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Help on 3-13

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This is hard mode with only 7 units.

Nolan level 20/6/

Sothe ?/8/

Tauroneo ?/17/1

Jill 20/1

Laura 14/4

micaiah 20/8

Zihark ?/5

That's what i got.

Almost every unit has decent speed not to get doubled by most enemy units.

My sothe keeps on dying because he just keeps on doubling and criticaling at the start of the enemy phase.

I usually have three keep the guard next to the gap and the sairs. Jill is on the third level to the left protecting the gap from the enemies. Zihark is on the right side third level protecting the 2 squared gap. Micaiah is on the border of the grren side and my laura is runing around healing injured.

Any help you can give me is appreciated. By the way nolan has the beastfoe+Thask combo. I got three beast killer but decided not to use them due to sothe's doubling.

Edited by Slayer
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Don't have a lot of tips but if you're really desperate, you could unleash the allied units to help you. If you want you could put a unit (not used one) and put him on the left side of the map to block the laguz who try to get in.

Thing is that i don't have anymore meatshields. and the allied units are on roam command.

Seems like it's just Sothe's "good luck" that's messing with you. Perhaps have him switch with some1 or have him use a bronze weapon so he doesn't critical in the enemy phase?

I did this and changed sothe with Tauroneo and then the allied unit left to get healed. and sothe survived. But the tauroneo died. i guess this will be highly based off on luck.

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What I did was give the allied units all of the action. I put Tauroneo and Zihark I think on the stairs on each end. Laura on one side, and Micaiah on the other. Eddie, Nolan, and Sothe on the ledge with ranged weapons.


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3-13? Lol I had Zihark and Volug with Resolve/Beastfoe solo the chapter. Tauroneo and Sothe took care of the west and east chokepoints and the allied units were all congregated above the ledge. It was really fun considering the 25% hit rates enemies had on me all the time.

EarthxEarth support is rape, Paragon on Zihark also helped since he was like ?/19 at the end of the chapter. Sothe was like ?/11, Tauro was at like Level 15 and Micaiah at Level 9 or 10, Laura at Level 3 or 4 promotedish. I benched everyone else because they were useless to me.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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Nolan level 20/6/

Sothe ?/8/

Tauroneo ?/17/1

Jill 20/1

Laura 14/4

micaiah 20/8

Zihark ?/5

1) No Volug.

2) No Aran.

3) You actually trained Tauroneo, nevermind actually giving him the master crown as well.

4) You actually trained Jill, and then you only half-assed giving her levels, when the only time she can function properly is when she's overleveled.

5) No Volug.

6) You gave Micaiah an unnecessarily large amount of levels. Ditto for Laura. Neither of them need that many levels.

7) Your Nolan and Zihark are underleveled, largely due to number 6.

8) Did I mention you didn't use Volug?

Once you fix all these problems, 3-13 should be easy.

Edited by smash fanatic
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  • 2 months later...

One of the easiest things to do is have the allies cower around the left side, effectively blocking it off. Micaiah can block the right side, because she doesn't get attacked. Have the rest of your units play with knives (that is, use range) on the middle 3 chokepoints. Jill + Pass + Brave Axe/Tomahawk/forged hand axe for the hawks. Good luck.

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What I do if I'm stuck when there are allied units on the map is send them to guard a chokepoint. Their amount should hold them off for awhile. You will need to defend the castle still. I've never had a use for the Purge Tome so you could use it if you're desperate. I've never done Hard Mode so I don't know for sure.

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He's not insane. It's just all the fanboys crowd around him because he has a ~50% chance of surviving against three laguz. And if he does, they go crazy. If he doesn't, they say the laguz got lucky. He's actually below average for an sniper, but don't tell the fanboys that.

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I usually give laura a physic so she isn't running around all the time, with a 20/15-17 Edward on the 2nd tier right side (and yes, i realize that my edward is massively overleveled compared to my other units. what? he always ends up really good for me)

and with a 20/5 nolan and tauroneo (with taksh and a javelin, respectively) and a yellow unit guard the three space gap at the front. I leave the upper 2nd tier to Jill, Zihark and Leo, while micaiah uses her purge on those pesky hawks.

of course, that's just me. I'm not too big on 'meatshields' unless they are NPC's.

Edited by naesalaftw
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Can't you add fillers? Like Fiona or Meg? it's one of thier very few uses. Just shove them on the chokepoints to teh right (Where the reinforcements come). Place Jill on the chokehole to the left but not facing the side. Have Taur stand on the left side of the middle chokeholes and Laura on the middle one, healing the NPC unit beside her when necessary. Have Sothe the square above her so hawks don't attack her and have Nolan + Zihark guard the double ledge to the right.

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Isn't that insane NPC archer on this chapter?
He's not insane. It's just all the fanboys crowd around him because he has a ~50% chance of surviving against three laguz. And if he does, they go crazy. If he doesn't, they say the laguz got lucky. He's actually below average for an sniper, but don't tell the fanboys that.
Just leave the 3-13 Archer do the work :P

Anything that goes like this talking about the 3-13 archer makes me lol.

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3-13 archer's high points are pretty random though. Ive only seen that guy go at it and live twice i believe.

Its pretty rare. If anyone has that dude go apeshit on every playthrough then id be amazed!

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