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The 1 thing I hate the most about Brawl


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This has nothing to do with anything, but Game and Watch got so buffed it's ridiculous.

The thing I hate about Brawl is that nobody out of some 51 adds are almost ever on.

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This has nothing to do with anything, but Game and Watch got so buffed it's ridiculous.

The thing I hate about Brawl is that nobody out of some 51 adds are almost ever on.

You mean on your friends list? I'm more mad at how much Zelda got buffed.

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I found out what I hate most about Brawl today. Liars.

Knife showed me a cool group of people. I lose matches against them, then we had a Team match that wasn't great since one person spammed the fan the entire match. People thought I was bad, and I ended up playing a person called Yoshi (well his chat name). I lost the first match ( my actions were lagging bad since we had 4 people, two trying to spectate, but I admit I lost that fairly). We then did two matches alone, since Knife couldn't join in time, and I beat the guy with both Snake and Ike (him Mario each time). and he lied and said he won in the chat while I wasn't there (I had to refresh the page, those that were in chat know since I asked for the room again) and he left before I could say anything D:<

The worst part is, because he left I can't really prove I won (it's still hard too, But I can say the key moments that he probably will struggle on).

Edited by Copain
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Yall should've waited for me. But I believe you Copain, this isn't the first time he's lied. But since he doesn't acknowledge your win, I guess all you can do is become rivals. I'll try to get him to join Serene's tournament so that you'll get a chance to beat him again.

It's kinda funny. The people in chat thought you were a crazy rude spammer at first, but they started saying how cool you were after you left.

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Yah I admit at first I was kinda rude, if you see them again before I do please say sorry for me.

I overreacted because they said I was spamming when I used Luigi's Side B twice >_>.

Still, we need to have you sit in on our next match if it's a tourny so we won't have this again.. or it has to be a timed match so I can record it.

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Yah I admit at first I was kinda rude, if you see them again before I do please say sorry for me.

I overreacted because they said I was spamming when I used Luigi's Side B twice >_>.

Still, we need to have you sit in on our next match if it's a tourny so we won't have this again.. or it has to be a timed match so I can record it.

I'll spectate, but timed matches are flawed. I mean you can just avoid like hell after a kill and get an easy win.

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Game and Watch isn't a clone, that's why

Marth was Roy's clone. Roy should have stayed, while Marth should have been given the boot. Damn Brawl...

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Marth was Roy's clone. Roy should have stayed, while Marth should have been given the boot. Damn Brawl...

Marth was more popular, and you needed him to earn Roy. Plus, I heard Sword of Seals didn't do too well in Japan compared to other FE's.

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I'm more mad at how much Zelda got buffed.

really? I'm getting beat more by Zelda than I did in Melee. People also say Marth got screwed, but I'm better with him in Brawl than I was in Melee

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really? I'm getting beat more by Zelda than I did in Melee. People also say Marth got screwed, but I'm better with him in Brawl than I was in Melee

Marth isn't really screwed, he's almost as good as his Melee self.

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I've always preferred Roy to Marth though, probably because of the Sealed Sword, red hair and is more powerful. And the fact he is Eliwood's son. The son of the main Lord of Fire Emblem 7.

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I found out what I hate most about Brawl today. Liars.

Knife showed me a cool group of people. I lose matches against them, then we had a Team match that wasn't great since one person spammed the fan the entire match. People thought I was bad, and I ended up playing a person called Yoshi (well his chat name). I lost the first match ( my actions were lagging bad since we had 4 people, two trying to spectate, but I admit I lost that fairly). We then did two matches alone, since Knife couldn't join in time, and I beat the guy with both Snake and Ike (him Mario each time). and he lied and said he won in the chat while I wasn't there (I had to refresh the page, those that were in chat know since I asked for the room again) and he left before I could say anything D:<

The worst part is, because he left I can't really prove I won (it's still hard too, But I can say the key moments that he probably will struggle on).

I talked to him today and he admitted he lost to you. He said he misworded his last sentence. Sorry for the confusion.

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nope, hence the ......

I knew nerfed meant 'got worse', but I thought buffed was just another word for it

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