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Favorite Chapter

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I can't remember which one this is, but I can describe it =)

The chapter with the little guard thingy (Royal Guard?) with Geoffrey, Kieran, all the horsey peoplez and... Danved?... I think =D

It was so much fun having the weapon variety.

Plus, that was the first chapter to have the song thingy that appears on that map... and I used to listen to that song a lot (lost the cd XD) and usually when I read books and there's a certain song/band or something like that I am attached to at the time, then when I listen to the song/group in the future, it reminds me of the story I read. It was fun remembering the story. idk why, it just is.

... but... yeah, that would probably be my favorite =)

That's Part 2 chapter 3, it is quite fun despite the catapults, marcia's weakpoint, and astrids low might

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1-6-2 for being the first water animation battle. (what was it like when you fought on water in por anyway??)

1-F esp for jarod but other stuff too.

3-3 is good. I thought it was a cool chapter and I like outdoor stages with narrow passages (PoR's cliff chapter and blazing sword's pirate chapter are two of my faves).

All of part 2's stages are pretty cool IMO except the cave one with lucia.

3-12 is really cool, even though it ends too fast (I wanna get to sigrun!).

4-2 because Pelleas joins up. I really like Pelleas as a character.

None of the 4-E chapters, I get tired of the stonework by 4-3. The goddess' tower should of have had some rivers in it. She made the world, she can make a few goddamn rivers for goddess' sake.

Was it in part 2 or 3? The group you're describing (independent of Eli's gambit where they arrive ~turn 8, which possibly means before you win the chapter) have two chapters to themselves and I suspect you're referring to the one in part 2.

Part 2 =D

That's Part 2 chapter 3, it is quite fun despite the catapults, marcia's weakpoint, and astrids low might

oh okay then. Yeah, the catapults were kinda annoying. Without those, she was awesome, though. Astrid got kinda annoying too, cause she did so much less than everyone else.

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2-E is a really cool map, with the sheer number of units that are thrown at you, combined with the number of fliers you get to control (I like fliers). Plus, you can always just fly down with Elincia/Haar to grab Ludveck's shiny Tomahawk :)

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3-E was great fun, for the same reasons everyone gave: the big clash of armies really gives you an epic feeling.

4-5 is also fun, because you get countless reinforcements to level up on :lol:

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