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ugh... I'm so sick of today.

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1. bad dream =( I can't really describe it, but if I did, it would take a real real long time, so I don't feel like describing it. (Actually, I've been having many dreams related to this one of recent.)

2. Forgot to bring my purse to school. It has a cute little giraffe on it =3 It also contained many important stuff in it. I almost never forget it, so that's why I put all the important things in there. I ended up at school without my ID card thingy for lunch and no pen/pencils. It didn't turn out too much of a problem though. I found a way to get past that problem, mostly.

3. I borrowed my brother's flash drive for a very very big project, then sometime today (idk when) it fell out of my pocket. I can't do the project now and my brother's really really really really really really mad at me now. I can't blame him, though, but it makes me sad that he has to be so mad now. I didn't mean to drop it. Also, it just had to happen on the day he said I could've just used my MP3 Player to save files on, and I didn't lose that today (thank goodness, I can't live without music or work in school without it XD). I bet he wishes I just did that now.

There's likely more that I've forgotten... but, pretty much, it's just been a bad day. Tomorrow may be no better, either since my project won't be able to be done =( . Hopefully my teacher would be able to come up with a solution.

I is very sad...

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Lost flashdrives can be found sometimes. Did you maybe leave it in a school computer?

No, I took it out.

I think the problem was that I left it in the same pocket as my mp3 player, so when I pulled it out, it must've pulled the flashdrive thingy as well. =(

I hope I can find it, though. My brother's ready to kill me.

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Well that sucks. I've actually been having a very good day today. Not much homework, no big upcoming tests or quizzes. Time to write some more of my story, which my friend at school has been bugging me to do for ages now.

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Well that sucks. I've actually been having a very good day today. Not much homework, no big upcoming tests or quizzes. Time to write some more of my story, which my friend at school has been bugging me to do for ages now.

Isn't it fun being happy? =D

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Me-sa had a stupid Shoe Box art thing to do. I'm no good with art, and this is for English! I just did some drawing here and there, and that is all. I'm just going to turn it in, and hope I get a decent enough grade!

At least there's the fact LittleKuriboh has been active in making his videos! That always can cheer a person up! That, and I'll be heading for Florida in 3 days!

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Not to make your future days feel worse, but if someone found the flashdrive, it is probably gone for good. Should also check lost and found first. Oddly, my highschool didn't have one I think, but it did have a large box of misplaced garmets that the nurse let you use to change out of your clothing...

I'd let you borrow mine if my monitor also acted as a teleporting device. There is no way you could lose it in such a way since it has a necklace attachment (granted cloth isn't trendy). Had to get it back when I did Intro to Programming. Comes in handy once in a while for projects, but I've no need of it anymore.

Actually... I wonder what I got on it. *Goes digging to find it*

EDIT: Found some program downloaders that still work! :3 Needless to say, they are programming software, but that doesn't mean they won't be fun to mess with later. :P

Enjoy tomorrow even if it doesn't play completely in your favor.

Edited by Bohemund
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