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... You can use the Sealed Sword to heal hp! o_o


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You just noticed that? I've known about it for quite a while now. Marth's Falchion and Leaf's Light Sword could also be used to recover HP.

NO WAI!!!!

Try to make your posts a little more worthwhile, thanks. This isn't an instant messenger.

Edited by Musashi
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Knew about Light Sword, didn't know about Sealed Sword. Haven't played FE1/3/11 so I wouldn't know about the Falchion. On that note, does it actually consume a usage or does it just stay up there?

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I liked it on the Falchion for when Marth had nothing better to do, but on the SoS it's worthless since you may as well use a vulnerary, elixir or get healed so you don't waste one of those precious 20 uses.

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Well...I did not knew it wasted uses each time it healed you, you have way powerful healers anyways.

You do not even need powerful healers, just a Mend should do the job.

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Why should I waste one use of a h4x-weapon to heal HP? I have healers.

I never knew about Falchion/Light sword. Meh. I should go and play more SNES-FEs.

Light Sword at least recovered all HP, and had 60 uses.

Now, using 5% of the Sword of Seals for poor healing? No thanks.

And yes, do play the SNES FEs.

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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The Falchion has unlimited uses anyway, so go ahead if you want to use that to heal. Kinda redundant to put it on the sword of seals though.

In FEDS (not sure about 1/3) you can use Hauteclere to recover 10 HP too, and Gradivus recovers ALL your HP... Gradivus is WAY too broken, methinks...

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The Sword of Seals (Why do people keep calling it Sealed Sword? Because they call it that in Brawl? Fuuin means Seal, Tusurgi means Sword, Fuuin no Tusurgi = [Tsurugi] of [Fuuin] alternatively [Fuuin]'s [Tsurugi], or simply an approximate translation. Using Fuuin no Tsurugi, which point to a sword related to seals in some way, rather than something to clearly point that the sword is SEALED or that it clearly SEALS away things would have suggested a better translation, but given that it's not entirely clear what the title is intended to mean as it's true both ways, the only good way to translate it is the Sword of Seals. Unless we get a translation from English-competent offical people or an interview or comment specifically stated that the translation is supposed to point one way, using anything but Sword of Seals makes you look like an idiot.) has way too few uses.

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Because it's called that in the translation patch everyone uses.

And the same reason why people know Arden sucks.

Exactly. The title is Sword of Seals, and the weapon was translated as Sealed Sword.

Same deal with Beo no Ken. Should THAT be Sword of Beowulf instead of Beowulf Sword?

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No. You're twisting words.

Beo no Ken = Beo(wulf)'s Sword. Hence, Beowulf Sword is fine, since it points towards the exact same thing, a sword related to, or owned by, someone known as Beowulf.

Sealed Sword and Sword of Seals are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. A Sword of Seals is a sword somehow related to seals. A Sealed Sword is a sword that's, well, sealed away. I'm not saying the Sword of Seals wasn't sealed away, but that's not neccesary what the name points to. Either case, it's not sealed away once you have it, is it?

It's like translating Hikari no Tsurugi into Shining Sword. Sword of Light COULD mean that it emits light, but not neccesarly.

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