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What would your HONEST statistics be?


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Lvl 4. 2th Tier


HP - 36

Str - 20

Mag - 10

Skl - 13

Spd - 25

Lck - 8

Def - 26

Res - 15

Sword, Fire magic when promoted. I'm very strong at good speed and quite smart to. I don't get hurt quickly. However, if I'm hurt, I'm hurt badly. Also, my style is strong but straighfoward, and so I have low skill.

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Well,I guess i'd be somewhat like this...

Lv.1 (Some random class )

Hp: 26

Str: 3

Mag: 16

Skl :15






I am rather intelligent,quite sturdy and skilled,but i'm slow and not very strong... Dark mage?

Edited by Ether
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I would be a Hero of some sorts.

Hp: 45

Atk: 24- You can't live in the Bronx if your weak, Boxing

Mag: 15- I'm smart for Latinos in New York, Got into Brooklyn tech, didn't get

Skl: 19- I miss alot in Boxing.. or am I fight swordmasters

Speed: 25: I'm fast. Period.

Def: 23- I can take a hit or 5.

Resistance: 14- I'm not weak minded. I don't fall for things that people do. But I can't influence either.

B in Swords

D in Axes

I rather fight with my fist.

Prf- Iron Knuckles-

10 Mgt, Wt 2, hit 90, crt 0, Effective against those no armored mage/nerds

Edited by Rennac
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Rakath LV1 Rogue (Thief > Rogue > Whisper)

HP: 30 (40%)

Str: 12 (30%) (Note: Caps at 20/25 instead of 22/28)

Mag: 14 (50%) (Note: Caps at 20/26 instead of 15/20)

Skill: 16 (30%)

Speed: 22 (60%)

Luck: 16 (80%) (Note: Caps at 40 Whisper instead of 35)

Def: 10 (05%) (Not like it matters, but caps at 15/22 instead of 20/26)

Res: 10 (60%) (Note: Caps at 20/30 instead of 15/25)

Wt: 6

Con: 8

Move: 7 (8 during a High Biorhythem, 6 during a Low Biorhythem)

Weapon - Violet Bloom

Rank: Prf - Might: 8 - Hit: 80 - Crit: 15 - Weight: 4 - Range: 1 - Uses: Infinite - Worth: Zero - WExp: 4

Attack is calculated using Rakath's Magic instead of Strength.


Flighty - Movement +1/-1 based on Biorhythem (Can't remove)


I'm a really spiritual person, I have strict rules and standards for thieving...

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I'm pretty frail so I think I'm a priest. :P

Level ??

Hp: 15

Str: 3

Mag: 5

Skl :7




Res: 6

Con: 3

E staves

Skill: bitchslap

Be the first healer the team gets and you'll do well on tier lists no matter how sad your stats are ;)

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HP - 20 (I'm normal[i think])

Str - 5(8-Just when I'm angry...)

Mag - 15 (I'm not a Genius and I don't get A as grade :\, but I learn quick most of the things)

Skl - 10 (I just use one Eye the other have just 45% of Vision)

Spd - 8 (I good on catching Buses )

Def - 8 (It takes some hits to take me down XD )

Lck - -10 (Horrible Luck with Women -_-')

Res - 17 (I don't get sick easily however... if I get... It takes me one week to get over X_X)

Edited by Gemini-Saga
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Archer lvl 1, they don't have compound bows in FE so it would be a whole new experience for me.

You didn't start with a regular bow? Well, I hope you can properly draw a bow without the let-off :P

I have less to worry about because I prefer a recurve bow, but I know I would miss my sight :(

Edited by Tamara
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I can think of two options:

Nomad Lv 3

HP 25 (Based off the fact that my friends can hit me repeatedly without doing much more than annoying me)

Str 5 (I a wimpy.)

Skl 9 (I can aim a bow pretty well, excellent vision, a decent equestrian.)

Spd 7 (Pony.)

Luck 0 (I trip over things, stuff falls on me, always in wrong place at wrong time...)

Def 6 (Hard to injure, never broken a bone, and I've fell off of a horse about ten times or so without doing permanent damage.)

Res 5 (Not a typical Nomad res, I know, but I'm basing it off of the fact that I rarely get sick)

Con 7 (Tall.)

Prf Weapon: Hawkeye (bow) Rng 2, Wt 5, Mt 8, Hit 80, Crt 15, Uses 30


Mage Lv 4

HP 20

Mag 4 (I'm good at science/math?)

Skl 7

Spd 3 (Can't run too fast or anything. Lousy reflexes.)

Luck 0 (still)

Def 5

Res 5

Con 7 (Still tall.)

Prf tome: Spark (anima) Rng 1-2, Wt 9 (heavy book!), Mt 8, Hit 85, Crt 15, Uses 40

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Hmm, well I usually end up playing a Cleric or some other class in tabletop RPG's , so Saint seems to fit fairly well. Plus, I don't have much physical power, so I have to do something useful.

HP:20 (this is normal right)

Str: 3 (I'm not much of a lifter or anything)

Mag: 12 (I'm pretty smart)

Skl: 5 (bad at hitting things)

Spd: 7 (bad long distance, but I can sprint pretty fast)

Def: 6 (I'm surprisingly durable)

Luck: 12 (I seem to have really good luck)

Res: 3 (I get sick a lot)

Con: 6 (I'm pretty tall)

E Staves and E Light Magic just for the lulz.

So yeah, I guess I'd make a decent Saint, probably have a whole different personality from other Saints though lol, not really the nice and quiet type.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Some people are definitely lying...

So here's me Fire Emblem style:

Chaz archer level 1

HP: 18

Str: 4

mag: 2

spd: 9

skl: 7

Luk: 5

Def: 2

Res: 2

Here's me regularly:

Chaz civilian lv 1

HP: 16

Str: 4

Mag: 9

spd: 10

skl: 6

Luk: 7

Def: 4

Res: 9

Thats it I guess.

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  • 4 months later...

Tankish mercenary.

A HP, Done lots of long distance running, and have puposely decided to just take punches in fights

C+/B- Strength

C Magic, for a melee unit, it'll be good

C= Skill (I dunno, I'm not a complete klutz)

A Speed (I track and x-country)

F Luck (lol)

B Defence, for reasons in hp

C+- Resistance, for a melee units it'll be good too

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HP: C. Have natural stamina, but not really stunning amounts of it.

Str: D. I'm a weakling.

Mag: B. I'd think myself a decent learner, but I'm no means a genius.

Skill: C. Not much finesse to me.

Speed: B. Naturally speedy, just no marathon runner.

Luck: F. Ugh.

Defense: B. For someone without stamina, I can take a bit of punishment. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment

Resistance: F. ;;>>

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Well... If FE were RL, I'd probably be something like this:

Class: Mage Fighter, Lv5 (I know how to fight.)

HP: 17 [45%] (I can't take much, and often am ill...)

STR: 5 [25%] (I'm rather weak, and can't lift heavier stuff...)

MAG: 11 [60%] (I consider myself to be pretty smart.)

SKL: 7 [55%] (I'm somewhat clumsy sometimes, but once I concentrate on something, I improve my skill on it very quickly.)

SPD: 8 [50%] (I'm somewhat fast and agile.)

LUK: 1 [15%] (I'm horribly unlucky.)

DEF: 3 [20%] (Again, I can't take much, and I am rather frail physically.)

RES: 6 [35%] (I'm somewhat sturdy mentally, but it could be better...)

CON: 7 [0%] (I'm averagely tall, but I'm really meager. Also, I'm not growing anymore.)

Weapon levels:

Sword: C

Wind: A

Fire: C

Thunder: E

Affinity: Dark

Wow, looking at my stats, I sure do suck. =P

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Lv.1, don't care what class...

25 HP

1 STR (10%)

5 Mag(20%)(I dunno what magic is supposed to represent)

15 SKL(100%)

8 SPD(25%)

20 LUK(40%)

0 DEF(10%)

28 RES(200%)

3 Con(A 6 foot twig if there ever is one)

Gimme the Awareness and Wrath Skill from FE4 and Silencer.

Edited by Cephas
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Seeing as I'm a bit tubby...

Class: Lance Knight (Lvl 10)

Lance Knight -> Lance General -> Marshall

HP: 23 [55%]

STR: 13 [45%]

SKL: 15 [65%]

SPD: 10 [35%]

LCK: 14 [40%]

DEF: 14 [45%]

MAG: 8 [15%]

RES: 11 [25%]

Affinity: Earth

Weapon Levels: Lance C, Axe D (upon 2nd tier promotion), Sword E (upon 3rd tier promotion).

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Class: Mage Level 1

HP: D (I'm not a very physical person)

Str: D (Same as hp)

Magic C ( I can learn pretty well but not excel in it)

Skill: D ( yeah i can only do paper stuff and cpu stuff)

Luck: C (neither lucky nor lucky)

Defense: C ( I can survive decently)

Resistance: D

Speed: C (I can run okay not fast)

Con: 4 (I have a hard time lifting stuff for i'm not very physical)

Affinity: Ice.

Weapon Level Anima:C or if in FE4-FE5 Fire:D Thunder:D Wind:D

Edited by Jason W.
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well as of now...

lvl1: shaman(i don't get out much and i like reading)

HP: 20 (i have a good eating habit)

STR: 3 (not good with pushups but i can do about 20 pull-ups)

MAG: 5(hey im very spiritual)

SKL: 8(i can make decent 3-pointers when playing basketball)

SPD: 13(i can sprint at a speed at about 13 mph)

LCK: 15(i saw a shooting star last night while staring out of my window)

DEF: 3 (i sprained my ankel because i tripped in P.E.)

RES: 4 (i restrained myself from eating the last egg roll on the table)

Affinity: Wind (born in may)

Con: 5 (not too big, not too little)

Move: 5(i walk a lot)

Weapon Level: Dark-E(i just started)

Skills: Shade(i'm easily un-noticeable)

Prf Weapon: Ereshkigal(yeah i wish)

Edited by Sol Katti
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Well, if I made a game I would be a Sage... But as for me? As for who I am? It would go something like this:


I'm an archer because I've done archery for a year now. I'm exact on wins and losses because that's how many competitions I've had. I've won three, I lost one. Last of all, those stats were gotten off of a random number generator, but I gave myself growths similar to how I am. Oh, and the Light attribute was based on the new affinity quiz. Also, I subtracted one from build because although I'm pretty average height, I'm a little more skinny than average.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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drk maegz r cool amirite

Actually I'm pretty supportive, have a very loving presence and I love to sing, so I'd be a bard/dancer.

Level 8

HP: 28

Str: 1

Skill: 2

Spd: 18

Luck: 1

Def: 1

Res: 22

I am very weak and very soft, but I function better than most people under great pain. My reflexes, while not so great in games, are really good in real life. In fact it was recognized back in high school when I was in martial arts. That's where the speed stat comes from. I always have miserable luck and I'm not particularly skilled, so those two are simple. As for res? There is no weather or hazard I can't pass through easily. Everyone around me will be complaining about it being too hot or cold but I just shrug and ignore it. I suppose my stable mind would also contribute to res. Hard to say, hm? Those are some mad stats for a level 8 bard!

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Well, I wouldn't be any type of magic player. I'm generally smaller than warriors, but bigger than swordmasters, so I would say that my class would be Mercenary/Hero. As far as what level I'm in, I feel like I'm just entering the prime of my life, so I guess I'll be sitting around a level 18 Mercenary.


HP:33 (I suppose I can take bit of a beating and survive)

Str:13 (I'm probably just above average when it comes to strength)

Skl:15 (Above average in coordination)

Spd:20 (I'm fast)

Lck:6 (I'm not much of a believer in luck)

Def:15 (High pain tolerance)

Res: 10 (Probably high for a mercenary of my level, but the only correlation I can make to resistance in real life is that I never get sick)









Overall, I guess I'd say I would have above average stats everywhere except for speed (maxed) and Luck (pitiful), and my Con stat would be just slightly below average for a mercenary/hero.

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Starting class: Lv. 10 Mage Fighter.

HP: 15 (I have shitty stamina)

Strength: 10 (I have quite a bit of raw strength)

Defence: 5 (I don't take hits well)

Speed: 5 (I can be REALLY slow, or REALLY fast, the fast bit is in my growths, see below)

Magic: 10 (I'm actually quite smart IRL)

Skill: 0 (I can't aim anything worth a damn)

Luck: 8 (I'm fairly lucky)

Resistance: 20 (I have TONS of faith in my ability to resist the attacks of the supernatural)

Weapon Ranks:

Sword: C

Fire: C

Thunder: C

Wind: E

Starting equipment:

Steel Blade (e)



Growth Rates:

HP: 5%

Str: 70%

Def: 50%

Speed: 120%

Mag: 70%

Skl: 5%

Luk: 60%

Res: 120%

Affinity: Thunder

Skills: Nihil, Wrath

Looking at my stats, I'm like some sort of lobsided Wolf/Sedgar! XD

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I am no big deal...

Class: Theif (LVL 1)

Theif -> Assasin -> Executioner

HP: 19 [60%]

Str: 5 [55%]: You could say I am strong, but not that much...

Mag: 0 [40%]: I believe my magic prowess is decent.

Skill: 8 [70%]: I have nice aiming skills.

Spd: 11 [70%]: I am quite agile too.

Luck: 9 [65%]: Usually end up "lucky" in many circumstances.

Def: 6 [20%]: I am fragile, but I am no straw-guy.

Res: 2 [55%]: I have decent resistance IRL.

Con: 7

Affinity: Ice/Water

Knives: D Rank

Promotion to Executioner


Swords: C

Axes: C Rank

Oh and by the way, guys, intellegence and knowledge doesn't have anything to do with magic stat, there are many characters who use magic in FE who aren't so bright and have great magic.

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