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Actually I will fight you Tatsumaki, I've been a bit hung up here these past couple of minutes. I have you added and I'll make a room. I'll set the maps to random, and if we get map 3, I'll surrender.

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Good games. Your teams far outclass mine! I could barely get away with 2 kills before I'm defeated :o

you sure have come up with some weird names for your team's weapons though

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Good games. My teams are only better because I spent hours upon hours of RNG and clock abusing. There were a couple of times I thought I was gonna lose it. If you start to clock abuse you'll be right up there with mostly maxed out stats. You might wanna think about using different classes. Heroes aren't particularly the best. Those were fun though.

Edit: My weapons usually reference something from an anime or a video game, so its no wonder.

Edited by Wolt
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Yeah, your probably right about that. I had to spend a lot of time charting out when to reclass, how many stats I needed in which class, and restarting entire chapters if I messed up somewhere on a lvl up. It may not have been worth it in the end but ehh, I didn't have much else to do between classes at college.

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Uh, oops, 1:38 AM. Never mind, then.... :blink: (But if you're still here and want to play, Tatsumaki, then sure, why not.)

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Sure, I'll play you, Wolt.

Alright, I added you, whenever you wanna play will be fine, I'm free all of tonight.

Any other takers?

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Right, well my two best are RNG abused. I probably should have mentioned that, otherwise had I know what kind of team you were using I would have used the power of unreliable certain victory fist! (Dan Hibiki joke, if you've ever played enough street fighter)

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Played street fighter? I have not =(

My 5 teams are ranked more or less in order:

DivineCrusade: non-RNG abused, non-forged weapons

Sylvan: non-RNG abused, forged weapons

TABAZ!!!!: *slightly RNG abused, forged weapons

RNG Team: heavily RNG abused, forged weapons

Alpha one: First turn kill combo

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I wanted to ask, what exactly is the 1 turn kill combo? I have seen it mentioned in your guide but it's not elaborated much on. It's for Map 2, but is it just using an all flying team to scout and do as much damage as possible across the water before they can do anything?

I have about 3 good teams, all RNG abused, and 1 joke team that consists of the classes people shouldn't use, which it does surprisingly well.

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I think most people call it "flying berserkers" or something, from a team Quanchio made.

Basically, you use judgement to reduce their health low enough to kill with a berserker. Then warp them in. Instant win on 50% of the maps.
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It's especially useful on with anyone. The higher number of battles, the more you go first (i'm not sure exactly what it is, but I almost never go second)

I could pretty much always use that team. I don't, because it's cheap, but I could XD

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I've gone second maybe 15 times out of around 150~ battles. Maybe it's because we're waiting for battles longer?

Also, Umbra kinda messes up the first turn kill combo.

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Umbra doesn't really stop it. It does in map 4&6, since you can't warp over walls. But it works in ubmra on map 1 and 2. Gravity stops it (lol, gravity)

I did a test with waiting. It's certainly affected by the number of battles, I'm just not sure how specifically it's effected. (I might do some more tests, check you idea, because that also sounds plausible.)

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