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Biggest Global Threat


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What is, in you opinion, the biggest threat to global security at the moment? And don't just say "terrorism" or "pollution", be specific.

I would say it is the really radical terrorists in the Middle East. They haven't done much recently, but I bet attacks will start up again once the U.S. and other countries back out. That or North Korea. They scare the crap out of me. Especially with the new missiles they claim to have.

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What is, in you opinion, the biggest threat to global security at the moment? And don't just say "terrorism" or "pollution", be specific.

I would say it is the really radical terrorists in the Middle East. They haven't done much recently, but I bet attacks will start up again once the U.S. and other countries back out. That or North Korea. They scare the crap out of me. Especially with the new missiles they claim to have.

Don't be afraid, it's ok to be afraid.

I don't know, global warming kinda scares me, though I aint scared of anything. Yep, this world will soon end... :lol:

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Biggest threat to our planet is humans.
The United States is probably less likely to unleash something supremely devastating like a nuclear war than some other countries, but considering all the lesser devastation it's caused and will likely continue to cause...yeah, I'm gonna say we have met the enemy and it is us.

I sorta agree with you peeps there.

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If climate change really comes into full swing, then we'll be looking at a pretty vast reshaping of the world's ecosystem and uh, landscape.

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Why the fuck would North Korea scare you? I don't care what shit they say they have, they just have some nukes that they can't bother us with. There's kinda an ocean between us, and I doubt they'll be getting a nuke across it anytime soon by any means.

Remember, this is the country where people are starving and not allowed to leave.

Edited by Navarre
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Why the fuck would North Korea scare you? I don't care what shit they say they have, they just have some nukes that they can't bother us with. There's kinda an ocean between us, and I doubt they'll be getting a nuke across it anytime soon by any means.

Remember, this is the country where people are starving and not allowed to leave.

Actually, they just announced that they have missiles that can reach the US. If this is true, the government expects to see some tests within the next week or so. We're hoping we can shoot 'em down first.

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Greatest threat to the world? Everything! The universe could collapse for all we know. So many ways to shatter global security, who gives a shit? At least we can do stuff to make sure it isnt' our faults...a whole 2 things of nuclear war and global warming. Nuclear war will happen eventually and we aren't gonna solve global warming.

So what's the greatest threat? Our inability to enjoy anything.

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Actually, they just announced that they have missiles that can reach the US. If this is true, the government expects to see some tests within the next week or so. We're hoping we can shoot 'em down first.

And again I say to you; fear not.

You think the USA doesn't have a security plan to keep the country protected?

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Uh, I dunno, greatest threat? To be honest, the greatest threat to HUMANITY is probably Climate Change right now. I don't see how a bunch of extremists living in the Middle East (read as a fucking hellhole for EVERYONE living there, extremist or not) are going to be making much of a difference.

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Actually, they just announced that they have missiles that can reach the US.

If North Korea were to claim that the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check.

The word of the norks is less than worthless.

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If North Korea were to claim that the sky was blue, I'd go outside and check.

The word of the norks is less than worthless.

Very good point. North Korea is about as trustworthy as a toilet paper safety harness.

Plus, there's the fact that they've been facing famine for several years now, which they adamantly deny is happening.

At least they're not as fucked as Zimbabwe.

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Actually, aren't tensions rising high between North and South Korea again?

To my knowledge, yes. Of course, NK is unlikely to actually do anything. NK gets by in the modern world by being stereotyped as unpredictable and dangerous; going to war would pull back the curtain on that, and this time there would be no red Chinese army to save them. The men in charge aren't likely to risk their comfort.

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