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Knows the risk isn't too huge when you consider that its accuracy is 90% and not every poke will have protect.

Knows that Ghost types are also big "Screw yous" to Hi Jump Kick.

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Knows you shouldn't use HJK if you know there is a ghost type. Specially if you have just switched in you HJK user

Edited by SlayerX
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#15: Everybody was kung-fu fighting... those jerks were stat-lowering.

A decade into the history of the franchise, there's still one type that remains sorely lacking in terms of drawback-free moves... none other than the Fighting type. Now, it's got some excellent moves, such as Close Combat, but the problem is, if you want to hit hard with a Fighting move, you have to suffer a drawback. The best Fighting drawback-free moves are Brick Break, whose power is anemic to say the least, the rare Cross Chop, and the even rarer Sky Uppercut.

Otherwise, what do we have? The aforementioned Close Combat. Very sexy, but it lowers your defenses, and some Pokes like Heracross may not like it in the endgame. Hammer Arm... 100 power, 90 accuracy, and lowers Speed? What the fuck? I don't care if most of its users are already slowpokes, but I'm sorry, but a move with 100 power and 90 accuracy should never, EVER have a drawback. Heat Wave's the same, only not only does it not have a drawback, it can also burn!

Next up is Hi Jump Kick. Same thing. 100 power, 90 accuracy, but if you miss you'll suffer some serious damage. Gee, is missing not enough of a punishment or anything? The hilarious thing is that before D/P, HJK's power was a paltry 85, making it a Sky Uppercut clone, except with a drawback! Submission... 80 power, 80 accuracy, and recoil? Are you kidding me? Superpower, an inferior CC that reduces Attack instead of SD. The other attacks have no drawback, and even advantages sometimes, such as Drain Punch (which still fails, seeing how its daddy Giga Drain never has any screentime), but they have too little power and aren't worth it. When do we get our Fighting Ice Beam/T-bolt?

And yes, I know Focus Blast has higher damage output than BB and Sky Uppercut, but I'm mostly interested in the physical part, since most fighters are physical (aside from some Lucario and Infernape sets, and even there many special Infernapes use CC over Focus Blast).

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Knows Arden!Arthur has higher strength than magic, but with a magic sword he's pretty gr9. (Too bad Azel!Delmud already claimed 2 of them)

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