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FE9 Tier List

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Mia's the only one getting defensive benefits though (unless we're throwing Wrath+ Vantage on them, but that's two scrolls). Marcia and Astrid have less crit than Mia does, and none of these characters receive a durability boost from Wrath. Mia on the other hand, has over an 80% chance to not take a 1 range attack with Vantage activated, which is pretty good.

Never mind the fact that Mia's easy prey for archers and mages. And anything with a javelin.

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I would argue that 50+% at 1-2 range>>>>80% at one range. With one range I have to count on the crit and hope to dodge. At 1-2 range I can just crit.

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Never mind the fact that Mia's easy prey for archers and mages. And anything with a javelin.

A remedy to this is simply keeping her outside of 2 range... this is something you're normally doing anyway so it doesn't make a difference.

Edited by Sirius
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Never mind the fact that Mia's easy prey for archers and mages. And anything with a javelin.

Never mind the fact that Javelin users only have about 30% display hit on Mia and are doing like 6 damage anyway. Archers might have slightly more hit, but Mia can easily wipe them or mages out on the player phase (as can almost anybody else).

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Never mind the fact that Javelin users only have about 30% display hit on Mia

I...have very strong doubts about this. And only 6? I doubt that, too. Crap defense+WTD.

Edited by GreenHairedDraco
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Never mind the fact that Javelin users only have about 30% display hit on Mia and are doing like 6 damage anyway.

I call bullshit on this statement. Only 6 damage? Sounds like someone forgot about Mia's crappy defense and WTD.

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Level 18 Soldier with Javelin has 17 Atk and 12 Skl, Javelins have 60 Hit.

20/4 Mia has 33.5 HP, 12 Def, and 62 Avo.

So the Javelin does 17-12= 5 +1 for WTA 6 damage. For serious.

12 *2= 24(Skill*2)+ 60(weapon hit)+10(WTA)= 94 Hit. 94- 62= 32 display hit.

The same thing basically applies for Hand Axes, except while they do a few more points of damage, they have like 12% display hit.

Archers have a bit more hit- +8 over Javelin!Soldiers if they wield a Steel Bow, but they still only do 7 damage, Mia's getting 3RKOd at 40% display hit after activating Wrath, which isn't bad at all, since she can also just ORKO on the Player Phase without taking a counter.

Really, the only thing that threatens Mia significantly by this point are Mages, but wiping them all out on the Player Phase isn't tough to do, and they're one of the least common enemy types.

And BTW, not to sound pretentious or anything, but you guys could actually look stuff up yourselves rather than calling BS and forcing me to have to break it down for you.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Sorry to interrupt, but how come Mist is in the High tier, given that she's most probably still a cleric for most of the game (and that her strength sucks)?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Sorry to interrupt, but how come Mist is in the High tier, given that she's most probably still a cleric for most of the game (and that her strength sucks)?

I tend to agree. Her durability seems to be a liability as well, unless she's pulling ungodly Avoid rates.

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She'll gain levels faster and more reliably than most of your other units, due to the fact that she's a healer. Also she has epic supports, and gets a pony on promotion. High MOV+Canto+Swords+Supports=win.

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She'll gain levels faster and more reliably than most of your other units, due to the fact that she's a healer. Also she has epic supports, and gets a pony on promotion. High MOV+Canto+Swords+Supports=win.

That's all well and nice but I personally still think this shouldn't put her that high.

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That's all well and nice but I personally still think this shouldn't put her that high.

This might be easier if someone would suggest a character to move her under so we can make a direct comparison.

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So... much... hype. With nothing to really back it up.

Canto is negated by any healer with Physic in the first place. I don't see people dropping like rocks in this game, especially with lategame and even midgame. Her support partners have other options and Jill is the "more practical" support with Mordecai as a secondary. Too bad Mist can't keep up with them until promotion. Speaking of that, I don't see her promoting as quick as you claim. When would you say she can promote, at the earliest without tons of BEXP feeding and such?

Swords? What a terrible thing to say. They're weak and most lack 1-2 range. The Sonic Sword and Runesword boost it up a bit thanks to rolling on her better Mag stat, but there's only 1 of each and both require ridiculous weapon ranks (B and A respectively) and requires a lot of resources in order to stay afloat here. I won't really bash on the forging issue since the money is there, but it starts at a D Rank. Not terrible, but WEXP isn't the "easiest" thing to obtain in most instances. An Arms Scroll can help speed this up, but I could've plopped that Arms Scroll somewhere else.

Support-wise, it appears to me Mordecai and Jill are the only ones "wanting" her. Titania and Boyd still have many options to consider. Mordecai has the Laguz-syndromne and neither want to screw their powerful Mov advantage to stay behind with Mist.

I don't see how such statements would automatically make her "High" tier. Upper Mid perhaps, Mid at the worst, but not as high as she is. Especially with her, once again, "meh" durability.

This might be easier if someone would suggest a character to move her under so we can make a direct comparison.

While it's not a major issue, I don't think Sirius wanted Volke to get much higher. In response, he can stay where he is or simply go up anyway.

Edited by Colonel M
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This might be easier if someone would suggest a character to move her under so we can make a direct comparison.

I suppose we could start with Volke since he's actually got utility that's pretty darn valuable and unique to only him and Sothe while Healing exists with Rhys and the suggested Sages. Granted, Mist has AWESOME support and canto with Healing is great but that's why she's higher than the Sages and we all agree that she sure as hell isn't going below them. I don't think her advantages warrant such a gap though, Physics aren't too rare and healing Paladins while being a foot unit is certainly less of an issue than keeping up with them and attacking.

As for that whole "heal and run thing"... I don't see how it's much of an advantage... It can't too often that you're healing and placing a Sage in range of several enemies, not to mention that they can take a hit or 2 and deal some decent damage in return. Mist was thought to be a decent combat unit but that's because she was assumed to be promoted as 20/1, given Arm Scrolls and entitling her to the Magic Swords.

If she's promoted as 20/1, then she's got some time in the midgame where Soren/Rhys/Ilyana have some time where they're actually better than her.

I she's promoted as 10/1, she gets the pony earlier, her combat is probably shit and the canto + healing stuff isn't all that awesome yet since the Palading trampling doesn't exist just yet.

That's pretty much what I can recall on the matter.

Oh and there's also this "healing is less valuable in the lategame" which appears to be quite true based on what I've searched.

While it's not a major issue, I don't think Sirius wanted Volke to get much higher. In response, he can stay where he is or simply go up anyway.

Mist dropping. Not people rising.

Edited by Sirius
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And BTW, not to sound pretentious or anything, but you guys could actually look stuff up yourselves rather than calling BS and forcing me to have to break it down for you.

I didn't know you were just going to skip through all of the fail Mia has to put up with earlygame, pardon me for that.

Not terrible, but WEXP isn't the "easiest" thing to obtain in most instances.

whut? This isn't a GBA FE. Weapon ranks go up quite fast in this game [i don't know who the hell started this Weapon Ranks go up slow in FE9 rubbish] Arms scroll her to D swords, throw her a forged steel, and she's up to C and almost up to B by the time that forged steel wears out.

speaking of which

An Arms Scroll can help speed this up, but I could've plopped that Arms Scroll somewhere else.

As I've said, many, many, many times before, since weapon ranks go up so fast in this game, who else do you propose is benefiting from that arms scroll? The paladins would...if steel axes were D ranked instead of E. Mist getting an arms scroll isn't favoritism if nobody else cares about it.

Edited by GreenHairedDraco
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As I've said, many, many, many times before, since weapon ranks go up so fast in this game, who else do you propose is benefiting from that arms scroll? The paladins would...if steel axes were D ranked instead of E. Mist getting an arms scroll isn't favoritism if nobody else cares about it.

Someone like Kieran would like to toss Javelins a bit sooner than later. Granted Hand Axes aren't terrible, but you get the point. Also, Steel Bow > Iron Bow in most ways possible. With the exclusion of Axes, anyone would appreciate a boost in their WEXP.

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whut? This isn't a GBA FE. Weapon ranks go up quite fast in this game [i don't know who the hell started this Weapon Ranks go up slow in FE9 rubbish] Arms scroll her to D swords, throw her a forged steel, and she's up to C and almost up to B by the time that forged steel wears out.

Fatal hits don't give 2x WEXP. I don't think this is too significant for physical classes, but magic classes have it rough because the basic tomes only give 1 WEXP per shot.

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So... much... hype. With nothing to really back it up.

Canto is negated by any healer with Physic in the first place. I don't see people dropping like rocks in this game, especially with lategame and even midgame. Her support partners have other options and Jill is the "more practical" support with Mordecai as a secondary. Too bad Mist can't keep up with them until promotion. Speaking of that, I don't see her promoting as quick as you claim. When would you say she can promote, at the earliest without tons of BEXP feeding and such?

Except that Physics aren't very common (lol deploying a Thief and wasting combat for a couple staffs, too), and are far better off used early on to give Mist/Rhys much higher EXP gain. Which also leads to said healer gaining levels extremely fast. 20 EXP a turn is fantastic. And even when there's a Physic around after promotions, let's see...

Level 15/5 Rhys w/ Physic has 19 healing range.

Level 15/1 Mist w/ Heal has 9 healing range.

Which would be signifigant, except that Mist's 9 healing range is enough to heal just about everyone, including Paladins. Also, having a pony means she'll actually be in support range. :o

Mordecai really wants Mist. +3 Attack and Defense helps both enormously. And even if Mordecai just B supports, Jill A gives 7.5% Avoid and 2 Defense. Either way, Mist's durability is fairly good. ^_^

Leveling is easy. She makes the best use of BEXP upon join, so you can dump several hundred on her and not be hit. Also, Physic and Restore give 20 and 15 EXP, respectively. And when healing isn't too needed, Mist is benefitting with supports and chip damage.

Swords? What a terrible thing to say. They're weak and most lack 1-2 range. The Sonic Sword and Runesword boost it up a bit thanks to rolling on her better Mag stat, but there's only 1 of each and both require ridiculous weapon ranks (B and A respectively) and requires a lot of resources in order to stay afloat here. I won't really bash on the forging issue since the money is there, but it starts at a D Rank. Not terrible, but WEXP isn't the "easiest" thing to obtain in most instances. An Arms Scroll can help speed this up, but I could've plopped that Arms Scroll somewhere else.

Support-wise, it appears to me Mordecai and Jill are the only ones "wanting" her. Titania and Boyd still have many options to consider. Mordecai has the Laguz-syndromne and neither want to screw their powerful Mov advantage to stay behind with Mist.

I don't see how such statements would automatically make her "High" tier. Upper Mid perhaps, Mid at the worst, but not as high as she is. Especially with her, once again, "meh" durability.

Chip damage is always good, and starting with a D rank actually does make Mist viable after a single Arms Scroll (Which she makes a case for best use of) and a few attacks so she can get B Sonic Sword. Then she can actually one-round a few enemies.

Boyd support is slow, but they can get a B after Chapter 19, which is useful if Brom's not in play. Titania will also take her if her ideal support (Boyd A, Ike B) is for whatever reason not used. Actually, Titania A gives Mist full Defense and some Hit, where she suffers most. And it's a quick support. ^_^ So really, Titania A, Boyd B is viable if somehow Mordecai and Jill aren't supporting. With that, both have similar Movement to Mist after she promotes, so there's no reason not to use her supports.

Besides being the only decent healer and an excellent supporter? :o

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Someone like Kieran would like to toss Javelins a bit sooner than later. Granted Hand Axes aren't terrible, but you get the point. Also, Steel Bow > Iron Bow in most ways possible. With the exclusion of Axes, anyone would appreciate a boost in their WEXP.

Javelins are E ranked.

Edited by Sirius
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Someone like Kieran would like to toss Javelins a bit sooner than later. Granted Hand Axes aren't terrible, but you get the point. Also, Steel Bow > Iron Bow in most ways possible. With the exclusion of Axes, anyone would appreciate a boost in their WEXP.

You must be thinking of Radiant Dawn or Shadow Dragon. Javelins are E rank in this game.

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Someone like Kieran would like to toss Javelins a bit sooner than later.

...Why's Kieran getting all bent out of shape for javelins, again? Im pretty sure another arms scroll pops up by the time we can actually promote him anyway, although I'd ask not to be quoted on that.

EDT: So they're E ranked. Even if they weren't I don't see what the big fuss about javelins is. 5 more hit, whoop dee doo. Kieran's not picking lances because he thinks they're cool, he's picking them because they beat the holy hell out of bows.

Also, Steel Bow > Iron Bow in most ways possible.

People not named Astrid, who doesn't care about their bow rank, are using bows?

Edited by GreenHairedDraco
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Wait... Javelins are E Ranked? *Headdesk*.

Well, Magic is still a possible argument here. They're even a good resource for money. I wouldn't mind an extra 4K in the pocket.

EDIT: Just so we get over this. When the hell is she actually promoting? I hear like 4 different cases, so I want to know.

10/1 Mist: 24 HP | 6 Str | 13 Mag | 7 Skl | 14 Spd | 11 Luck | 6 Def | 11 Res

15/1 Mist: 26 HP | 8 Str | 15 Mag | 9 Skl | 16 Spd | 14 Luck | 7 Def | 13 Res

20/1 Mist: 28 HP | 10 Str | 18 Mag | 10 Skl | 18 Spd | 17 Luck | 8 Def | 17 Res

There's some stats thrown at you to decide.

Also on the BEXP argument: don't see me saying this for Rolf or any other healer. BEXP is a nice resource to control level-ups for certain characters and makes Band usage easier.

Edited by Colonel M
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We'll give Mist Mordecai A, since that gets full ATK and DEF bonuses. This benefits both characters a lot, since Mordecai has good ATK but trouble doubling, and Mist could use the extra ATK and doubles lots of stuff. +3 ATK from a Mordecai support means +6 damage per double. Along with a Jill B,

Also, not many other people are going to need Arms Scrolls, so why not put them into Mist? It helps her offense tremendously when she can use Steel Swords, and it's not like you're going to be using every Arms Scroll you get on her. One would do. A good forged Steel Sword will help her offense quite a bit.

As for promotion, Mist joins in Chapter 9. Now, with Heal staves giving 11 EXP per use, Mist should be leveling up quite reliably, needing to act 10 times in order to gain a level. Also, you can't forget that he staff level will be rising as you use her, granting her acces to higher leveled staves which grant even more experience. Let's say she gains about 1.5 levels per chapter.

Now lets factor in BEXP. Once we hit Chapter 8, we'll have about 1500 BEXP. Assuming we're going with an 8 man team, each character will recieve ~187 BEXP. Save that for Mist next chapter, and there's another couple of levels right there. From that point on, she'll be included in all BEXP divisions, so she'll be gaining about 2 levels a chapter. That means, assuming we are promoting at LVL 20, it'll be about Chapter 19 when she promotes. Could be better, but still not too far behind the rest of your team.

From that point, she becomes even better. 10 chapters is more than enough time to have built up supports, so the entire time she's been moving towards promotion she's been benefiting the team through supports as well as healer utility. Now that she can attack, she gets, as I said earlier, +3 to her ATK stat from Mordecai, as well as defense. Good for her; solid offensive and defensive boosts. Plus she helps Mordecai kick even more ass.

Assuming we give her an Arms Scroll right off the bat, she's using Steel Swords right away. This gives her about 23 ATK, and she is most likely doubling pretty reliably. Of course, this isn't even taking into account forged weapons. Admittidely, Canto is less of an asset than it could be, but it gives her more versatility than other healers and lets her do her job while not straying too far from her support partners.

In addition to everything I've already said, she is the only healer available when fighting the Burger King, and Canto lets her heal Ike without putting herself in any danger whatsoever. Sure, given you manage to activate Aether, a healer won't be all that necessary, but there's a good chance you won't, and a healer will be greatly appreciated.

All in all, Mist is an extremely solid unit, with good supports, offense, durability, and utility.

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