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What would you do if the world was about to end?


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If some asteroid or something were about to hit, I'd probably veg out on video games for the whole time.

But assuming it was for some religious reason (any of various religious apocalypses) I would pray rapidly to whichever god(s) were behind it. Of course, I may not because if they are truly powerful (and are not the being I currently worship), they would know I was just doing this because "The end is near!"

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I'd complete the happy mask quest first before I play the song of time to go back three days and GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME! >.<

In all reality, I'd do whatever the hell I wanted. What this would be exactly I don't know, I'm just impulsive is all.

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I would go get laid by the hottest willing girl I could find, I'd kill anyone who ever made me mad in my entire life, even if I forgave them, then I would...okay, Death's got me. I'd force Christians to sin then get wasted.

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Honestly? I don't know. I'd probably do something incredibly stupid, then regret massively it once the world remained alive the next day.


I probably will do anything that I like the most. Hey, if my life is going to be over soon, I better not waste my time. Should enjoy it to the max.

Edited by Ishtar
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I'd probably do some crazy shit I'd never usually even consider doing normally.

I can't imagine what the state the world would be in if this were to happen. Murderers will murder, criminals will steal, families will be doing a last meal assuming they are lucky enough to get any peace, Nasa would try doing a Noah's Ark thing and taking as many young couples into space as they can.

As for myself, I'd probably steal the fastest car I can find, and go blazing down the M4 motorway at great speeds just for the adrenaline rush, then purposely drive on the wrong side of the motorway and see how long I can go without crashing.

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