my gf. But we're going to the movies today. I also got her a silver bracelet with jade and La Maison Du Chocolat( the greatest chocolate in the world. I got a box less than half the size of an Iphone, $22.) Masu complained a lot. Masu seemed upset because we didn't get to do what he wanted, NOTHING.

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It was cool and bad. Cool cuz I went to New York, bad because I couldn't spend it with my gf. But we're going to the movies today. I also got her a silver bracelet with jade and La Maison Du Chocolat( the greatest chocolate in the world. I got a box less than half the size of an Iphone, $22.) Masu complained a lot. Masu seemed upset because we didn't get to do what he wanted, NOTHING.

.......fuck you computer.

Edited by Len
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