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Three high school freshmen cannot take down the weakest sophmore in the school.


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Alright, so I was walking to my 5th period after lunch, when there are these three stupid freshmen skater-types in the hall in front of me. I don't even know ' em. One of them starts walking backwards, and pushes me into the lockers. One of them then goes in front of me, and the other behind me, just so I can't move, and bug me. I then grab the hat off of one of them, and throw it to the floor. The guy who was behind me, tries to tackle me and misses. Then the dude whose hat I threw runs at me. He pushes me, but can't get me to hit the wall. I just take like five steps after pushing the hat-guy away, and I'm in my classroom, laughing my ass off as the door closes. Cause people in my school are idiots.

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Do what all those other "tough" high-school football playing seniors do: Get 60 of your friends to corner one of them in some dark alley and have them kick the shit out of them for talking to your girlfriend.

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Lol, these people are sad. :P They tried to gang up on me again yesterday, but they got one more guy. They all start acting like I did something to them yesterday, and try to push me or something, so I just insult them a bit while they act tough and I leave. It's going to be really easy to stop them though. Once I think of something that doesn't involve stuff as stupid as them. :P

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PROTIP: (Even though I'm against this because only dumbasses would do this) Freshman Beatdown.

It's a good way to see all stupid ass elistist Sophmore acting retarded over some shit.

But yeah, you should like jump 'em.

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