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My job sucks.

bunny: spider bitten

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So now here's a topic about shitty jobs and comparing them.

I work at the biggest theater in Maryland, second biggest in the country. Well, I did, yesterday. I'll be rehired tomorrow.

So the story is that Muvico Egyptian 24 was sold by Muvico to Cinemark.

And I was sold with the building. That's how much my job sucks. It's like I'm part of the installation. One company fires me and the other rehires me.

At the same pay rate. Which isn't cool, because I was due for like a 75 cent raise.

Anyone else have a shitty/noteworthy job?

And has anyone who lives in Maryland/Delaware/Pennsylvania/Virginia been to the theater addressed, out of interest?

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Define: BAWWWW

1. A summary of any amount of whining "BAWWWWW"

So now here's a topic about shitty jobs and comparing them.

I work at the biggest theater in Maryland, second biggest in the country. Well, I did, yesterday. I'll be rehired tomorrow.

So the story is that Muvico Egyptian 24 was sold by Muvico to Cinemark.

And I was sold with the building. That's how much my job sucks. It's like I'm part of the installation. One company fires me and the other rehires me.

At the same pay rate. Which isn't cool, because I was due for like a 75 cent raise.

Anyone else have a shitty/noteworthy job?

And has anyone who lives in Maryland/Delaware/Pennsylvania/Virginia been to the theater addressed, out of interest?



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If you sell your existence as nothing more than property--your labor for cash, then you're getting as much as anyone would expect.

At least you didn't lose your job. It's entirely not unheard of for buy-outs to ditch every last employee that doesn't matter (i.e. you) and plop their own, or even new random people into your place.

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And has anyone who lives in Maryland/Delaware/Pennsylvania/Virginia been to the theater addressed, out of interest?
Holy crap, in Arundel Mills? I've been there loads of times.
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6 days a week 12 hours a day, quit for winter term. Physical lavbour, all day, sundays off, except working hours outside of my hometown. Stayed in hotel, knew no one. Wore disposable coveralls and uncomfortable gas mask all day, trodging through mud and snow in alternating shifts. Outdoors in temperatures as low as -35 degrees Celsius.

Oh, your theater is changing owners? Man, is there....is there anything I can do to help?

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Holy crap, in Arundel Mills? I've been there loads of times.


For the record, I was surprisingly irreplaceable, though the job is pretty bad regardless. There is a reason asked other people what they did if they did anything.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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If you sell your existence as nothing more than property--your labor for cash, then you're getting as much as anyone would expect.

At least you didn't lose your job. It's entirely not unheard of for buy-outs to ditch every last employee that doesn't matter (i.e. you) and plop their own, or even new random people into your place.


Good luck trying to get a new job in these times.

Also this

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I hope you're working towards an education -- in an ailing economy, that's the surest way to get a better job, etcetera.

I work at a fast food place right now, but it's slow enough to where it's not particularly unpleasant to work at. I have likeable co-workers, also -- a huge improvement over my work at a department store, wherein my co-workers quarrelled vehemently (they were ex-in-laws, my GOD was that horrible).

Regarding dentistry -- do you know how many people constantly ignore healthcare? buncha dicks imo. A dental hygenist requires less school, if you'd like something quicker. Trade schools are an option too, I guess. I'm tossing myself into generic healthcare eventually, I'm not sure what field yet, though. Wanted to be a pharmacist for the money but NO WAY am I staying in school for six years -- it seems like a bland job as it is.

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Well, true, if you use common sense, look into jobs that are at need (such as health care trade[maybe]) and don't set your hopes too high.

Common sense aside; all one has to do is get in the pants, so to say, of your employer's business and you're rather good to go. Unless the one doing the final judgement is more hardass--which varies from career to career--it's all a popularity contest.

I hope you're working towards an education -- in an ailing economy, that's the surest way to get a better job, etcetera.

Yeah right. An education is the least best way to get a job, other than in education itself (either at or for your institution of choice). The general consensus is that if you're heading to college for financial success, even the most superficial interest, you need to turn your ass right back around and work. Rise through the ranks from grunts to dependable regulars, and you'll earn your little stamped envelopes each time. After a few years or outstanding performances, some raises along the way.

Colleges are where those of us not brave enough to face the fact that life is nothing more than wasting one's life for the gain of the most idiotic of things--where those like that are able to hide from the world. Talk, walk, and jerk around in their confines of safety and sanity, while most others end up just cycling through monotony, usually resorting to some form of produced escapism or another.

The only thing an ailing economy is going to do for college is redirect students towards cheaper community colleges and flood the things. As good as over-enrollment may seem in theory, it's actually rather negative is there isn't enough support for the influx.

Edited by Celice
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I babysit two hours once a week. The kids are kind of annoying- always trying to kill each other (and me in the process) but it pays all right for such short hours, so I can't really complain. (Until the kids somehow push me down the stairs.)

One of these days I'll have time for a real part-time job. One of these days.

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Colleges are where those of us not brave enough to face the fact that life is nothing more than wasting one's life for the gain of the most idiotic of things--where those like that are able to hide from the world. Talk, walk, and jerk around in their confines of safety and sanity, while most others end up just cycling through monotony, usually resorting to some form of produced escapism or another.

Cool denouncement of your superiors and intellectual pursuits in general, bro.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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No. I mean to cover its entirety. But I fear you're seeing it as my tone being a negative one, when it's quite the opposite.

What I describe is true nonetheless. And I wouldn't have it any other way. But in any case; you've yet to give an answer though. Not that you're required to, but it'd be nice :/

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