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For those who've seen Watchmen and Dark Knight


Who's more badass?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Joker or Rorschach

    • The Joker
    • Rorschach

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Personally, I think Rorschach is way cooler. Despite what the Joker said to Dent, all of his antics really did seem like they were planned. Plus Rorschach did everything on his own, while the joker had a bunch of henchmen.

Plus you never saw the Joker tie a guys arms up and have his friends saw them off. And then electricuting the next guy to come after him.

IMO: Rorschach>The Joker.

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Yeah I think Rorschach was better. He's so incredibly badass. He's got a sense of justice, but he punishes those who break the law in very violent ways. That's what makes him a badass.

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How so? They're both comic book characters that eventually were put into a movie. The only real difference is that one fights on the good guy's side, and the other is a major villian.

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How so? They're both comic book characters that eventually were put into a movie. The only real difference is that one fights on the good guy's side, and the other is a major villian.

I guess the strong themes of moral relativism present in both these movies which defies the notion that either of these characters can be slotted as "good" or "bad" is completely lost on you.

It's too bad, it kind of means you're missing the most fucking important part of the story.

The real difference in these characters is the force of their convictions. Rorschach is a moral absolutist, with inflexible beliefs and a mode of doing whatever it takes to fulfill them (some may confuse this approach to moral ambiguity and a corrupt belief structure, however they are also wrong). Despite how badass this is (and there's no doubt Rorschach is the most badass), it's relatively thin and uninteristing, at least from my point of view. Now the joker demonstrates the exact opposite, a permeable moral system which bends and twists with whatever will gain the joker the greatest advantage. The joker is never beyond calling it quits just to reveal later on he had an ace up his sleeve. His ability to play with his morals to get what he wants stands in stark contrast to Rorschach's unwavering commitment to getting what he wants only through his code. The ambiguous, chaotic nature of the joker mixed in with his precise direction and unwavering motivation make him the far more interesting character.

Edited by Black Knight
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I guess the strong themes of moral relativism present in both these movies which defies the notion that either of these characters can be slotted as "good" or "bad" is completely lost on you.

It's too bad, it kind of means you're missing the most fucking important part of the story.

Lol. Ouch dude. Chill. I understand those concepts. I was a philosophy major for a year. I understand the whole underlying themes behind the characters.

However, despite both of their rough life styles, the Joker succumbed to the evils around him and became an agent of evil. As cliche and stupid as those words feel coming out of my mouth.

Meanwhile, it only furthered Rorschach's determination to do justice. He never gave in, like the Joker did.

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I like Rorschach better. I like them both in a sense that both are over taken by their alter-egos; however, Rorschach's twisted sense of brutal justice > Joker's desire to create chaos imo. The scene with the meat cleaver just before the lunchroom sold Rorschach for me. It was an awesome story about how he became who he was.

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Rorschach, I've always found that his totally rigid morality together with his utterly batshit insane attitude was just something to behold. He was like an animal, the only thing you could predict about him is that he would punish the bad guys. You know, like old people, cancer patients, that kind of stuff :V

We also had more development with Rorschach; we get to see where he started as a child, why he became so completely crazy, and it makes him feel more human. One thing that I actually liked about most of the story of Watchmen is that despite these people were so disgustingly out of their minds and had murdered dozens of people, I still felt for them. The Comedian brutally slaughtered individuals for the sake of being satirical, Rorschach indiscriminately murdered those he found to be evil enough, and Dr. Manhattan killed millions of people just because he was told to. But I felt for the Comedian, for Rorschach, for Manhattan and it makes the situation feel more real and tangible.

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Rorschach hands down, the Joker was just a good job on the actor behalf, the character of Rorschach is much better, and acting is almost as good. Also you actually get to see Rorschach's face unlike the joker.

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Just, for the record.

Comic Rorschach>>>Movie Rorschach

Except that Snyder's interpretation of Rorschach was lifted almost entirely from the graphic novel, and is for all intents and purposes the same character from the comic.

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Comic Rorschach didn't have a voice, so he didn't sound like a shitty Christian Bale ripoff.

He was supposed to talk like that. Hence the wavy text in the dialogue bubbles whenever he had his mask on. The movie Rorschach was perfect.

Not pardoning the rest of the movie.

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Comic Rorschach didn't have a voice, so he didn't sound like a shitty Christian Bale ripoff.

That's how he sounded. Laurie even remarks upon it in the comic. The only single difference that I found from the comic to the movie at all was the scene with Moloch when he was shot in the head. Instead of being completely detached and observing the scene with logic when he heard the sound of the policemen, he lost his nerve and screamed out the lines said in the comic. Which, honestly, I find much better considering that his entire being was basically trying to survive to punish evil. Being threatened with the inability to do such should obviously make him become even more of an animal.

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He turned into a whiny bitch before he died.

It wasn't that he was willing to die for his principles, it's that his principles couldn't exist in a society built on lies.

He gave up and was going to die whether Manhattan killed him or not. He was begging Manhattan to give him the easy way out.

Honestly, to say that his character was a perfect rip from the comics is almost as bad as saying the new ending is just as effective. Now, neither is bad per-se, but let's not kid ourselves.

Next you'll tell me Malin Akerman was a good actress. Honestly, if they're going to hire a woman just because she's willing to show her breasts on screen, they should take someone with more to offer.

As for the Joker, considering he was written for a second movie, it's unfair to consider his character complete. Would the sequel add to his character? Only in the sense that he can play a much better villain dynamic with an actual villain playing across from him. But it'd give him another 3 hours to look badass, and bring Batman full circle.

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