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I want to see if "Marth" has a freaking critical cut in.

I'm on Lunatic mode. "Marth" has a 5% crit chance.

It hasn't happened in over 230 times of resets (which I've been doing outside of class).


Stupendous Girl: Marth's rape. Must get!


Stupendous Girl: Your avy in the end says something about fool.


Stupendous Girl: Yellow Flute.

Oh. PG-13 has always been this forum's standard, afaik.

Stupendous Girl: This board wouldn't be standing if it was beyond that. =P

=D Can't help it sometimes I'm a perfectionist and I hate myself for that too because I also don't understand the need for perfectionism and why do I act like a perfectionist if I don't believe in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit??? =<

Stupendous Girl: Well some folks tend to not know things that they are disabled in, but try to do things for the better. ^.^

Edited by Winona
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TheEnd should write the Beginner's guide on how to impersonate Freohr.


Because the rest of you are awful at it.


I don't think I'm very good at it x3

Ah, okay =D

Why am I the one double taking at the user name

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Why am I the one double taking at the user name

Because you're confuzzled x3

Let's get this started then

Smiley guide

=[font="Times New Roman"]I[/font]

Font tag guide


Vocabulary guide

confused -> confuzzled
(exasperation) -> random letters

Punctuation guide

no periods
exclamation mark(s)
question mark
long ellipsis

Edited by TheEnd
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Stupendous Girl: Battle log along with story of Pokemon Black2 battling Zinzolin/Colress/The Shadow Triad/Kyurem/and Ghetsis

Zinzolin: It's an act of mercy on my part to bring this to an end now.

-Battle starts with Zinzolin.

-Sends out Salamence.

-Switches to Blastoise.

-Cryogonal does Ice Beam. It's not very effective...Almost does next to nothing.

-Blastoise does Hidden Power. Almost does next to nothing. And the Hidden Power's element is Electric.

-Cryoganal does Confuse Ray.

-Blastoise is confused.

-Used Full Heal.

-Blastoise snapped out of confusion.

-Cryoganal does Ice Beam. Hardly does nothing.

-Blastoise does Surf. Does about 2/3 damage.

-Cryoganal does Ice Beam. Does almost nothing.

-Blastoise does Surf. Cryogonal dies.

-Zinzolin sends out Cryogonal.

-Sends out Salamence.

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's Super Effective! Cryogonal dies.

-Zinzolin sends out Weevile.

-Weevile does Ice Shard. (This attack always attacks first regardless of speed.) Salamence is badly damaged and it is Super Effective!

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's super effective! and Weevile dies. Especially with it's 4x weakness to fighting moves and the battle ends.

Zinzolin: Beaten again?! No matter. Team Plazma will have the last laugh.

*Checks the machine panels*

Left One-It looks like it controls the ships temperature. Kyurem: Haahra...

Right One-It looks like it controls the ships energy system. Kyurem: Haahra...

*Enters the teleporter on the right*

Colress-Welcome! I was asked by an aquaintence to help out with his research. What I desire is to bring out Pokemon potential. If I can accomplish that, I don't care what it takes! If it means this strength must be brought out by the interactions between the Pokemon and trainers, then so be it! If it means to use a merceless approach like Team Plazma's and force out the pokemon's power, then so be it! And yes, if the entire world is destroyed as a result, then so be it...That aside! The reason I've been travelling all over Unova and battling Pokemon trainers is because I was testing the viability of this approach to bringing out the full strength of Pokemon. In that respect, you've done an amazing job! Well now! Tell me if you have the answer I desire or not! If you're ready, come at me!

*After going to him.*

Colress-It looks like you're ready, then! OK! Let us begin!

*Battle begins*

-Sends out Magneton.

-Sends out Salamence.

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's super effective! It did down to red bar.

-Magneton does Thunder Wave. Salamence is para h4xed!

Colress: Come on! More. Bring out your Pokemon's Power!

-Colress used a Full Restore!

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's Super Effective! Does close to red bar damage.

-Magneton does Volt Switch and switches to...

-Magnezone as Salamence does Brick Break! It's Super Effective! And it goes down to red bar health.

-Magnezone does Flash Cannon. Does serious damage. About 1/2.

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's Super Effective! Magnezone dies.

-Salamence reaches LV60.

Max HP +4

Attk +3

Def +2

Sp.Attk +2

Sp.Def +2

Speed +3

Max HP 193

Attk 224

Def 118

Sp.Attk 128

Sp.Def 107

Speed 173

-Sends out Metang.

-Sends in Blastoise.

-Blastoise does Surf which does about 2/3 damage.

-Metang does Agility.

-Blastoise does Surf. Metang dies. (Still outsped it! I luv u Blastoise! ^o^)

-Sends in Kinkling

-Keeps in Blastoise.

-Kinkling floats in the air with it's Air Balloon.

-Blastoise does Surf which does about 2/3 damage.

-Kinkling shifts into gears which raises both it's attack and speed.

-Kinkling does Giga Impact and misses.

-Blastoise does Surf and Kinkling dies.

-Blastoise' Level increased to 60.

Max HP +3

Attk +1

Def +2

Sp.Attk +2

Sp.Def +3

Speed +3

Max HP 169

Attk 118

Def 129

Sp.Attk 147

Sp.Def 141

Speed 152

-Blastoise wants to learn the move Hydro Pump. Chooses not to have it learn it even though I'm planning to since I cannot drop HM moves. Crappers. Heart Scale it is.

-Sends in Beeyham.

-Sends in Genesect.

-Genesects download ups it's Sp.Attk.

-Genesect does Bug Buzz. Beehyam dies.

-Sends in Magneton.

-Keeps in Genesect.

Colress: I'm more psychhed that I've ever been. I can still go on.

-Genesect uses Techno Blast+Burn Drive. It's Super Effective! Magneton dies. (It was already badly beat up.)

Colress: So this is what it means to draw fourth the hidden power in Pokemon.

-Ayanami got $20800 for winning!

Colress: So strong! You're a very strong trainer indeed!

Aya: That's cuz ur no match for my weapon of doom!

-Colress: So let me ask you this! Are you thinking of reaching even higher heights by understanding each other as Pokemon and trainer?



-Chooses Yes.

Colress: I see....to me that is an ideal answer. To think! That's actually what you believe! You bring out the power of your Pokemon with respect and love! Excuse me for repeating myself, but if it will make Pokemon stronger, I don't care what it takes! If interacting with Pokemon can increase their powers only to a certain point, then their full strength must be brought out using scientific approach.

Aya: No, you bakana idiot!

Colress: Even without a conscience. But you have shown me the potential of your approach. To me, whether Team Plazma wins or whether you win will decide how the relationship between Pokemon and people should be! So where will this be settled? Step on the Warp panel on the other side of the panel where Kyurem is being held. Good luck in your battle.

*Steps on teleport panel and heads west to where a Team Plazma grunt is guarding the area.*

Grunt: What ?! You beat Colress?! Wooah! I've pretended to be strong, but I don't have any Pokemon! *Runs Away*

Aya: Heh heh heh. Like a dog with a tail between it's legs.

*Enters in warp panel in the western room and it shows a room filled with monitors with static in some of them.*

???: That blasted Colress!

*Slams cane on the floor*

That fool committed to pure science.

Aya: Whatever, Dr.Claw.

???: This is how he repays me for making him the boss of Team Plazma? How dare he put his personnel intellectual curiousity before our ultimate mission of conquering Unova!

Aya: Today's been a long time coming madman.

Ghetsis: How fortunate for you! Few get to be the sole audience of one of my speeches. Team Plazma will use knowledge and technology to take Kyurem's true power to it's absolute limit and freeze the Unova region. The terrified people and Pokemon will bow at Team Plazma's...no at MY feet!

*Slams cane on the floor*

Ghetsis: Kyurem is an empty being. The remenents of a certain Pokemon when it spit into Reshiram and Zekrom....

My desire is absolute rule of the Unova.

That's right! Kyurem will be the vessel into which my desires will be poured!

*Shadow Traid appears*

Shadow Traid#1- Lord Ghetsis. Kyurem has been transfered!

Ghetsis: It's finally here! The wonderful era in which I am the absolute ruler of Unova has finally arrived! I'll let you take care of this!

*Ghetsis escapes*

*Hugh appears.*

Hugh: Wait...You're one of the Shadow Traid, right? Tell me about the Purrloin that was stolen in Aspertia.

Shadow Traid#1: Very Well...This might be it.

*Liepard appears and growls*

Shadow Traid#1: I stole this Pokemon five years ago in Aspertia. So it seems that this is the Pokemon that you're talking about. But now, it only listens to my commands. Such is a fate for Pokemon that are trapped in Pokeballs!

Hugh: Wh-What? Don't mess with me...That's someone elses Pokemon!

Shadow Triad#1: Ah...I feel sorry for Pokemon. They're ruled by Pokeballs and the whims of their trainers. Lord Ghetsis spoke of liberation two years ago simply for his own ambitions, but...if his plans succeeded, many Pokemon would have been saved.

Aya: No, he would mindslave our Pokemon and to make them suffer to do his own bidding.

Shadow Triad#1: That Lipard--well, you knew it as a Purrloin--if it had been released, it might have returned to you. Well then...you there! I won't let you interfere with Lord Ghetsis' plans. Battle starts.

-Sends out Pawniard.

-Sends out Salamence. (Still Para h4xed and 2/3 health wasted)

-Intermidate lowers attack.

-Pawniards Defiant ups Attack sharply.

-Used Para Heal.

-Pawniard does Feint Attack. Salamence is in critical.

-Used Hyper Potion.

-Pawniard does Slash.

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's Super Effective. Pawniard dies. (4x weakness to fighting moves!)

-Sends in Absol.

-Switches to Absol.

-Blastoise does Surf. Absol dies. (No surprise. Since it has shitty defenses.)

-Sends in Pawniard.

-Sends in Salamence.

-Intimidate lowers attack.

-Salamence does Brick Break. It's Super Effective! Pawniard dies!

Shadow Traid#1: It doesn't bother us if stolen Pokemon cry or beg.

-Ayanami got $10200 for winning!

*Other Shadow Traid members appears*

Shadow Triad#2: You're not done yet...We Swore to be loyal to Ghetsis since he saved us! Battle starts...

-Sends out Pawniard.

-Sends out Venasaur.

-Venasaur does Sleep Powder. Pawniard fell asleep.

-The Pawniard is asleep.

-Venasaur does Growth. Attk and Sp.Attk increased.

-Pawniard woke up and did Scary Face.

-Pawniard does Feint Attack.

-Venasaur does Growth. It's Attk and Sp.Attk increased.

-Pawniard does Feint Attack.

-Venasaur does Giga Drain. It's not very effective... Pawniard dies. (Steel types are immune to poison type moves. Remember that!) And Venasaur is 1HP away from being fully recovered.

-Sends out Banette.

-Keeps in Venasaur.

-Banette does Feint Attack.

-Venasaur does Sludge Bomb. Banette dies.

-Sends out Pawniard.

-Keeps in Venasaur.

-Pawniard does Feint Attack.

-Venasaur does Giga Drain. It's not very effective...and Pawniard dies ending the battle.

Shadow Triad#2: Listen well! The only thing we want is the world that Lord Ghetsis desires!

Ayanami got $18360 for winning!

Shadow Triad#3: I have no problem with you, but this is for Lord Ghetsis!

Aya: I know. Nothing personnel.

*Battle starts*

-Sends out Pawniard.

-Sends out Venasaur.

-Venasaur does Sleep Powder.

-Pawniard fell asleep. The Pawniard is asleep.

-Venasaur does Growth. It's Attk and Sp.Attk increased.

-Pawniard is asleep.

-Venasaur does Growth. It's Attk and Sp.Attk increased.

-Pawniard fell asleep.

-Venasaur does Giga Drain. It's not very effective...and Pawniard dies.

-Sends out Accelgor.

-Keeps in Venasaur.

-Accelgor does Bug Buzz.

-Venasaur does Sludge Bomb. Accelgor dies.

-Sends in Pawniard.

-Keeps in Venasaur.

-Venasaur does Giga Drain. It's not very effective...and Pawniard dies and the battle ends.

Shadow Triad#3: It doesn't bother us whether Pokemon win or lose!

Ayanami got $18360 for winning!

*Enters Kyurems lair in Giant Chasm*

Ghetsis: The Giant Chasm! This is the spot where Kyurem's power resonates. Here Kyurem can use the full extent of it's power and easily cover all of Unova in ice.

*Slams cane to the ground*

Ghetsis: Kyurem, come!

Kyurem: Haahran!

Ghetsis: I have a memory that continued to haunt me. Just one. That unpleasant look in your eyes reminds me of it..that aside, this is my gift to you to show you my respect for you making it this far. I'll freeze you solid right here so you can watch my glorious asent!

*Slams cane on the ground*

Ghetsis: Kyurem! Glaciate!

Kyurem: Haaraa!

*Kyurem unleases the attack about to kill you the player but at the last second when it was just about to hit a Fusion Bolt suddenly stops the attack.*

*It's N and Zekrom* (If you're playing the White2 version though however, it will be Reshiram and the Fusion Fire will stop the attack instead.)

Ghetsis: So you came...the freak without a human heart.

N: Zekrom/Reshiram told me that Kyurem is suffering! I cannot allow selfish humans to make Pokemon suffer! And I like Unova. It's the place that taught me how to live as a human....it's the place that made me notice the harmony between Pokemon and humans living together. I will prtect the Pokemon and humans who live here!

*Both Kyuem and Zekrom/Reshiram snarls at each other.*

Both: Bazzazzazzash!

Ghetsis: Excellent! That was a moving expression of your determination! So the education I've provided to make you king wasn't a complete waste then! But I still haven't forgotten that even though I was kind enough to find you when you were living in the forest with Pokemon and take you, in the end you were selfish and disrupted my plans. I was supposed to use your abilities to rule Unova! But I'll forgive you for that as well. Zekrom/Reshiram, which you were kind enough to bring with you, can shatter ice! Now you've saved me the work of searching for it! Well, actually, I knew you'd appear if we fired ice missles into Opelucid City, you'd noticed the change!

N: That's an ugly formula! It won't work!

Ghetsis: Oh, but it will. If I use these DNA Splicers!

*Slams cane on the ground*

*After cutscene*

Aya: What is this? The Cell Saga?

N:?! Zekrom/Reshiram!

Ghetsis: Kyurem absorb Zekrom/Reshiram! Use absofusion!

*After cool cutscene*

N:...! I never would have believed that Pokemon could fuse together.

Aya: Yeah right! This had to be a total rip off from Dragonball Z, but nice!

N: That there was a formula like this...

Ghetsis:! You fool...last time, I was going to use you to capture peoples hearts and minds to rule them! But this time, I'm simply going to use overwhelming power and rule with an iron fist.!

Aya: Not after this you won't!

Ghetsis: Do you understand? If you had simply become king, Unova would have remained beautiful! Come now, trainer. This time no one will save you! But to make things interesting, I'll give you a chance. (It's to be expected for an E rated game! The writers always protecting the heros. ^_^)

Let's see if you can stop THIS Kyurem!? What's this? Your Pokeballs are trembling. Could your Pokemon be shaking with rage?

*Slams cane on the ground*

Ghetsis: No! That's not possoble! Simple tools don't have emotion or thought!

Aya: If you think that their used for tools of war, then you truely are a helpless fool.

Ghetsis: Come! Challenge Kyurem! Just so you know, catching it is impossible! My cane emits signals that disrupt the function of all Pokeballs!

N: No, it's feint, but I can hear my friend. I can hear Zekrom/Reshiram's voice. It says that they can be separated again! I beg you! Please save my friend! And all of Unova's Pokemon and humans...

*Approaches Kyurem*

Kyurem: "BazzKyurom"

*Battle begins*

Kyurem's Terrabolt ability is emmitting an aura and kick as battle theme plays*

Kyurem's Theme

*Sits for about 30 minutes listening to this music and watches Kyurem and Venasaur's movements*

-Switches to Genesect so I can watch it's pincer movements with this theme for a long time*

-Genesects download activates. It ups it's Sp.Attk.

-Kyurem does Slash. It's not very effective...

*Sits for about 1 hour and 30 minutes later*

-Genesect does Psychic.

-Kyurem does Slash.

-Genesect does Psychic.

-Kyurem does Fusion Bolt. Genesect is in critical.

-Genesect does Psychic and Kyurem dies and the battle ends.

Kyurem: Bazzah! Haaraan!

*Zekrom/Reshiram and Kyurem separate again*

Ghetsis: I can't belive it. The Black/White Kyurem I went to all the trouble of finding! How irritating! Now I have to catch Kyurem, don't I? But first, I'll take down this disgusting trainer with my own hand! This time I WILL succeed! No matter what they try, no one will be able to stop me.


*Battle begins*

-Sends out Cofgrigus.

-Sends out Venasaur.

-Switches to Blazaken.

-Cofgrigus does Protect and fails.

-Blazaken does Sword's Dance. Attack rose sharply.

-Cofgrigus does Toxic. Blazaken is poisoned.

-Speed Boost activates.

-Blazaken does Shadow Claw. It's super effective! Cofrigus dies. and Blazaken got it's ability mummied!

-Sends out Seismitoad.

-Keeps in Blazaken.

-Blazaken does Shadow Claw. Down to red health.

-Seismitoad does Earthquake. It's Super Effective and Blazaken dies.

-Sends in Ursaring.

Ghetsis: So I was expecting that kind of move!

-Ghetsis used Full Restore.

-Ursaring does Facade. Ursaring is burned. (Flame Orb)

-Ursaring does Crunch. Seismitoad dies. Ursaring is hurt by it's burn.

-Sends in Toxicroak.

-Ursaring stays.

-Ursaring does Facade. Toxicroak dies. Ursaring is hurt by it's burn.

-Sends in Drapion.

-Ursaring stays.

-Ursaring does Facade. Drapion dies.

-Ursaring's level increased to 59.

Max HP +3

Attk +5

Def +1

Sp.Attk +0

Sp.Def +2

Speed +2

Max HP 175

Attk 223

Def 93

Sp.Attk 90

Sp.Def 94

Speed 123

Ursaring is hurt by it's burn.

-Sends in Hydregion.

-Keeps in Ursaring.

-Ursaring does Facade. Hydreigon dies. Ursaring is hurt by it's burn.

-Sends in Eelektross.

-Keeps in Ursaring.

-Ursaring does Facade. Eelektross dies.

-Ursaring level increased to 60.

Max HP +3

Attk +3

Def +2

Sp.Attk +2

Sp.Def +1

Speed +2

Max HP 178

Attk 226

Def 95

Sp.Attk 92

Sp.Def 95

Speed 125

And the battle ends...

Ghetsis: Could it be that my plans have foiled again from a trainer from who knows where? NO!

-Ayanami got $18720 for winning!

Ghetsis: How can this be? I'm the creator of Team Plazma! I'm perfect! I'm the absolute ruler that will change the world! And I've lost to some unknown trainer not once, but TWICE?! I can't accept this! This isn't possible! I can't be bested by fools who can't even use Pokemon corectly!

Aya: Better that u!

N: It's hard to call you this...but father! Please understand. Pokemon are not tools. Pokemon and humans take each other to greater heights. They are our wonderful partners. Some humans understand this. Why can't you?

Ghetsis: Shut your mouth! Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!


*He starts breaking out like Matt Enguarde in Ace Attorney*

Ghetsis: Don't talk like a person, you freak! No real person could talk to Pokemon!

*Shadow Triad appears*

Shadow Triad#1: Lord Ghetsis has lost control...well take it from here...

N: Ok. Without Team Plazma is...

Shadow Triad: Farewell...

*The Shadow Traid takes him away and apprehends him to Looker*

N: On behalf of everyone...thank you!

(After convo with N)

*Inspects Ghetsis' cane as it was left behind when he was apprehended.*

"It was the cane that Ghetsis was holding. Was he controlling Kyurem with it?"

My Team







Name: C.8402

Gender: Male

Type: Grass/Poison

Venasaur LV59

Nature: Docile

Ability: Overgrow

Held item: Leftovers (But gave him Amulet Coin for those battles)


Max HP 181

Attk 120

Def 125

Sp.Attk 140

Sp.Def 130

Speed 154


-Sleep Powder


-Sludge Bomb

-Giga Drain

Name: Genesect

Gender: N/A

Type: Bug/Steel

Genesect LV59

Nature: Docile

Ability: Download

Held item: The Drives


Max HP 179

Attk 170

Def 133

Sp.Attk 164

Sp.Def 131

Speed 147


-Techno Blast

-Magnet Bomb


-Bug Buzz

Name: BLS

Gender: Male

Type: Fire/Fight

Blazaken LV59

Nature: Jolly

Ability: Speed Boost

Held item: Black Belt/Focus Sash


Max HP 166

Attk 199

Def 104

Sp.Attk 133

Sp.Def 95

Speed 151


-Swords Dance

-Shadow Claw(In game)/Protect(Competitive battling and battle arena)

-Hi Jump Kick

-Blaze Kick

Name: Fia

Gender: Female

Type: Water

Blastoise LV60

Nature: Modest

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Splash Plate


Max HP 169

Attk 118

Def 129

Sp.Attk 147

Sp.Def 141

Speed 152


-Hidden Power (Electric)


-Surf (Going to change this to Hydro Pump and to give it Wide Lens for it's held item.)

-Ice Beam

Name: Smokey

Gender: Male

Type: Normal

Ursaring LV60

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Guts

Held item: Flame Orb


Max HP 178

Attk 226

Def 95

Sp.Attk 92

Sp.Def 95

Speed 125



-Sleep Talk



Name: Behemoth

Gender: Female

Type: Dragon/Flying

Salamence LV60

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Intimidate

Held item: Life Orb


Max HP 193

Attk 224

Def 118

Sp.Attk 128

Sp.Def 107

Speed 173

Moveset (Major time traveling and breeding for this set.)

-Dragon Claw

-Brick Break

-Dragon Dance

-Body Slam

Edited by Winona
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[6:47:02 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): So random high school dream

[6:47:03 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): assembly

[6:47:17 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Someone gets put on the spot next to me

[6:47:26 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Gets asked a question

[6:47:58 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): someone comments, Geez, he's about as stiff as Soiree is here with Sol in their marriage.

[6:48:04 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Everyone's like WHAT

[6:48:13 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): She gets put on the spot.

[6:48:22 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): And she makes up some excuse like how it's a game or something

[6:48:31 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): the one in charge just walks away.

[6:48:36 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): She stares at the guy.

[6:48:45 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Death stare

[6:48:45 AM] Friend: ...........

[6:48:51 AM] Friend: wtf xD

[6:48:53 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): not done

[6:49:08 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): "Daniel what the hell are you thinking. We're in high school. Keep yer damn mouth shut."

[6:49:10 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I said that

[6:49:21 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): "Next you're gonna be spouting stuff about me and Olivia."

[6:49:26 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): "Keep yer mouth shut."

[6:49:40 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): yeah. I woke up

[6:49:44 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): since I mentioned "Olivia"

[6:49:46 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): and not "Ninian"

[6:49:56 AM] Friend: XDDD

[6:50:13 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I didn't actually SEE her though.

[6:50:18 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): So I guess that's a good thing.


[6:51:03 AM] Friend: XDDDDD

[6:51:05 AM] Friend: Watch out

[6:51:09 AM] Friend: it just might happen

[6:51:13 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Go to hell.

[6:51:15 AM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): XD

[6:51:16 AM] Friend: XD

My mornings in a nutshell.

I was so dead tired last night I didn't even bother turning on the computer when I got home.

Morning guys.

*TL's note: Uragirimono = traitor

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*TL's note: Uragirimono = traitor

Stupendous Girl: I'll have to copy that and keep it in mind. =o

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Face it Rey, it's the best couple.

So why does Ayanami feel like posting as a Stupendous Girl all of a sudden?

A brave question.

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