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Lux's Luscious Lair of Sprites!

Lux Aeterna

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I would suggest that you try to use FE8 sprites for the most of splicing; they tend to have more detail and better art-style than the previous games.

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I would suggest that you try to use FE8 sprites for the most of splicing; they tend to have more detail and better art-style than the previous games.

The outline color is what I notice the most in the FE8 sprites. If you suggest it though, I shall take it into account. Thanks.

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Maybe II should've tried to be a little more descriptive........... What I mean't about her collar is:


Under her face and you see part of her neck and then the collar I believe that the body is from Farina, but what I'm saying is that bulge to our left of her neck just looks odd to me I would try to flatten and/or lower it a little more. I would've tried to highlight or edit things but unable to right now.

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Maybe II should've tried to be a little more descriptive........... What I mean't about her collar is:


Under her face and you see part of her neck and then the collar I believe that the body is from Farina, but what I'm saying is that bulge to our left of her neck just looks odd to me I would try to flatten and/or lower it a little more. I would've tried to highlight or edit things but unable to right now.

I did what I thought you meant. I'll put the modification here and on the front page.


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i took the image to fiddle with it a bit dont have it here but it looked better to me if you raise the collor a bit on the left and lighten that little dark part on the right were her neck meets her hair and collor

I think this may be what you meant. 20s7j0k.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been too long since I've updated this thing. : O To bump this up to the top get back to spriting I made another super splice. He's nameless, because I don't like him. Two reasons: He looks kind of meaty, and he seems to have lazy eyes or something. I did have fun making the hair two colors. Screw the color limit if I overstepped it: This is the only place he'll ever be seen. Here is... The... Nameless...?


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If you're going to use two hair colours like that, don't make it look so artificial. Find the parting point in his hair and apply the colours there, instead of just plonking a new colour right in the middle of his hair.

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You should find a "between" colour; a colour for mixing in between the colours. On that note, the hair doesn't even fit on Dart's head as they are facing different angles.

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You should find a "between" colour; a colour for mixing in between the colours. On that note, the hair doesn't even fit on Dart's head as they are facing different angles.

I don't quite catch what you mean by that. Could you provide a viusal, please?

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Good to see that your topic is back. But I think they meant something like this 2mqm23r.png

Notice how the hair changes color at the part in his hair? I think that's what they meant.

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What they mean is a color to help transition from the green to the red, not a separation at the part. Look at Heath, since he's pretty much the only one with a noticeable two-tone hair color. Instead of just a stark change in hair color between the silver and the green, there's a slow and steady transition using dulled greens to help the colors blend together.

What they're asking for is something along those lines.

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What they mean is a color to help transition from the green to the red, not a separation at the part. Look at Heath, since he's pretty much the only one with a noticeable two-tone hair color. Instead of just a stark change in hair color between the silver and the green, there's a slow and steady transition using dulled greens to help the colors blend together.

What they're asking for is something along those lines.


Right now, it looks like somebody plopped a tomato on his head. ._.

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Good to see that your topic is back. But I think they meant something like this 2mqm23r.png

Notice how the hair changes color at the part in his hair? I think that's what they meant.

Well now I can't correct it. : P Well, I understand it now. : D

What they mean is a color to help transition from the green to the red, not a separation at the part. Look at Heath, since he's pretty much the only one with a noticeable two-tone hair color. Instead of just a stark change in hair color between the silver and the green, there's a slow and steady transition using dulled greens to help the colors blend together.

What they're asking for is something along those lines.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I try to do a sprite like this. Perhaps I should use Heath as an role model for the next one?

Right now, it looks like somebody plopped a tomato on his head. ._.


EDIT: Also, another question. I'm trying to make maps and the like. Not particularly to play them, but for art purposes. I got stuff like uhh... I think it was Mappy, Nightmare 2.0 and it's modules, FE Editor, GBA color picker, (not sure what this is called but the file says HxDsetupEN), GBA graphics editor, Event assembler, and a visual boy advance. Were those necessary, or was there an easier way to do this? Because all of these hacking numbers look like Japenese to me. XD

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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