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Sex before marriage?


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Seriously guys, wow. I was almost appalled at how... preachy the non-religious people sounded.

Come on, can't you all act like adults? I was a little disappointed to see people getting jumped on for merely stating their personal opinion/belief. After all, this isn't a "change someone's opinion on sex before marriage" topic, is it?

Your Sounding Kinda Preachy Too. Im Truly Appalled.

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Seriously guys, wow. I was almost appalled at how... preachy the non-religious people sounded.

Personal opinions and the reasons behind them were stated, nobody has tried changing the opinions of anyone else with this. It's what would be called a "discussion".

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That's an opinion. At the very least marriage is indeed a legal institution. But for some it serves as a symbol of their love. Others do share your view of it - you're not the first person I've met who's had that view.

I agree with Jyosua here. Marriage is more to me than just a document. But I also see Sex as more than just a pleasurable experience or a way to reproduce.

I just think Marriage is a higher achievement than Sex. But I won't knock people who wait till after marriage. It's just not how I would do it.

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Man, my first tie wandering in here and this is the first thread I see. Quite an awkward subject.

Anyway, I myself have grown a bit cynical about the current marriage structures of the world, but I certainly do appreciate commitments.. but to me, "no sex before marriage" sounds too much like "no sex before you sign a contract that's mostly about money" for my own comfort. Marriage feels more like a society-enforced legal ritual than the symbol of the ideals people associate it with... I'd just prefer having a commitment that's done through actions of my own will.

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I'm sure that 90% of people here are fine with it, including myself

Edit: Yes I know marriage is only legal way to manage money, but the symbolic meaning of it means alot to some couple, the ritual of marriage is a symbol of what your relation has overcome, granted some people get married without really loving someone, but if you do love someone marriage means alot to them **gets off soap box

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Your Sounding Kinda Preachy Too. Im Truly Appalled.

Also known as YSKPT.ITA.

As for refraining from having sex before marriage. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Edited by Fox
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You'd be surprised how much confidence you can gain from having sex before your thirty.

Ultimately, though, you're safest leaving it to the women you're with.

Most girls have sex before 18. A lot of girls INITIATE sex for their first time.

If they want sex, you may as well give it to them. There's the chance they could look elsewhere if you don't supply, and really, it won't bite.

Edited by furry bunny
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It doesnt matter what I think about it. I probably wont have sex before marrigae because I just can't get it at all

But in general, I say why the hell not have sex before marriage. It's up to the two people doing it and no one else, so I say leave em be

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Well... I suppose this question is best answered after asking another question... well, two other questions... okay, three?

1. What do you define as 'sex?'

2. What do you define as 'marriage?'

3. What do you define as 'love?'

The reason for those three questions is because every person and belief structure is different. For instance I don't believe in (state sanctioned) marriage. My personal belief is that marriage is a matter for you, your loved ones, your structure of worshipped figures, and nobody else. I don't think the government should have any part in it (this is my answer to Gay Marriage, is to make Straigth Marriage a Civil partnership then everyone can GO HOME). But that isn't the topic at hand.

Since Marriage (to me) is not a political piece of paper declaring you two are forever together till you aren't, to people that believe marriage is a political piece of paper declaring you two are forever together till you aren't, sex to me outside of wedlock is A-OKAY!

Now then, if someone defined marriage as I do as strictly the religious and personal vows, this brings us to the question of what is defined as sex. Which brings us to Clerks, a wonderful film where we have the miscommunication between two dating people as to sex, where she fails to mention fillatiating 37 men when declaring she only has had sex with 3 men. I myself (on this subject) count sex as acts between two people for the purpose of pleasuring your partner in a manner you do not wish to pleasure another person.

Meaning that cuddling (fully clothed) feeding each other ice cream, which you both enjoy, to me is sex. So long as you don't cuddle everyone feeding them ice cream. And I see no reason not to do this out of wedlock.

Now both of these are spiritual definitions, not legal or scientific definitions. As I know ice cream cuddling does not make babies. However I feel that the key difference between spiritual sex and scientific sex is the goal. Scientific it is your own pleasure, spiritual it is for your partner. Which makes me an incredibly odd person.

Finally, quite honestly, if you love them and want to make them feel good, do so. Be it with... anatomical activities or through cute things they like. It really is not the issue of anyone but you, her, and the prostitute you two hired.

(That last bit was a joke, but honestly if you and your girlfriend/boyfriend/Pet Lion do go out and hire a working girl/boy/mix because you both enjoy it... it still isn't any concern of anyone else.)

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I just want to know how the hell you can expect to be sexually compatible with a potential partner-for-life if you haven't done the horizontal monster mash.

That's one way of putting it.

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