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In Part 4-F-I (i think, while it is still night)

Has anyone had this conversation and can anyone tell me what it says. I would do it my self but the hard mode run i'm doing is not really coming that well and so it'll take a looooooooooooooong time before i get there.

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In Part 4-F-I (i think, while it is still night)

Has anyone had this conversation and can anyone tell me what it says. I would do it my self but the hard mode run i'm doing is not really coming that well and so it'll take a looooooooooooooong time before i get there.


Name: Visitor

Importance: ?

Requirements: ?

Receive: ?

Name: Stefan

Importance: *

Requirements: Stefan must be recruited and alive

Receive: None

Stefan: ...What can I do for you, Goddess Yune?

Yune: You're very strange. What are you?

Stefan: That's a strange question, especially coming from you. Didn't you

create all of us?

Yune: I didn't create anything. Not laguz nor beorc. But I know what they are,

because I've watched them change and grow over time. You... You're not

something I've seen before.

Stefan: I'm the same as the girl you dwell inside.

Yune: Ohhh... I thought Micaiah was the only one. She could hear my voice and

sing the galdr of release. But I learned that others existed. There's that boy

who's always with Ike. Or that little girl who stays by the queen of Crimea.

Stefan: There are several in my village, as well. They are my comrades. We all

live under the same fate... and carry the same curse in our blood.

Yune: When you say these words, what do they mean? Why are you cursed?

Stefan: It means that we carry the blood of both beorc and laguz. Beorc call

us Branded, and laguz call us parentless.

Yune: Does that mean your parents are beorc and laguz?

Stefan: Not always. It means that laguz and beorc mixed blood somewhere along

the line. Beorc and laguz rarely associate in that way. For them to conceive

a child together is an even rarer event. What's strange is that the child

bears no laguz characteristics. It's just a normal beorc infant. However, the

laguz blood lies asleep, waiting, in the child's veins.

Yune: Oh...

Stefan: One day, the laguz blood shows itself, marking the child's body with

a brand. How old is that girl, hmm? I don't think she's as young as she looks.

The other curse is that we age differently from beorc. It depends on what

laguz blood the child has, but it always slows how fast we age.

Yune: Micaiah says that's true. She's listening to every word you say. Please,


Stefan: The laguz blood gives the Branded unnatural powers. Beorc fear and

distrust us because they can't understand those abilities. The laguz are even

worse. They treat us like we're phantoms, refusing to acknowledge us, as if

we don't even exist.

Yune: I see...

Stefan: It's easy to hide among beorcs. You just cover the brand, avoid

getting close to anyone, and never settle down. Pretending you're normal. The

laguz are different. They can sense what we are... They have an instinct for

it. Not all laguz know for sure, but the sharp ones figure it out instantly.

Others just feel uneasy around us. Some never figure it out, but they're

surrounded by oens who do. Either way, the laguz would never talk to us

voluntarily. Why would you pay attention to someone who doesn't even exist?

Yune: Why? That doesn't make any sense. How did things get like that?

Stefan: I would like to know that as well. It's said that a union between the

laguz and beorc is a crime against the goddess. That's what we've always been


Yune: That's silly. I've never heard anything of the sort.

Stefan: ...Heh... Heheh... Hahahahaha...!

Yune: Why are you laughing?

Stefan: It's all been a lie! For hundreds of years, we've faced persecution,

abuse, and isolation. And for what? A lie! What's not to laugh about, huh?


Yune: What's happened? This is all wrong... How did history get so distorted?

Was it at a particular place and time? I don't understand. I've been asleep

for too long...

i believe it's the same whether you recruit Stefan or not, but don't quote me on this.

You get Visitor if you don't recruit Stefan, BTW. i'm not sure if you knew this, so i'ma postin' it!

Edited by Ananke
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Isn't that the same conversation of "Stefan", Visitor is with stefan not recruited ( I think) but idk mayb you are right

its the same conversation, only that instead of saying "Stefan" under his mug sprite, it says something else, whatever they put when someone mysterious is talking.

and then afterwards he leaves. so you don't gain anything from it besides the knowledge that the whole "punishment of the goddess for cross-breeding" is false.

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its the same conversation, only that instead of saying "Stefan" under his mug sprite, it says something else, whatever they put when someone mysterious is talking.

and then afterwards he leaves. so you don't gain anything from it besides the knowledge that the whole "punishment of the goddess for cross-breeding" is false.

Ah that clears it up thanks Ananke

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It puts ??? or Unknown for a mysterious person, I think.

And that's interesting. I might not recruit Stefan this time just to get that. But he's too awesome...

it really isn't worth it.

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