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Knows my GF and a ton of my friends left for Cape Breton earlier this week on a field trip and I haven't talked to them, both my parents are out of the country. I haven't talked to mom at all except when she said "I am disappointed in you" to a FB status about me complaining about my sister, and "It is hot here and I miss you" in an email. Dad hasn't even been getting my emails and sent me a nasty one telling me that "I don't care to spend 5 minutes typing to him and if I dont care, neither does he.". I had a pop TEST (not quiz) last Tuesday and got a 30.5/36 (not good). My parents will be less than thrilled to hear that, and I'm having a blind test every Tuesday on a random math outcome (which we won't know, hence blind) each week. One of my friends is suicidal and writing suicide notes. I told a teacher and she went to guidance for two hours, and won't talk to me now, even though she doesn't know it was me. Another one of my friends came out of the closet as being transgender, and is now acting weird around me, being super flamboyant and giving me hugs. I don't feel comfortable with that. To top it off, in musical I'm being forced to go ~4-5 days a week, 6 hours a day, but we don'r do anything there, and the directors/teachers/authority directly ignore me unless I'm talking to a friend, in which case they get pissed and shush me. <_<

Also, I broke my retainer at lunch today by taking it out. Mom won't believe me, and she'll get pissed, I know it.

Knows I'm expecting a ton of td;lr with that.

If I were a girl, I'd offer an internet hug. I feel bad for you, and you need better friends.

Didn't say the right things in the beginning.

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Wow, a 30.5/36 is bad to you? Broke your retainer? Your life really sucks...

Next year I'm taking Math 11 & 12 Advanved and I need high high marks. And a retainer is expensive to repair FWIH, and when it breaks on a normal activity I feel screwed over. <_<

Those definately aren't the worst parts though.

^Half my friends are in Band. That's why they all left.

Not a cat.

Edited by Hawk King Tibarn
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^^ Knows I agree with said statement... I blame his supports with Fir...

Does not know he's getting a ton of upgrades from me, courtesy of Photoshop

^ Knows I support Fir X Noah

Edited by Frostbite
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Doesn't have a chemistry mind block...

Seriously, i can't seem to do simple calculations with my notes right in front of me on how to do them.

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Knows this semester isn't a very good one for me...

seriously an 84 in bio, a 90 in math, an 89 in religion and 90 in chemistry.... It makes me feel sad after being used to my 95's

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Doesn't have a chemistry mind block...

Seriously, i can't seem to do simple calculations with my notes right in front of me on how to do them.

I know right? Chemistry is probably the most confusing class imo. I can't imagine what AP chem would be like.

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Knows it also has letters as well, just that an A doesn't really represent why i'd be sad.

Also, yes its quite confusing, specially when you do an assignment tthinking you knwow how to do it then get an 18.5/30 ;_;

Edited by Ulki
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