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Who else here has been to GameFAQs?


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Personally, I've been on GameFAQs a lot, and when it's not just odd, it's often horrible. The board there for FE7 is just horrible beyond your wildest nightmares sometimes...

Some of the stuff I've seen there was horrible beyond belief, such as talking about molesting corpses, or making up songs where half the lyrics are the word "rape" I'm not kidding, some horrible stuff there. The worst part is that they don't even understand what's wrong with what they do, and they just think they should be able to post anything they want. Then again, most other boards aren't nearly as bad, but just the one makes me wonder why I don't have nightmares about it... But I just can't bring myself to completely leave either, the board is for FE after all, and I love the game, if not the other people on the board for it there... :blink:

Anyway, what do you think of it? Did you go there and hate it, did you go there and like it, or did you just not care? Did you have mostly good experiences, or mostly bad? Do you still go there, or did they totally drive you off?

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I don't go there for the forums, but the information there is usually reliable.

And besides, it's only gotten so bad because there are so many people on it. Imagine having 50 Destiny Heros? Or 50 Lokis? It's bound to be full of people like that, thus driving off anyone who's sane.

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No, I do not use it and I do not use any guides from the site. I consider it a pit of refuse and refuse to go near it.

Wait, aside from some mission pah FAQ for Last Raven. That shit was hard to find with the correct translation.

Edited by Death
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I actually really like gamefaqs, their games saves and info on the games is really useful, any questions I have regarding the game I post a topic and it's usually answered concisely. I dont go their to have forum fun since there are entire fourms for that, but as for information Gamefaqs is #1, and the character battles are cool ^_^

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I actually really like gamefaqs, their games saves and info on the games is really useful, any questions I have regarding the game I post a topic and it's usually answered concisely. I dont go their to have forum fun since there are entire fourms for that, but as for information Gamefaqs is #1, and the character battles are cool ^_^

L block my ass.

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Their guides are mostly spot on, to be fair. They ramble some, but free help doesn't get too much better.

Except for FE4. Fuck that section's couch.

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I am only there for the guides.

But they actually helped me when I was a FE5 newcomer.

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No, I do not use it and I do not use any guides from the site. I consider it a pit of refuse and refuse to go near it.

I'd like to completely retract this statement.

When I said Last Raven and GameFAQs in the same sentence I decided to look at exactly what they had for it. They have the guide written by this one guy who killed himself a while back, meaning the guide is no longer circulated, meaning it's hard to find, and it's very good.

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I usually just go there to use some cheat codes for Fire Emblem (for fun, of course). I even joined as Obnetnik, in attempts to make a troll character guide for Fire Emblem 6. Most of the Fire Emblem guides aren't that terrible, but the character ones........yeowch! I just read a Fire Emblem 3 one......somebody does not like Barts! That, and he said Gordan promotes into a horseman, and Kashim a Sniper. :B Also there's him thinking that Gordan is good.


Point is, character guides should just be ignored!

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Fantastic source of information, but it's a double edge sword for posting there. With more people there you'll get more trolls and flamers, but the forums will also be much faster. As long as you watch what you say you should be fine.

Edited by Yourgranny
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I treat going to GameFAQs like a trip to the Dentist or the DMV.

Pray it's over quickly and as painlessly as possible.

(Read. I hope the Guide has the information I seek then I run away if I find the info or fail to find it.)

I do sometimes attempt to answer Questions in those sections for games I like that have a limited selection of intelligent posters. But only when exceptionally bored.

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I've been a GFAQs member for almost 3 years -.-;;

To be honest, I lurk the message boards a lot. I post non-noobish questions once in a while, etc. Like most, I mainly just go there for the guides, cheats, and so on.

Random note: I registered on GFAQs on 6/6/06. >_>

Edited by AngelOfDeath
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Well, it's clear that I'm not the only one that finds the insanity overwhelming... Yeah, it's ridiculous sometimes. On the board for FE7, I was unusually vocal about my dispproval of a fad, and at the same time, they had suddenly started beign moderated for things they had always done, (as in, their utter stupidity had attention called to it and it was no longer put up with) and they blamed me for everything and made the board seem like I had gone through some freaky backwards rigged trial

Me:I didn't do anything

Them:We know that, but your sentence is... FLAME WAR!

Me: You've gotta be kidding me...

Them: You're right, we are... FLAME ARMAGEDDON!


Them: We're not kidding this time!

Me:... This can't end well.

Yeah, it was crazy. Not to mention, the fad was on the FE8 boards, not FE7. but they chose to use the FE7 board as the battlefield... Once that was over, I thought everythign was fine, but then one of them went to a board I was in charge of and was an absolute ass, getting himself repeatedly banned. Then he started spreading his nonsense to FEPlanet...

I don't understand why I don't have nightmares about it...

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Personally, I've been on GameFAQs a lot, and when it's not just odd, it's often horrible. The board there for FE7 is just horrible beyond your wildest nightmares sometimes...

Some of the stuff I've seen there was horrible beyond belief, such as talking about molesting corpses, or making up songs where half the lyrics are the word "rape" I'm not kidding, some horrible stuff there.

Well if pron words offense you, don't go on theashtray lmao.

No, the only bad side of GF boards is veterans who try to be cool by making post full or sarcasm/ironic statements to lure noobies. (cause they create ALOT of new topics asking the same thing over and over)

But the FAQs are great (usually) .

The bad thing is the site archives anything older than 2 weeks, sometimes faster or slower. It depends on the game.

Some cool games like Dragon Quest Monsters 3 : Caravan Heart didn't have any archiving until few months ago ...

So the good subjects are all vanished... Same with Spectral Souls 2 ...

And the research function is all you got , when the board is full of crap (50% of the big boards is newbies questions) so it's kind of not organised at all ...

The mods are useless, if a troll marks you, you could be modded for no reason (out of context) ...

But I like it though. You just need a STRONG sense of humour really. :P

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