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China FE

Metal Rabbit

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None of the FE games were released in China.

I assume you're referring to the "ChinaFE" patch for FE8, which is more properly known as the "Will of Good and Evil" patch. It's a Chinese hack.

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Call me noobish if you have to, but what's so different about FE games released in china?

I'm just not getting these jokes.

No, like Vinccent said, it is a patch called "Fire Emblem: Will Of Good & Evil", it is a good patch and amplafies the difficulty too.

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Is this the only chinese hack that goes by that name?

Yes, although it's a bit silly. Especially when people just call it "ChinaFE".

Since, ChinaFE is the name of a Chinese fansite, which also provides a number of Chinese translation patches.

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It should be uploaded to the main site.

Basically, there's cameos from the GBA games, along with Claire and Celica from Gaiden. And it's hard, yeah. But not terribly hard, if you use the right characters like Brunya--the equivalent of Riff?

I was able to finish the hack on my flashcart, without abusing savestates or the like. But like I said. Brunya. And that was Eirik's path. I've heard worse about Ephraim's ._.

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It should be uploaded to the main site.

Basically, there's cameos from the GBA games, along with Claire and Celica from Gaiden. And it's hard, yeah. But not terribly hard, if you use the right characters like Brunya--the equivalent of Riff?

I was able to finish the hack on my flashcart, without abusing savestates or the like. But like I said. Brunya. And that was Eirik's path. I've heard worse about Ephraim's ._.

I took Ephraim's part. Wasn't too bad since you get Hellene earlier, but Zephiel is a bitch to train.

For some reason however I wasn't able to finish the tower of Valni since it bugged at chapter 6. I couldn't even retreat without bugging the game and alas I had no save states of an earlier level. In a fit of rage I just deleted my game ( I just had a few really nice items, including a Brave Lance, cash and a few stat ups IIRC ).

I did notice one of the enemies, an Arch Mogall, was stuck in a wall.

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I don't like that hack. You may as well consider everyone except Nergal and Brenya obsolete after Ch14.

What I don't like is how you can screw yourself over.

I used Pent in favor of Brenya (pre growth rates I loved Pents axe usability and high defence) but then I found out his promoted form is so so inferior to Brenya you might as well use Brenya if you want any hope of winning.

Not to mention I ruined the best Master Knight character by making them a general :( I love undocumented secret promotion the game will require you to use becuase overpowered player=overpowered enemies or no challenge

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There are several (real) translation teams active at work in terms of the GBA roms. Most of the time scripts is posted instead, so it's like playing the SRW games with a guide.

The Chinese FE hack is pretty ridiculous though. Also, Chinese FE fanfiction is absolutely horrid.

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