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Should know that Another One Bites the Dust is good for CPR in the same way Stayin Alive is.

Although I'd see Stayin Alive as more thematically appropriate.

8 minutes ago, Just call me AL said:

Knows that it can also be cathartic, especially with YouTube videos meant to make people laugh. Like a video involving Pirahna Plants singing Bohemian Rhapsody, for example.

Someone did that with the DK Rap.

Also, quite a few Siivagunner rips put dumb smiles on my face, like that one that was Before My Body is Dry from Kill La Kill that was put in the soundfont for Pokemon BW and it sounded PERFECT!

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Probably has the same opinion on stupid Momo.

I'm usually against violence but if I would meet the person who created this abomination, I would beat the living shit out of him/her.

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Probably has the same opinion on stupid Momo.

I'm usually against violence but if I would meet the person who created this abomination, I would beat the living shit out of him/her.

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Does not like Momo.

4 hours ago, Espurrhoodie said:

Possibly doesn't know that the internet is lewding Momo.

Yes, that Momo.

I think I'm starting to become immune.

You mean this Momo? The creepy one that tells people to do stupid stuff? People have... interesting... taste.






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Might know that before Ultimate was released, people were entertaining the thought of having Final Smash meters enabled in tournaments.

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Might know that before Ultimate was released, people were entertaining the thought of having Final Smash meters enabled in tournaments.

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@XRay Dude, ffs. Hide that in spoiler tags.

And yes this Momo, children are vulnerable to this kind of shit. Something telling them to hurt themselves deserve to be erased forever.

Even Espurr can uncomfortable.

Posted a fact.

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@XRay Dude, ffs. Hide that in spoiler tags.

And yes this Momo, children are vulnerable to this kind of shit. Something telling them to hurt themselves deserve to be erased forever.

Even Espurr can uncomfortable.

Posted a fact.

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Should know that apparently it's based on a Japanese youkai?

6 minutes ago, Nym said:

And yes this Momo, children are vulnerable to this kind of shit. Something telling them to hurt themselves deserve to be erased forever.

Apparently, the guy who made the statue had no involvement on the "Momo Challenge".


7 minutes ago, Nym said:

Even Espurr can uncomfortable.

Yep, namely the bath scene from Kill La Kill.

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7 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Did not read the other day that the creator of Momo had it destroyed.

What an asshole to create that in the first place. Too bad it's in the Internet, nothing is deleted that easily.

Got scared and uncomfortable like me.

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7 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Did not read the other day that the creator of Momo had it destroyed.

What an asshole to create that in the first place. Too bad it's in the Internet, nothing is deleted that easily.

Got scared and uncomfortable like me.

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1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

Might have seen discussion about Final Smash meters being enabled in tournaments before Ultimate's release.

Is correct.

Sadly the problem is that Marth and Lucina's are too powerful since they always one hit KO anyway.

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1 hour ago, Nym said:

Is correct.

Sadly the problem is that Marth and Lucina's are too powerful since they always one hit KO anyway.

You think that's bad? Try Peach and Daisy. Theirs is downright bonkers, even compared to Marth and Lucina's. Stage-wide sleep (because let's face it, none of the stages where you could feasibly avoid it are gonna be tournament legal, and even if any such stages were, they'd just get in your face before using it, which ensures you snooze and lose), which leads to this...


...which is pretty much guaranteed to take a stock at higher percents, AND the user heals a lot of health.... Can you say "broken"? And that's ignoring what happens to you if you're caught out offstage by it (hint: You die. You just tumble helplessly to your death.)...  It doesn't really help matters that gaining meter is easy (you get meter as you take or give damage, but more so by taking damage; in fact you slowly get meter even by doing nothing, as was proven in a match between Ike and Mewtwo, where the former is sent offstage, gets his Final Smash while tumbling, then KOs the latter, who was at only 27% before the Final Smash. Even considering that Mewtwo is among the lightest characters in the game, that's nuts. That same match had the Mewtwo get his Final Smash during Ike's Final Smash... and promptly lose it because he died). Nor does it that not all Final Smashes are created equal (That screenshot I posted? Was from a Spanish tournament from before the game was released; the Zelda player switched from Rosalina since the latter's Final Smash proved ineffective. Which reminds me, Zelda's Final Smash isn't much better; it has a vacuum effect, and instantly KOs if the caught player ends up at or over 100% by the time it ends. Oh, and there are other fighters with instant KO Final Smashes too [Bayonetta, Bowser, Ridley]). Long story short, how good a fighter is would be determined by how good their Final Smash is.

Knows why Final Smahes aren't suited for tournament play.

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Likely knows I'm running out of things to say about him.

Wanna know something that surprisingly doesn't freak me out? The video for the Vocaloid song Bacterial Contamination (English Subs, I'd figure I'd link the original first), I'm not joking.

This is actually what inspired me to want to become an animator! (And the freaky imagery fits the theme of the song because the song is actually about bullying)

So yeah, Momo freaks me out, but not Bacterial Contamination.

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