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what if contemplating it multiple times/repeated attempts is because you're at the whims of your mood changing rapidly tho

like its inconvenient as hell for me because I can get set off even over extremely minor things people shouldn't get that upset about and be like "ok this is it its time to die" and I'm afraid to reach out to help bc of the negative stereotypes or that people will think I'm faking it or being manipulative really theres a lot of reasons uhh and if I do reach out I don't know how to say it so I will just do whatever I can think of as a cry for help and then like..... all of the sudden in a few hours I'll be like "nvm im ok" or I get cheered up by somethin dumb or I panic when someone finds out how I feel and don't know how to react anymore its annoying

I feel like everyone thinks I should be on meds at this point and it sucks I'm reluctant to try and I wish I knew if there was any coping methods I could use instead but idk whats going on with me I'm pretty sure theres more to it than depression and anxiety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ will have to see a psychiatrist to confirm this which HOPEFULLY I will do soon

pizza is p good thanks Damian

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meds just regulate your neurotransmitters and whatever else they do. And they don't work for everyone, some might have treatment-resistant depression and sometimes therapy is even better.

there are definitely coping skills you can use to avoid suicidal ideation. a good therapist would provide you with that... maybe you can just try to ask that without your therapist going into manic mode? Because really, it's all about having good coping skills (and not the bad ones) to deal with suicidal ideation and not meds. Honestly, I don't think meds can even do much for that lol. and I take four fucking medications.

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meds just regulate your neurotransmitters and whatever else they do. And they don't work for everyone, some might have treatment-resistant depression and sometimes therapy is even better.

there are definitely coping skills you can use to avoid suicidal ideation. a good therapist would provide you with that... maybe you can just try to ask that without your therapist going into manic mode? Because really, it's all about having good coping skills (and not the bad ones) to deal with suicidal ideation and not meds. Honestly, I don't think meds can even do much for that lol. and I take four fucking medications.

Its still up in the air on how it'll work for me, I used to take meds for anxiety and I think it helped but it had this problem where it made me extremely sleepy and put me at risk of oversleeping so it was not practical to take during the day when I have stuff to do and thats basically the only experience I have lol

..I'm kinda afraid to bring anything now up considering the last time I had an appointment my therapist was all "welp, off to inpaitient you go" and that was like only my 2nd time seeing her and haven't seen her since because something would always come up to where my mom couldn't take me nor could anyone else and she doesn't have any appointments open until later November for some reason??? I don't know if I should switch or not because of what happened I'm hoping we just got off the wrong foot...And the thought of switching and getting someone worse and having to explain everything from scratch all over again terrifies me

like basically is there any way to tell a therapist or psychiatrist you're having severe problems with suicidal or self-harm ideation from time to time without risk of hospitallization? The conditions there sound shit and dehumanizing and I don't see how I'll be able to properly take care of myself there as a diabetic and I /highly/ doubt they're gonna have food I'll like-- if anything I'm just going to feel worse staying there I wish our healthcare had better ways of dealing with people who are suicidal uggh also shit dude thats a lot of meds

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personally, and I'm no therapist so super grain of salt I'm only speaking from exp, I think a lot of depressed people get worked up about going from depressed straight to happy, or think that's expected of them

like yo!! it doesn't have to be and probably won't be that fast!!

if you're talking about it I take it as "I don't want to be depressed," and that's already a big step above "don't touch me I'm in despair and want to die" and people also tend to not give themselves credit for that!!

mood swings are fine, like I dunno! Even PRETENDING to be happy, like talking to your friends you try and bring yourself up and yeah part of that is hiding problems but part of that is also "I don't want to be depressed" coming through and boom there's that effort!!

I'm MAYBEEEEE making assumptions but you're not in bed all day, you're eating, you're thinking about what to do and while there doesn't seem to be answers you're looking so it'll come w/ time!!

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it's okay

No, it's not

but i don't always like pizza


....unless i'm feeling very despairy

*Huggy hug for Shirley* Edited by James Bond
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what if contemplating it multiple times/repeated attempts is because you're at the whims of your mood changing rapidly tho

like its inconvenient as hell for me because I can get set off even over extremely minor things people shouldn't get that upset about and be like "ok this is it its time to die" and I'm afraid to reach out to help bc of the negative stereotypes or that people will think I'm faking it or being manipulative really theres a lot of reasons uhh and if I do reach out I don't know how to say it so I will just do whatever I can think of as a cry for help and then like..... all of the sudden in a few hours I'll be like "nvm im ok" or I get cheered up by somethin dumb or I panic when someone finds out how I feel and don't know how to react anymore its annoying

I feel like everyone thinks I should be on meds at this point and it sucks I'm reluctant to try and I wish I knew if there was any coping methods I could use instead but idk whats going on with me I'm pretty sure theres more to it than depression and anxiety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ will have to see a psychiatrist to confirm this which HOPEFULLY I will do soon

pizza is p good thanks Damian

no lewdy pls don't go

to be fair some would say winners live on meds, you simply can't keep up with the frantic pace of things otherwise

but i don't always like pizza


....unless i'm feeling very despairy

incidentally, trails is only halfway through
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Posted · Hidden by Balcerzak, November 5, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, November 5, 2016 - No reason given

what if contemplating it multiple times/repeated attempts is because you're at the whims of your mood changing rapidly tho

like its inconvenient as hell for me because I can get set off even over extremely minor things people shouldn't get that upset about and be like "ok this is it its time to die" and I'm afraid to reach out to help bc of the negative stereotypes or that people will think I'm faking it or being manipulative really theres a lot of reasons uhh and if I do reach out I don't know how to say it so I will just do whatever I can think of as a cry for help and then like..... all of the sudden in a few hours I'll be like "nvm im ok" or I get cheered up by somethin dumb or I panic when someone finds out how I feel and don't know how to react anymore its annoying

I feel like everyone thinks I should be on meds at this point and it sucks I'm reluctant to try and I wish I knew if there was any coping methods I could use instead but idk whats going on with me I'm pretty sure theres more to it than depression and anxiety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ will have to see a psychiatrist to confirm this which HOPEFULLY I will do soon

pizza is p good thanks Damian

no lewdy pls don't go

to be fair some would say winners live on meds, you simply can't keep up with the frantic pace of things otherwise

but i don't always like pizza


....unless i'm feeling very despairy

incidentally, trails is only halfway through
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Its still up in the air on how it'll work for me, I used to take meds for anxiety and I think it helped but it had this problem where it made me extremely sleepy and put me at risk of oversleeping so it was not practical to take during the day when I have stuff to do and thats basically the only experience I have lol

..I'm kinda afraid to bring anything now up considering the last time I had an appointment my therapist was all "welp, off to inpaitient you go" and that was like only my 2nd time seeing her and haven't seen her since because something would always come up to where my mom couldn't take me nor could anyone else and she doesn't have any appointments open until later November for some reason??? I don't know if I should switch or not because of what happened I'm hoping we just got off the wrong foot...And the thought of switching and getting someone worse and having to explain everything from scratch all over again terrifies me

like basically is there any way to tell a therapist or psychiatrist you're having severe problems with suicidal or self-harm ideation from time to time without risk of hospitallization? The conditions there sound shit and dehumanizing and I don't see how I'll be able to properly take care of myself there as a diabetic and I /highly/ doubt they're gonna have food I'll like-- if anything I'm just going to feel worse staying there I wish our healthcare had better ways of dealing with people who are suicidal uggh also shit dude thats a lot of meds

well that's also a thing about anxiety meds, or most of them. They're also relaxants or whatever because of how anxiety works. They calm you down and so they can also make you sleepy. I probably would be too but my body is like what side effects and pushes them off. Just that I KNOW what happens when I'm off meds unfortunately, though that's due to running out or something.

i see... Well, with those two sentences, the thing is, it's also their job to ensure your safety and that you won't do anything. Maybe if you feel that way, try to explain why you can't go to a psych hospital and/or say you're just thinking about it and won't do anything? I mean even if you DO want to do something, if you say that, they're definitely rolling you away.

*Huggy hug for Shirley*

*hugs Saskules*

After replaying the final boss of Xillia 2 again I kinda wished for a third part with Elle as main character.

I'm sorry but ew I hate Elle. >_>

incidentally, trails is only halfway through

but i don't think i'll play all of trails

maybe just tits and tocs


wait huh half?

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seriously considering learning to read korean just so i can play zero/ao and future kiseki games (as i think it's easier to read than japanese). I truly have become deplorable.

Also did zero and ao evo ever get a korean release?

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if you want to play japanese games, you should learn japanese

i believe regular zero and ao got korean fan translations

if evo had gotten kr releases neal would certainly have mentioned it, and he didn't

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