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So i have this friend...


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She's Asian, and apparently she doesn't know much about Catholicism. Add to that the fact that she's REALLY gullible, and you get the following awesome situation.

One day i should really say yesterday, she asked a friend of hers how to become a Catholic. She told her that she had to be baptized in order to be Catholic. And then the girl asked her what is baptism.

And that girl, being the amazingly awesome friend that she is, told her the following story: Baptism is when they dunk your head under the water and hold it there. If you don't drown, you are officially a Catholic.

And she believed her.


All of us were almost laughing when we saw the look of concern on her face. She then asked us if it was true. Naturally, we said yes.

She was horrified about the fact that people would actually attempt to drown their children.


maybe she was pretending I only did just meet her recently, so i don't know her much yet, but it looked like she was being serious.

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And that girl, being the amazingly awesome friend that she is, told her the following story: Baptism is when they dunk your head under the water and hold it there. If you don't drown, you are officially a Catholic.

And she believed her.


All of us were almost laughing when we saw the look of concern on her face. She then asked us if it was true. Naturally, we said yes.

She was horrified about the fact that people would actually attempt to drown their children.


...I hope you set her straight after that?

Edited by _____
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Wait, Catholics don't have to do that?!!! Then why did my parents dunk me under water and hold me there?! JK

Hilarious, I love crap like that! :D

Edited by Ragnell
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...I hope you set her straight after that?

we let her ponder over the horrifying aspects of Catholicism for about an hour, then we told her the truth.

I know it was a really mean thing to do, but her expression... it was priceless!

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we let her ponder over the horrifying aspects of Catholicism for about an hour, then we told her the truth.

I know it was a really mean thing to do, but her expression... it was priceless!

I'm sure she loves you now.
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hey, i didn't come up with the lie! i just... followed along in the prank!

You're lucky that you don't have a friend like my friend, Jeff. Anytime we try to mess with someone's head like that he laughs and laughs until they realize it.
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Usually statements that open with "I have this friend..." are really about the person whose telling them.

except that my family consists of mostly catholics, so the prank really wouldn't work for me.


Edited by Ananke
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