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Well, it's almost the end of DeSu2. I've joined Ronaldo's faction, and I'm on the battle where you have to beat Fumi really quickly.

The only characters I didn't get a fate level 4 with are Airi and Hinako, though Ronaldo's route allowed me to get a level four with her.

I was pretty close to getting the triumphant ending... ;_;

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I HAVE RETURNED. Fairy Tail has taken up too much time lately.

Well, it's almost the end of DeSu2. I've joined Ronaldo's faction, and I'm on the battle where you have to beat Fumi really quickly.
The only characters I didn't get a fate level 4 with are Airi and Hinako, though Ronaldo's route allowed me to get a level four with her.
I was pretty close to getting the triumphant ending... ;_;

First off, be warned that I will mock you mercilessly for going Law first, since you never do that in an SMT game of any sort that has the Law/Neutral/Chaos breakdown.

Second, that fight isn't as bad as it seems if you can take out Keita first considering he hits you like a brick shithouse with Rage Soul/Attack All. Of course, you could just stack Phys Repel on your leftmost demon (since it'll just skull-eff him instead) to cheapen the whole thing.

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To be honest, this is the only time in SMT that I found Law to be abjectively good. Ronaldo is a good guy- Apart from the possibility that he can kill Makoto Sako. Which isn't a good thing.

Keita is hax in that fight. I guess I'll have to beat his sorry ass with some combination of Evil Flow, Blitzkrieg, and Holy Dance.

I'll probably use both Keita and Fumi for the rest of the game... Well, Fumi will replace Joe at the very least.

My team will be: Magic MC, Ronaldo, Fumi and Otome. I'm using Ron-Ron because its his route, and I'd do the same if I was doing the other routes too. (Daichi on his route, AO on his, Yamato on his.)

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First off, be warned that I will mock you mercilessly for going Law first, since you never do that in an SMT game of any sort that has the Law/Neutral/Chaos breakdown.

Listen, Fiend! Foul demon whose soul is tainted with darkness! Listen! And tremble in fear! I am Metatron! I am one with God! By His will. I shall destroy you!

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Orly? Deathbound+Pierce+Phys Amp+Ares Aid+Marksman!Kaido says otherwise. With a hint of Holy Dance+MagicYin!Amane to help out.

Metatron wasn't that hard, though. I beat him with just Naoya at level 70, though that was because I used MagicYin+HolyDance+ManaSurge.

Naoya is just good in general. If you add up all his stats at level 30, then compare that to level 30 MC or Atsubro, he has a few points more.

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School computer. I feel sort of relieved I can finally have Firefox AND Skype open at the same time >_>;

Well, it's only a few more days until your laptops fixed. Just gotta keep your chin up until then. :)

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I think I might go insane from the stagnation in my life.

[/hugs] I'm sorry... I understand your pain a lot...

A good way to fix that is by filling every day with little changes: try new things, take new routes, purposefully avoid your standard routine. And then once every while, throw in something random and different. Take in a new site, go to a new place, buy something you normally wouldn't and branch out of your comfort zone for a while. It's the little things that make life worth living, you know. :)

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School computer. I feel sort of relieved I can finally have Firefox AND Skype open at the same time >_>;


Use some kind of lightweight linux on a flash drive for school and library computers.

You might get in trouble, but it's worth it for decent functionality.

Edited by Makaze
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[/hugs] I'm sorry... I understand your pain a lot...

A good way to fix that is by filling every day with little changes: try new things, take new routes, purposefully avoid your standard routine. And then once every while, throw in something random and different. Take in a new site, go to a new place, buy something you normally wouldn't and branch out of your comfort zone for a while. It's the little things that make life worth living, you know. :)

I live in a rather uneventful country town, so there isn't much room for adventure, I'm afraid. :<

We have a bowling alley but that's about it.

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I live in a rather uneventful country town, so there isn't much room for adventure, I'm afraid. :<

We have a bowling alley but that's about it.

Hmm... well, if you're an outside person, you could explore around a bit, I guess. I'm sure they're some interesting wildlife around...

Or... oh! Stargazing. That's a lovely way to do something different - you never see the stars in the same place!

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