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Kesler is a pretty cool guy. He's a Lawful Neutral done right, I say.

Also, you can't ignore that hat. So pimp.

I think you might want to put the first sentence into spoiler tags, because there are still people watching it here.

Oops. Spoilerized. :3
I never noticed the first time either. Only the pure badassery.

He's literally doing it as often as he can though. Like telling Yang to take control of Heinessen, killing Reinhard and going against Heinessen's orders (which he probably should have done), or leading El Facil's government.

[spoiler=Schenkopp commentary] Oh man, that's cool though. It makes Schenkopp into the little devil on Yang's shoulder, in comparison to Bucock as the angel. Schenkopp is then constantly reminding the viewer- and tempting Yang - with the ways Yang could use his military power. Bucock, on the other hand, is always reminding him of the ideals of democracy, and how he should hold fast to them. Good shite! Edited by Kittehlaine
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[spoiler=Trails in the Sky progress, SPOILERS SPOILERS]met with Nial, got tidbits of info on Richard, Amalthea, and Lorence. Amalthea was in same year at school as Julia? interesting. Lorence's past is unknown. He is part of Jester Hunting Corps or something. Also Colonel seems to be looking for candidates for Princess Klaudia's marriage... hmmmmmmm...

returned to hotel to find there was an intruder. I heard the flap of wings and realised it must have been Sieg who left the letter! But Josh is being paranoid and thinks it's somebody bad... so the letter says to meet at the cathedral. Who could it be?? Kloe? Julia? Sister Ellen maybe?? We leave hotel but guards are on night patrol so I took a few attempts to get to the cathedral because they lead you back to the hotel!

Turns out it's Sister Ellen. Who turns out to be Julia!!! oh em gee. turns out she wants us to give a message to the Queen, though that's our aim as well! Nice to know Julia is safe for now.

Final match at the tourn!! Oh my gosh. That was a bit tough at the beginning. Those soldiers have reviving items too... Unleashed my s-breaks on them and eventually defeated the soldiers. Annoying that Lorence has the body-split craft which makes a duplicate of him but luckily his 'shadows' are weak 3x against arts. Estelle died at some point but later revived her when things were calm, she was too far away for me to use an item on her and i was too busy using arts and stuff. :/

That was pretty fulfilling though, to beat Lorence and co. Apparently he was holding back though... and Colonel says that their plan has progressed like 90% so he's not afraid of us meddling?? dam that colonel! what is he trying to do...

I should've given Olivier more attacking arts, he's mostly stuffed with water leaving him with not many area magic. :( Me so silly.

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[spoiler=Trails in the Sky progress, SPOILERS SPOILERS]met with Nial, got tidbits of info on Richard, Amalthea, and Lorence. Amalthea was in same year at school as Julia? interesting. Lorence's past is unknown. He is part of Jester Hunting Corps or something. Also Colonel seems to be looking for candidates for Princess Klaudia's marriage... hmmmmmmm...

returned to hotel to find there was an intruder. I heard the flap of wings and realised it must have been Sieg who left the letter! But Josh is being paranoid and thinks it's somebody bad... so the letter says to meet at the cathedral. Who could it be?? Kloe? Julia? Sister Ellen maybe?? We leave hotel but guards are on night patrol so I took a few attempts to get to the cathedral because they lead you back to the hotel!

Turns out it's Sister Ellen. Who turns out to be Julia!!! oh em gee. turns out she wants us to give a message to the Queen, though that's our aim as well! Nice to know Julia is safe for now.

Final match at the tourn!! Oh my gosh. That was a bit tough at the beginning. Those soldiers have reviving items too... Unleashed my s-breaks on them and eventually defeated the soldiers. Annoying that Lorence has the body-split craft which makes a duplicate of him but luckily his 'shadows' are weak 3x against arts. Estelle died at some point but later revived her when things were calm, she was too far away for me to use an item on her and i was too busy using arts and stuff. :/

That was pretty fulfilling though, to beat Lorence and co. Apparently he was holding back though... and Colonel says that their plan has progressed like 90% so he's not afraid of us meddling?? dam that colonel! what is he trying to do...

I should've given Olivier more attacking arts, he's mostly stuffed with water leaving him with not many area magic. :( Me so silly.

You so silly indeed!

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[spoiler=Schenkopp commentary] Oh man, that's cool though. It makes Schenkopp into the little devil on Yang's shoulder, in comparison to Bucock as the angel. Schenkopp is then constantly reminding the viewer- and tempting Yang - with the ways Yang could use his military power. Bucock, on the other hand, is always reminding him of the ideals of democracy, and how he should hold fast to them. Good shite!

At one point, Bucock also said that Yang should have killed Reinhard even if it was going against the principles of democracy. I agree that having a different point of view is nice, but Schenckopp is a bit too radical in my opinion by telling Yang to turn into a dictator.

I should probably go to sleep now. :E

Edited by Marthur
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At one point, Bucock also said that Yang should have killed Reinhard even if it was going against the principles of democracy. I agree that having a different point of view is nice, but Schenckopp is a bit too radical in my opinion by telling Yang to turn into a dictator.

I should probably go to sleep now. :E

I suppose Yang's method of dealing with Schenkopp is "ignore everything he says, but let him chop face." laugh.gif


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