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Umm..... Heehee, yes... Yes, I do x3

I have 3 brothers


I have three siblings, too.

They can be super annoying.

Especially since I'm the oldest and my mom had us so close together.

(The difference between my and the youngest is only 5 years... I'm two years older than my other brother; he's two year's older than my sister, who's a year older than my youngest brother.)

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I know of at least five siblings. But only one is of the same mother as I (but different father), and the other four each have different mothers.

The joys of having a father who "went around."

As far as I'm aware he's still doing time for illegally reactivating deactivated firearms and presumably selling them off for cash.

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One of the reasons for the gap between me and the next brother is because my parents couldn't get along very well (but also probably after they had me they thought "two is good enough" x3), then once they got back together they had my next two brothers

But now they're split for good, and that's also why I also have a half-sister!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm 10 1/2 months younger than my older brother, 6 years older than the next brother, and 8 years older than the youngest

Sooo, it must be easier for you... :)

I guess you wouldn't fight as much with brothers 6 and 8 years younger than you.

(Maybe with you're older brother, though... 10 1/2 months is really close...)

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Sooo, it must be easier for you... :)

I guess you wouldn't fight as much with brothers 6 and 8 years younger than you.

(Maybe with you're older brother, though... 10 1/2 months is really close...)

It's actually the opposite

Not that I have trouble getting along with them, but they're most annoying because they do nothing but argue with each other, meanwhile me and my older brother get along really really well and we can't understand why the other two can't get along yet, and they're 11 and 13 and we expected them to mature by now. Me and my older brother matured by those ages...

(the "go to first unread post" made me skip yours so at first I only noticed raven's post =<)

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It's actually the opposite

Not that I have trouble getting along with them, but they're most annoying because they do nothing but argue with each other, meanwhile me and my older brother get along really really well and we can't understand why the other two can't get along yet, and they're 11 and 13 and we expected them to mature by now. Me and my older brother matured by those ages...

(the "go to first unread post" made me skip yours so at first I only noticed raven's post =<)


I'd say the younger ones mature more slowly...

I was more mature than my youngest brother when I was his age (although I didn't watch rated-R movies and rated-M games. o_O)

Buuuut, I dunno, I argue a lot with my (not youngest) brother, too... Maybe because I homeschool and am with him all day. XD

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I'd say the younger ones mature more slowly...

I was more mature than my youngest brother when I was his age (although I didn't watch rated-R movies and rated-M games. o_O)

Buuuut, I dunno, I argue a lot with my (not youngest) brother, too... Maybe because I homeschool and am with him all day. XD

Well yeah we kinda already knew that by now heehee

But I think the friends they hang out with are no help at all, their friends just like to encourage not getting along =<

But anyway I feel that if anything, the closeness in mine and my older brother's age makes us closer as well... And we tend to have similar interests.

But my older brother doesn't live with us anymore so it makes me kinda sad =<

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Here in the UK at least, it's more common for the kids to stay with the mother in the event of a split. Unless the kids are old enough to decide otherwise.

It is here too. My parents considered us old enough and if we lived with our mom we would be back up in Canada instead of Indiana. But we'd been living in Indiana for so long by then that we weren't comfortable with leaving...

If they didn't consider us old enough to decide we'd probably be in Canada by now.

Or not... according to my dad it is the best idea that we decided to stay because my mom's family.... well I hate to say this but my mom is native american from a native american family, but her family fits their own stereotype... they all smoke and drink... I don't like saying it =<

But my mom's family has gotten harmful and dangerous before with how drunk they get so I think my two youngest brothers would've stayed with my dad when they split since by then they were too young to decide and if me or my older brother wanted to go with our mom then we would've been split from our younger brothers.

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I see we have conscripted a new member into this thread.

Heh heh... I guess so. :P

But there are already so many people here. o_O


Well yeah we kinda already knew that by now heehee

But I think the friends they hang out with are no help at all, their friends just like to encourage not getting along =<

But anyway I feel that if anything, the closeness in mine and my older brother's age makes us closer as well... And we tend to have similar interests.

But my older brother doesn't live with us anymore so it makes me kinda sad =<

Oh, I wish I could say the same thing...

Actually, I can. I am really close with my siblings... which is why we often get into conflicts.

Nothing major, but still...

And the fact that I teach my siblings (the younger two) piano doesn't help at all... They hate me for that. XD

Well, you're older brother is old enough to live on his own... and he would have to had to leave one day or another, so... yeah.

Meanwhile, I can't wait to leave my family and go to college. It's not that I don't like them... It's just... I want to live my own life already... I don't even have a driving license yet...


It is here too. My parents considered us old enough and if we lived with our mom we would be back up in Canada instead of Indiana. But we'd been living in Indiana for so long by then that we weren't comfortable with leaving...

If they didn't consider us old enough to decide we'd probably be in Canada by now.

Or not... according to my dad it is the best idea that we decided to stay because my mom's family.... well I hate to say this but my mom is native american from a native american family, but her family fits their own stereotype... they all smoke and drink... I don't like saying it =<

But my mom's family has gotten harmful and dangerous before with how drunk they get so I think my two youngest brothers would've stayed with my dad when they split since by then they were too young to decide and if me or my older brother wanted to go with our mom then we would've been split from our younger brothers.

Wow... It must be hard living in a split family... I can't imagine living without my mom... Well, I can... but not in that sense. I can't imagine my family being split. That's better.

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Well, you're older brother is old enough to live on his own... and he would have to have left one day or another, so... yeah.

Meanwhile, I can't wait to leave my family and go to college. It's not that I don't like them... It's just... I want to live my own life already... I don't even have a driving license yet...

Yes but that doesn't make me any less sad. I wasn't saying I couldn't understand why he left =b It's just sad that he's pretty much the only person I got along that well with and now we're just split off and it's kinda hard on me =<

I got so homesick when I was away in college~ But now I'm in a community college and I go to college and still live in my home x3 It's kinda sad that I can get homesick so easily though.

I'm actually afraid to live my own life because I'm still terribly shy and I'm such a screw up at everything I do... If I went alone then I'd have no guidance anymore and I'm afraid of that =< I feel like I'll just be a kid my entire life...

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Yes but that doesn't make me any less sad. I wasn't saying I couldn't understand why he left =b It's just sad that he's pretty much the only person I got along that well with and now we're just split off and it's kinda hard on me =<

I got so homesick when I was away in college~ But now I'm in a community college and I go to college and still live in my home x3 It's kinda sad that I can get homesick so easily though.

I'm actually afraid to live my own life because I'm still terribly shy and I'm such a screw up at everything I do... If I went alone then I'd have no guidance anymore and I'm afraid of that =< I feel like I'll just be a kid my entire life...


Sorry about that~ (You being lonely.)

I can't really empathize, though... mostly because I haven't felt that (yet).

Community college~

(I might have to go there, if I don't get any scholarships... Fortunately, my dad says the community college in Maryland is good... He went there... to learn English... which is actually surprisingly good for an immigrant... probably because he got his masters' degree and Ph.D. in America and studied/read a lot in English...)

I bet I'll be feeling homesick, too... Maybe not as much as you, since I'm a more I-want-to-be-independent-and-am-perfectly-capable-of-doing-so kind of guy... maybe.

EDIT: Well... my mom said she never felt "grown-up" for a long time... Even after she had me and her second son, she still didn't feel that way... She says it felt more like babysitting a baby all day. :P Only after she had my sister, her third child, did she say she felt "motherly."

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Well, chances are I'll be returning as a regular again. Mostly because Awakening is amazing and I want to be able to talk about it with people.

How far are you on it? I haven't been playing it lately, but that's because I've been busy with video playthroughs. You know, being partnered and all.

I still need a 3DS capture card.

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