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Girls - Analysis #2


Which do you like more?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. ???

    • Shy
    • Outgoing

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In all honestly, I do not know, nor do I much care. I really do not plan out what kind of people I will like or dislike. I do it on an individual basis, instead of picking generalised groups.

I guess if I had to pick, I would go for someone I could empathise with. So I voted for shy.

But one thing I seriously do love, are women with loads of money!

Edited by Shuuda
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"outgoing girls tend to be more social."

And fat girls tend to weigh more. I guess a lot of us don't know what outgoing means.

2: openly friendly and responsive : extroverted

Sadface :(

I i just tend to speak like that to avoid people like you who come up and say "OMFG LOL YOU'RE USING THAT WORD WRONG!". Guess it didn't work. <_<

At least I'm not being completely idiotic and bigoted like others in these threads...

Typical outcast equation. Thinking that everything in this world is give and take. "Oh, she's pretty, but a bitch on the inside", "Oh, she's social, but totally lacks depth"

This sort of escapism is what allows losers and outcasts to sit there doodling in their notebooks in the corner of the classroom, convincing themselves that the reason they don't have any friends is because they're more intelligent than those idiots around them.

The fact is there are people out there who are beautiful, kind, outgoing, intense, and clairvoyant in their empathy and ability to read deeply into things. People who are great in just about every way. And there are also people out there like you, who legitimize their own shortcomings by saying they can't control the way they are, and make up for this deficiency by tearing down others to make themselves feel a little less pathetic.

Jesus, learn to aspire. Learn to be more than you are now. Learn to see the good in people. Or you're in for one hell of a miserable life.

You, sir, are too awesome. Thank you for voicing how I feel on the matter( albeit in a much more sophisticated manner).

Edited by Faiya
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Typical outcast equation. Thinking that everything in this world is give and take. "Oh, she's pretty, but a bitch on the inside", "Oh, she's social, but totally lacks depth"

This sort of escapism is what allows losers and outcasts to sit there doodling in their notebooks in the corner of the classroom, convincing themselves that the reason they don't have any friends is because they're more intelligent than those idiots around them.

The fact is there are people out there who are beautiful, kind, outgoing, intense, and clairvoyant in their empathy and ability to read deeply into things. People who are great in just about every way. And there are also people out there like you, who legitimize their own shortcomings by saying they can't control the way they are, and make up for this deficiency by tearing down others to make themselves feel a little less pathetic.

Jesus, learn to aspire. Learn to be more than you are now. Learn to see the good in people. Or you're in for one hell of a miserable life.

You talk as if he said that all outgoing girls are shallow, obnoxious, and/or retarded but he didn't say all of them are.

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Typical outcast equation. Thinking that everything in this world is give and take. "Oh, she's pretty, but a bitch on the inside", "Oh, she's social, but totally lacks depth"

This sort of escapism is what allows losers and outcasts to sit there doodling in their notebooks in the corner of the classroom, convincing themselves that the reason they don't have any friends is because they're more intelligent than those idiots around them.

First off, where the hell did you get the idea that I think that all outgoing girls are like that? If you read my post more carefully, I pointed at a portion of them, hence my statement:

They also tend to be shallow, obnoxious, and/or retarded.
Or did you take it the wrong way?

The fact is there are people out there who are beautiful, kind, outgoing, intense, and clairvoyant in their empathy and ability to read deeply into things. People who are great in just about every way. And there are also people out there like you, who legitimize their own shortcomings by saying they can't control the way they are, and make up for this deficiency by tearing down others to make themselves feel a little less pathetic.

It's not my fault many people think that thinking outside the box is a terrible idea. Or that many people are terrible at understanding certain things or just hear whatever they want to hear instead of what needs to be heard. I can hardly find anyone, let alone an outgoing girl, that I, a quiet person, can get along with quite well, for those reasons, and because I am very unstable.

Jesus, learn to aspire. Learn to be more than you are now. Learn to see the good in people. Or you're in for one hell of a miserable life.

I refuse to acknowledge the good in people if they can't show it to me.

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Or did you take it the wrong way?

The fact is there are people out there who are beautiful, kind, outgoing, intense, and clairvoyant in their empathy and ability to read deeply into things. People who are great in just about every way. And there are also people out there like you, who legitimize their own shortcomings by saying they can't control the way they are, and make up for this deficiency by tearing down others to make themselves feel a little less pathetic.

It's not my fault many people think that thinking outside the box is a terrible idea. Or that many people are terrible at understanding certain things or just hear whatever they want to hear instead of what needs to be heard. I can hardly find anyone, let alone an outgoing girl, that I, a quiet person, can get along with quite well, for those reasons, and because I am very unstable.

Jesus, learn to aspire. Learn to be more than you are now. Learn to see the good in people. Or you're in for one hell of a miserable life.

I refuse to acknowledge the good in people if they can't show it to me.

Thinking outside the box isn't a terrible idea. But it is a terrible idea to go around thinking so pessimistically....

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Sadface :(

I i just tend to speak like that to avoid people like you who come up and say "OMFG LOL YOU'RE USING THAT WORD WRONG!". Guess it didn't work. <_<

The best way to avoid horrible people like me, then, is to avoid being redundant and look it up if you're not sure.

I refuse to acknowledge the good in people if they can't show it to me.
That's a pretty crappy way to go through life, especially if you're willing to assume there's evil in them because, say, they laughed really loudly at a bad joke. Should I refuse to acknowledge that someone's male until they wave their dick in my face?

But I'm going off in some random direction; the point is still that outgoing girls do not "tend to be shallow, obnoxious, and/or retarded," because there is no connection between sociability and those qualities. Unless you can prove to me otherwise, of course.

Edited by YokaiKnight
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I can hardly find anyone, let alone an outgoing girl, that I, a quiet person, can get along with quite well... I refuse to acknowledge the good in people if they can't show it to me.

Protip: take this from an expert, waiting for the world to notice you is never going to happen.

If you sit there waiting for people to randomly approach you and show you that they're good people, all on their own, just because they like doing that to strangers, then you're in for a lot of disappointment. If you want to be pessimistic, fine, let me put this in your terms: you can't ever depend on someone else to do anything for you, you've got to do it yourself.

No one is going to chose to be your friend "just because", you have to do things to make them your friend. No one is ever going to appreciate you or those "out-of-the-box" ideas of yours if you only keep them inside your head. And let's be realistic here, you can't blame them. The only logical way they have to judge you is based on what you present to them, on the surface. Which at this point is someone waiting to be catered too. Not exactly an attractive marketing ploy.

Protip 2 is to realize that you're not special, and neither is anyone else (you could say the opposite, but I didn't want to abandon the pessimistic tone). Everyone had their own ideas and private thoughts that they don't tell anyone else, even those stuck up whiny bitchy girls you allude to. And if you are to ever understand the value of another human being, something I recommend, then you need to understand that the same way you judge others on their surface appearances, they judge you (If your paying enough attention in there's a catch 22 in there, but I'll let you figure that out.)

The way you need to think about this is that you can't depend on anyone. Sure, maybe people will only judge you on your surface appearances, there's always that catch. But if you just sit on your ass, judging you on the surface is the only thing they can do. Put yourself out there, try to let people see a little more. You might even find that most of those bitches are really fucking funny once you get to know them.

This has been another life lesson by Black Knight.

Really I was just trying to troll you earlier, but that was about the saddest thing I've ever read and I had to respond.

Unless you're trying to troll me....

Wait, could it be, I was the victim of a DOUBLE TROLL?

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I refuse to acknowledge the good in people if they can't show it to me.

I doubt there is any less goodness in those people than there is in you.

waiting for the world to notice you is never going to happen.

Thank god to be honest.

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Protip: take this from an expert, waiting for the world to notice you is never going to happen.

If you sit there waiting for people to randomly approach you and show you that they're good people, all on their own, just because they like doing that to strangers, then you're in for a lot of disappointment. If you want to be pessimistic, fine, let me put this in your terms: you can't ever depend on someone else to do anything for you, you've got to do it yourself.

No one is going to chose to be your friend "just because", you have to do things to make them your friend. No one is ever going to appreciate you or those "out-of-the-box" ideas of yours if you only keep them inside your head. And let's be realistic here, you can't blame them. The only logical way they have to judge you is based on what you present to them, on the surface. Which at this point is someone waiting to be catered too. Not exactly an attractive marketing ploy.

Protip 2 is to realize that you're not special, and neither is anyone else (you could say the opposite, but I didn't want to abandon the pessimistic tone). Everyone had their own ideas and private thoughts that they don't tell anyone else, even those stuck up whiny bitchy girls you allude to. And if you are to ever understand the value of another human being, something I recommend, then you need to understand that the same way you judge others on their surface appearances, they judge you (If your paying enough attention in there's a catch 22 in there, but I'll let you figure that out.)

The way you need to think about this is that you can't depend on anyone. Sure, maybe people will only judge you on your surface appearances, there's always that catch. But if you just sit on your ass, judging you on the surface is the only thing they can do. Put yourself out there, try to let people see a little more. You might even find that most of those bitches are really fucking funny once you get to know them.

This has been another life lesson by Black Knight.

Really I was just trying to troll you earlier, but that was about the saddest thing I've ever read and I had to respond.

Unless you're trying to troll me....

Wait, could it be, I was the victim of a DOUBLE TROLL?

Awesome response. I was waiting for you to get around to it!

Am I the only person who gets the feeling that people go on forums because they're shy in real life?

I'm not shy. Far from it. I'm actually loud( also outgoing AND popular. How odd). But I do get the feeling most forum goers are shy/outcasts who have no friends. People like BLS make me think so.

@Yokai: I never said you're horrible. I usually agree with your posts. Even that last one was awesome(although to a lesser degree, since I was the target :(...)

Edited by Faiya
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Am I the only person who gets the feeling that people go on forums because they're shy in real life?

No, you're not. That doesn't apply to everyone online, but a significant bunch do.

IDK about me. I talk to almost everyone and am almost exceedingly loud and funny, but I feel withdrawn at times. I'm probably just a mild perfectionist.

@Yokai: I never said you're horrible. I usually agree with your posts. Even that last one was awesome(although to a lesser degree, since I was the target :( ...)
I was just playing along. ;)
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No, you're not. That doesn't apply to everyone online, but a significant bunch do.

IDK about me. I talk to almost everyone and am almost exceedingly loud and funny, but I feel withdrawn at times. I'm probably just a mild perfectionist.

I was just playing along. ;)

You seem similar to me D:!

I'm undecided. I tend to like shy girls( and date them) more often, but the two loud girls I liked I love with all of my being( never dated an outgoing girl. Or so I thought. My current gf was what I thought was the "shy" type, but seems to be extremely outgoing around certain types of people...).

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