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If you had to be 2 different Sf members who would they be?


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And for what reason(s)?

Invalid Reasons:

-To be a mod

-To be a admin

-To have specific body parts/functions(if you choose a member of the opposite sex)

Me? I'd either wanna be Wist or Bianchi. Bianchi because she's uber smart, Wist because hes just really really awesome while not being obnoxious

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Um, Shuuda and Death. Death because he's the God of single-celled organisms, smart, has the ability to win most any debate, and...He's DEATH. Shuuda because he can piss people off for little to no reason.

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Um, Shuuda and Death. Death because he's the God of single-celled organisms, smart, has the ability to win most any debate, and...He's DEATH. Shuuda because he can piss people off for little to no reason.

They're your idols, basically >_>.

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I would want to be Red Fox because then I would have girly parts, I would be a mod, and I would be bisexual. 8)

In all seriousness, I don't know who I would wanna be.

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I would be...I would be...Bianchi for obvious reasons and Swordmaster so I could suicide. :awesome:

Wait, do we go back to our previous body once this is all done?


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Probably Song or one of the twins so I can find out what happened to them.


Saw the twins the other day on here... for the Mafia thingy =D

idk what happened to Songy D=

also... idk who I would like to be =/

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Were I thrust into this hypothetical scenario, I would select Nightmare and emeraldAWESOME_09.

Nightmare is already a proficient polyglot, something I endeavor to be. Not only can he communicate with foreign languages, he is indistinguishable from native speakers when doing so (at least, in my experience, with English). Nightmare has answered questions of mine pertaining to English grammar on multiple occasions, and English is a language I've spent a hell of a lot of time with (it being my native tongue). Namie Amuro (the member, not the singer) is also a polyglot with whom I am friendly, but he lives in Canada and Canada has very cold winters.

emeraldAWESOME_09 has always come across as unbelievably laid back, a person someone devoid of temporal worries. I suspect I have relatively few stresses in my life compared to some other members, but emerald emanates an enviable sense of interminable serenity. I picture emerald having eternally peaceful life, a life in which he glides between eating regularly timed and well prepared meals, participating in invariably friendly conversations, petting two month old kittens, and playing obscenely cute Korean MMORPGs every day.

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=_= Just what do you mean by that?

Saw the twins the other day on here... for the Mafia thingy =D

idk what happened to Songy D=

also... idk who I would like to be =/

Well then...I'll get back to you on that.

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If I really had to choose it would be... I guess Fireman or Princess Kilvas.

Fireman because... he's FIREMAN. What's NOT to like about him

PK because she's a really good artist.

But really, I like me.

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