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Oh so you saw it? Hue.

Haha, no, not Game of Thrones. As I've stated, while the characters are interesting, I find it hard to enjoy the series itself because it seems like at every turn the worst possible scenario occurs. No real suspense. There's also the fact that I know I'd only really cheer for three characters (Sansa, Ayra, and Tyrion), and... yeah. ^^ I know plots and the like, but I don't sit down to read or watch. I will when things are completed.

No, in this case, I was talking about Attack on Space, which is an... audio thingumabob tribute au thing to Attack on Titan.

Apparently the lke thing got so bad someone changed the word filter or something to replace any mention of lke with Mike.


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Haha, no, not Game of Thrones. As I've stated, while the characters are interesting, I find it hard to enjoy the series itself because it seems like at every turn the worst possible scenario occurs. No real suspense. There's also the fact that I know I'd only really cheer for three characters (Sansa, Ayra, and Tyrion), and... yeah. ^^ I know plots and the like, but I don't sit down to read or watch. I will when things are completed.

No, in this case, I was talking about Attack on Space, which is an... audio thingumabob tribute au thing to Attack on Titan.


Aww. Sansa does really cool stuff in this episode though....

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My last dream wasn't nearly that intense... But it actually happened just a few days ago! I really got unbanned.

Note: Everyone mentioned is a member of the forum (KHV), that I was banned from.

Non-lucid, medium recall: Returning to KHV

14 December 2013 @ 10:04 am

Nate_River was filming a video alongside Skype. It was a dance/music video. I jumped in behind him and mimicked his movements. I thought I was hilarious. He posted about it in the KHV megachat. I typed a reply noting my presence and sent it.

Nate freaked out and said, "Holy shit!"

The reply wasn't on Skype like I thought it was. It was on KHV. I was back as my normal user self. I refreshed and looked at it several times because I couldn't believe it.

The thread I had posted in burst with activity. Everyone asked if it was really me. Some people didn't know me and asked who I was and what the fuss was about. Nova came in and said I was the Barista of [something to do with debating]. It started with a B. It was an awesome title in the dream.

I browsed his profile. He seemed to be doing well. It made me happy that he came to represent me.

Later, I met Derek Hale from Teen Wolf in my little brother's room as a physical projection of somewhere on KHV. His personality was much more chipper than it was when he was Derek in the show. We exchanged excited greetings. He said he couldn't believe it was me and that he was very glad to see me. He looked at me like I had come back from the dead and if he looked away I be dead again.

There was someone else in the room doing their own thing. Derek noticed they didn't know what going on and asked them, "Do you know who this is?" They said, "No." He said to them, "This is Makaze. (S)he is a genius. A genius of ..." He kept going to explain why he thought that by talking about the past. I felt flattered but unhappy because I felt I had not earned praise as great as that.

Later, I was talking to Mish in the same place. She asked me how I got back. I told her I had no idea.

We caught up. When she understood the situation she asked me one last question. "Are you red?" I was wearing a red shirt, but nothing else was red. I said, "No, but I should be. Let me get some clothes on." She had meant as staff, but I meant as a style preference. I skipped into my room and pulled on a pair of red pants. I had been walking about wearing only a shirt and underwear up to this point.

When I got back to the room again, my little brother was there. He was an administrator. Blue name and all. I was baffled. "How did you become admin? Did you unban me?" He shrugged. I looked at him frustratedly. 'Typical administrator,' I thought. I continued to ask him, "How did you become an admin? Did Misty and the others leave?" I imagined that he had taken over after they retired. I imagined how dead KHV would have to be for that to happen. It made me unhappy. He shrugged again. I got the impression that they were coming back. I asked, "What now?" He said, "You're unbanned for now."

I wasn't be satisfied with that, so I implored him further, "Can't you keep me unbanned even after they come back?" He ignored me. "All I want is to be able to post." After a long pause, he replied, "Okay." I sighed in relief.

Then I woke up.

Edited by Makaze
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[spoiler=oh here it was]

Posted by: Balcerzak Tue Jul 03, 2007 @ 03:13am

I had finished writing and submitted my thesis, though there was clearly an expectation that I had some other things I needed to take care of (though I couldn't recall what, if I even knew while the dream was afoot). However, I was feeling ill and this fact must have been at least somewhat apparent because my father seemed to notice, although my mother assumed that I was just trying to weasel out of things so I could slack off in some form, be it reading, or gaming, or anything similar. (Why my parents were around is beyond me, though they disappear in a little bit.)

To describe the ill feelings I was having is a little difficult, but it was pretty close to what I'd call sharp stabbing pains throughout my abdominal region. Fighting against the pain I staggered my way back to a dormitory-like area (may or may not have been where I lived in dream-world, I can't say I recognize it, or even remember enough of it to describe it really well). There was a bed there, but I sort of collapsed on the floor a yard or so away from it and curled up into a ball and started making whimpering noises, which my mother mistook for purring (somehow) and asked what exactly I was thinking and why I would be purring on the ground like that.

I managed to gasp out that I was in some pretty serious pain. There was probably some sort of minor time-skip here because there was suddenly a doctor-ish figure around to confirm that I wasn't faking, and I was lifted onto some sort of bed/operating table. Doc started engaging in some exploratory surgery moving around and checking out my innards, and relayed his discovery that my kidneys, pancreas, and pretty much my entire digestive tract was experiencing acute failure, and that I would need extensive, and expensive medical treatment to massage/coax them back into proper working order.

I either blacked out here, or there was some sort of swift dream time-skip again because the next thing I knew I had come to, and had various tubes and things sticking into me in and around various places. I don't remember all of the details perfectly, but it seems there was the typical nose/mouth intubating tube (though oddly I think I remember being able to talk. Good old dream mechanics...), an IV tube-bag which I think was connected into my side rather than my arm, and some various tubes attaching to a mysterious metal contraption. It vaguely reminded my of a bib, and I'm not entirely sure what its purpose was. It entered my neck on either side, travelled the length of my torso and crossed at about waist level. It was aluminum-colored, maybe.

I was in the same place I had been before, the dormitory-like area, which also, I suppose, reminds me a little of the fellowship hall at the church I attended growing up, rather open-spaced, a common-area. The area had pretty much been converted into a makeshift hospital area (I was not the only patient, I vaguely remember others). It was staffed by volunteers from school, a particularly large number of whom had also been members of the school's earlier production of a play called "The Little King".

I cannot tell you much about that play, other than the fact that many of the costumes were adapted from when we had preformed a version of "Corpse Bride". I'm not entirely sure exactly why or how this came together, so I'm betting it was dream-remnants from an earlier dream that somehow got swept into the current one. Things I do recall were that I was a large fan of the play, had a crush on the actress who wore the re-fitted Corpse Bride costume, and apparently may have had the title-role. I'm not entirely sure, as I distinctly remember watching and enjoying, as well as performing. That's dreams for you, though...

I had a good deal of visitors, people visiting me either because they were a fan of the play, or enjoyed reading my thesis, or were just friends dropping by. After some pretty mundane visiting business passed I felt more or less healthy enough to move about, so I got up, walked past the other patients, down the stairs and somewhere else. I don't remember exactly where, but I get the feeling I was trying to finish what I should have done earlier, before I got struck bad with the pangs of illness. At some point I wound up by my mailbox/bin, which was pretty much stuffed full/overflowing. I grabbed a large manila envelope and left the rest, and headed back to the hospital-ish area.

I opened up the envelope and pulled out the contents. It was my submitted thesis, being returned to me with edits and comments from my advisor and the review board. Seeing this prompted some sort of flashback (I think) to an earlier point in time where there had been a symposium of sorts. I had given a talk, and following the presentation had received a lot of praise from some fans who told me it was one of the best at the conference, though I distinctly remember feeling/thinking to myself that it had actually been rather sub-par both in choice of theme, organizational layout, and execution. Seeing my returned thesis brought back the same sorts of feelings, there were very few comments constructive criticisms, and more praise than I felt was warranted.

I turned to one of my hospital-bed neighbors, who had coincidentally also received a packet with his thesis returned to him. His was rather badly marked up and full of highly critical and lengthy objections. I felt both a little pride, as well as guilt that the only real complaints I'd had on mine were asking for further clarification on relatively minor and esoteric points, and I didn't really feel comfortable sharing with him my results, even though he'd asked. The matter was out of my hands, though, literally, when one of my fans grabbed my thesis from me and quickly skimmed through it, read the comments out loud, and lauded me as a genius getting off with (near-)perfect marks.

A little later on, after some of the hubbub had died down, my advisor dropped by and told me not to worry about the thesis, and to just concentrate on getting well, that I would still be able to graduate, and if needed would be given extensions to deal with those final few corrections/expansions.

I then had an urge to go to the bathroom. Shambled across the area and let myself into a stall, but before I even got my pants down (or was I wearing one of those hospital gowns? I honestly don't know, nor is it all that important. Before I could begin) some little old lady just walked right in, and kept on going. Puzzled, because I was sure I shut and locked the door (and I had), I noticed that the doors were unusually high off the ground, and that the lady was unusually short. Both were approximately two feet or so, so she just made it under. She clearly wasn't interested in me, though, and just was passing through to whatever was on the other side of the stall. The mood was ruined though, and I found myself unable to conduct the business I had come to take care of.

It was around this time, though, that I noticed a mysterious puddle on the ground beneath my feet. Slightly confused and disturbed, as I was confident that was not urine, I glanced around for the source and discovered that my IV bag/pouch thing had sprung several high-pressure leaks from pin-holish areas.

Concerned, I hurriedly made my way back to my bed and flagged down a nurse. I lifted the bag to show her the problem, but unfortunately the spray hit her directly in the face, ruining her make-up, her hair and turning her into quite a bit of a mess. She accused me of being a practical joker, and left to go get an administrator to issue me some sort of formal reprimand, and pretty much proceeded to ignore my plight. After she'd left I noticed that I was bleeding out of that metal bib-contraption, and really began to start to panic a little. It looked like I was turning into a lawn-sprinkler. Looking around for another nurse, anyone really, I asked if somebody had a cell-phone. I saw a line of five girls, evidently fans of mine, with their phones in hand just waiting for some signal to start dialing. Not wanting to flood the emergency services line, I told the asian girl on the far right of the line to make the call, and told the others to fetch help.

When some real doctors arrived, I was informed that the situation was extremely dire, and that I probably wouldn't survive the ambulance ride to a real hospital. I thought to myself that if I went to sleep, perhaps slowing down my breathing, and my heart-rate would help things out, and give me a better chance.

So I went to sleep . . . and I woke up . . . in a sweat, clenching my teeth, and with my fists gripping the bed tightly.

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I don't know too much about game of thrones but Brienne's my favorite from everything I've heard about it

I hear sansa gets great character development but I don't know enough about GoT to make a judgement myself

Ayra sounds like she should have an Assassin's Creed game for her

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Those posted dreams reminds me how I haven't remembered well my dreams as of late. Probably nothing worth to remember then, as crazy as they can be.

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I don't know too much about game of thrones but Brienne's my favorite from everything I've heard about it

I hear sansa gets great character development but I don't know enough about GoT to make a judgement myself

Ayra sounds like she should have an Assassin's Creed game for her

can't disagree with nothing here
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Watch the show. You will not regret it.

Well I mean everything I hear about her past book 1 is about how much she stabs people and AC is people stabbing simulator 2014 so

I read book1, wish I had more time to read the rest but I'll get around to them. I read exponentially faster than watching things; if I start watching shows I'll get absolutely nothing done this summer yet again and I'd like to get shit done.

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Fair enough. Reading is much faster in the long run.

Unless we're talking about Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

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Have I mentioned how much I love seaweed dragons?

I love seaweed dragons. A lot~

Manaketes are so cuuuuuuuuute~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Have I mentioned how much I love seaweed dragons?

I love seaweed dragons. A lot~

Manaketes are so cuuuuuuuuute~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Tiki or Nowi, which is your favorite?

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I must admit, reading "seaweed dragon" brought this to mind first...


Despite the avi. Yes, her post mentioned manaketes, but I reached that part after Dragalge came to mind.

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All the Mike

Also Kat you reminded me I forgot to watch Magi today

Late anime watchings gogogogo

Good child.

Aww. Sansa does really cool stuff in this episode though....

Thankfully, Tumblr likes creating lovely gifs of awesome moments. XD

Have I mentioned how much I love seaweed dragons?

I love seaweed dragons. A lot~

Manaketes are so cuuuuuuuuute~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Who's your fav?

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Tiki or Nowi, which is your favorite?

ALL THREE OF THEM I regret nothing

bindi changed her avi :o

also, is that supposed to be nah?

Yep, truely a miracle, isn't it?

also yeeeeep~

Also Dragalge is so legit. hnnnnnng.~

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Yeeeees~! ^~^


There are other sites that have the Drama CD, but gmarket is the only site I know that ships internationally, sooo...

But... but... but...


Dat shipping... ;n;

Is paying 2x the price of a normal Vita game worth it? ;n;

Like, I could buy FF X/X-2 for half that price.

Two games for $40.

Of course, they're not Kiseki games that I can actually understand, but still... ;n;

Heck, play asia even has the Super Price one for pre-order.

And that's like $50 bucks with like $10 shipping.

What to do, what to do...

And crap, other sites are like...


Sold out, sold out, sold out...


Literally every site that had the Drama CD set was sold out.

Well, except for one. But even know if it ships internationally.

And I need to make an account for the site, anyway. Which I need a Korean phone number for.


I guess I'm stuck with over-priced shipping + vanilla copy.

Either there are limited quantities, or Korea has a huge Kiseki fanbase.

Probably the latter, since they're localizing that huge game in the first place. >_>

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