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Retarded Faggot?

bunny: spider bitten

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It's one thing for it to not bother people. Most people here aren't retarded and the small majority of gay people that exist here probably wouldn't have a problem with being called a faggot.

But there's a near infinite combiation of letters and numbers to make a name, so you don't have to go out of your way to try and be offensive.

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And to be fair, I'm not attacking him.

IF he shows up, that's on him. If he decides to defend his choice, well, honestly, I don't see that going anywhere.

But it's, at best, for people to read. Because Attention topics aren't allowed, so calling him out would result in a topic lock.

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I wasn't asking him to change it.

I just wish people could be above the sort of thing in general.

I never siad you were. I said since you were complaining about the name, that will just make him be like "Lawl fag" and keep it longer. Also Bohemund's post is spot on. Hes just saying "Moron" basically.

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Really. Really? REALLY?

I mean, it's one thing to be classless over the internet and another for you to blatantly disregard all moral standards and for people to look past it.

Just stop.



Edited by Der Kommissar
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I didn't really like it when I saw it, but nobody complained, so I didn't bother mentioning anything. He's going for a name changing record, so he'll be someone else as soon as possible anyway.

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I am so fucking sick of people trying to pull the "I am morally superior" card around here.

Trying to pull? But it's not hard to be 'morally superior' compared to some of the people here - Morals obviously aren't what he's going for anyway.

Anyway. It was obvious it wasn't going to change off handedly, because it's been there. Still, if he's going for a record, he's going to need creativity anyway.

It's still good to ask why.

Edited by furry bunny
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Trying to pull? But it's not hard to be 'morally superior' compared to some of the people here...

Right, because it's possible to have "better" morals than the guy next to you. Morality isn't something you can objectively measure, so stop trying.

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