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Lol sounds like a bunch of mexicans invaded this thread :o

No offense to anyone who might take it as such


The Matador in Strange Journey is a jerk... How dare he use Taunt, Deathbound, and have a normal attack that hits twice that almost kills any of my party members.

That and he's pretty hard to find with an encounter rate ranging from 2-8% depending on which floor your on.

At least he's actually weak to something this time. I gotta fuse some demons with Zio now.

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Last Window.

Hmmm. That reminds me, I opened it up a while ago but it was night-time and the opening movie/cutscenes looked grim and bleak. I was scared. :S

Either of the Persona games, but I'm leaning towards P4.

Hmmm. Haven't played a console game in a while.

I-I don't know

H-how can you not know

That EP quartz isn't too bad! Though I tend to drop it lategame...

You still need to give P4 a fair chance! Though SC is fine too

:o Mmm. It also has similar elemental values to EPCut.

True... I love portable games though. :[ And my consoles don't have a sleep mode and TV is not always available waaahhhh /excuses

[spoiler=Trails in the Sky, MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS, I did it. Holy. IT'S THE END.]


Also I used quite a bit of Earth Wall which is great, it blocks an attack! It's like... Justice Shield in Skies of Arcadia!

What a maze this place is... but I get to the bottom of it and Colonel is waiting for me. Battle!

It was an okay battle. As usual, I get rid of Rich first and then beat down those mechanical critters afterwards. Damn they have so much HP.

But still it's too late. Rich has done something with the Gospel and has activated something within the structure...

The seal has been broken and the gate is open... A strange crystalline-toned voice speaks: Emergency! Evacuate!

Also Josh questions Rich: "How did you know about this place?"

And that's when the truth hits him and me and us- his memories have been tampered with! He's been a puppet all along! Lorence was the one who gave Rich the Gospel...

Out pops a Ring Guardian! What the heck! What a gigantic mecha thing. It has 2 floating arms/forceps as well! Battle time again!

So 1 arm is strong against arts and 1 arm is strong against physical. I get rid of the 1 that is weak against physical attacks, and then arts the other 1 to oblivion. Then I guess I pull out some s-breaks on this monster uh I mean mecha. It has a name too: Reverie.

Then I think I'm finished but then the mecha gets up again but this time the arms have fused with itself! So now it is a proper looking mecha.

This time Reverie summons some annoying mechanical drones. Well, not really that annoying. Guess I can get some CP by hitting them... oh, it's a bit tedious. I ended up using my CP restoring foods (Tomato Sandwich, Rainbow Jellybeans, Bouillabaisse Plus). Can't believe it, it's not just the sandwiches, I didn't buy much ingredients to make many food... But it was enough for the battles! So then I s-break some more.

And then I think I'm REALLY done but the mecha just won't stay down. It starts moving but suddenly Rich jumps to our aid! He tries to buy us time and tells us to escape. The mecha hits Rich's sword away and grabs him. Oh no... SUDDENLY. A MAN COMES TO HIS RESCUE. IT IS CASSIUS BRIGHT WHAT THE HECK. And he tells us to finish off the mecha quickly! And I'm like, oh dear... again?!?!

But nah this time the mecha has like 5000HP and you're all charged full with CP so I s-break it and it explodes.

So. Cassius is home! 0_0 (Oh yeah, apparently it was Kurt who packaged up the Gospel and sent it to him. But he had his memories tampered so he forgot. Did I mention that?)

Apparently Cassius is going to retire as a Bracer... and rejoin the army!! Whoa. I guess they do need a lot of help, especially now that Rich and a bunch of people are arrested.

Anyway all that stuff is over with now... or is it??

It is now the Queen's Birthday celebrations!!! Whoohoo!!

So Est and Josh seem just about ready to sit down and CONFESS to each other. Est is all flustered and goes to buy ice cream. And then... *shudder* this scene gets so creepy. So. Ahem. Professor Alba strolls by. *shudder* AND THEN BOOM it is all revealed. He is not just a researching professor walking around checking out some towers. He is... Weismann the Faceless! From the Ouroboros! @_@ And he is naaaasty.

So he was the one who 'mended' Josh's broken heart. And he used Josh as a sort of spy, in Cassius's home. And Josh is nothing but a monster, he says... and he is welcome to rejoin Ouroboros. And he calls Josh the Enforcer, Legion XIII.

Then he leaves and Est returns but they don't discuss anything.

After dinner at the castle, Est notices he is acting strange. She goes to find him, but he is not in his room. He is out on the terrace playing on his harmonica.

Now, he reveals his past...

He was a timid boy, who cared about his family. (He mentions having a sister, I think, sometime...) But then his heart was broken somehow and all he could do was play his harmonica. Then a magician came along who claimed he could mend his heart. The boy was taken into his care... but the magician could do more than mend his heart. He could twist his entire existence. And then he made Josh into an assassin. He killed everyday for 2 years. One of his targets was Cassius Bright... but of course he is no match for Mr S-rank Bracer. The other assassins had to silence Josh though, since he failed, but then Cassius protects the boy and takes him home as a present to his daughter.

So Weismann planted Josh next to Cassius, and used his mind-bending powers to obtain intel from Josh. :( NOOOOOOOO.

But Estelle is like I LOVE YOU and he kisses her but he used some kind of sedative and she goes all whoozy and he loved her all along but oh well... and then he leaves. To go find Professor AlbASTARD and settle it all! But it sounds like Estelle is going to go on a journey too... to find him and bring him home!

CUE ending. Hoshi no Arika. Also tiny preview for SC. WHAT A TEARJERKER :'( JOSH NOOOOOOOOOOOO

Okay well it's not like I used up any tissues or anything.

I do have a strong urge to play SC... but it is not enough urge to overcome my wanting to play it in english and on the PSP rather than chinese on the PC. COME ON XSEED, I'M ROOTING FOR YOU.

Also what is this... > Option to start newgame+ and carry over mira, quips, quartz etc etc



Mmmmm urge to replay RISING. RISING.

Last Window, P3P if you never did FeMC things, P4, VP2.

In that order.

Hmmm. Indeed, I can't wait to be a female school-girl and date those guys.

Edited by NTG
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Hmmm. That reminds me, I opened it up a while ago but it was night-time and the opening movie/cutscenes looked grim and bleak. I was scared. :S

Hmmm. Haven't played a console game in a while.

H-how can you not know

:o Mmm. It also has similar elemental values to EPCut.

True... I love portable games though. :[ And my consoles don't have a sleep mode and TV is not always available waaahhhh /excuses

[spoiler=Trails in the Sky, MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS, I did it. Holy. IT'S THE END.]


Also I used quite a bit of Earth Wall which is great, it blocks an attack! It's like... Justice Shield in Skies of Arcadia!

What a maze this place is... but I get to the bottom of it and Colonel is waiting for me. Battle!

It was an okay battle. As usual, I get rid of Rich first and then beat down those mechanical critters afterwards. Damn they have so much HP.

But still it's too late. Rich has done something with the Gospel and has activated something within the structure...

The seal has been broken and the gate is open... A strange crystalline-toned voice speaks: Emergency! Evacuate!

Also Josh questions Rich: "How did you know about this place?"

And that's when the truth hits him and me and us- his memories have been tampered with! He's been a puppet all along! Lorence was the one who gave Rich the Gospel...

Out pops a Ring Guardian! What the heck! What a gigantic mecha thing. It has 2 floating arms/forceps as well! Battle time again!

So 1 arm is strong against arts and 1 arm is strong against physical. I get rid of the 1 that is weak against physical attacks, and then arts the other 1 to oblivion. Then I guess I pull out some s-breaks on this monster uh I mean mecha. It has a name too: Reverie.

Then I think I'm finished but then the mecha gets up again but this time the arms have fused with itself! So now it is a proper looking mecha.

This time Reverie summons some annoying mechanical drones. Well, not really that annoying. Guess I can get some CP by hitting them... oh, it's a bit tedious. I ended up using my CP restoring foods (Tomato Sandwich, Rainbow Jellybeans, Bouillabaisse Plus). Can't believe it, it's not just the sandwiches, I didn't buy much ingredients to make many food... But it was enough for the battles! So then I s-break some more.

And then I think I'm REALLY done but the mecha just won't stay down. It starts moving but suddenly Rich jumps to our aid! He tries to buy us time and tells us to escape. The mecha hits Rich's sword away and grabs him. Oh no... SUDDENLY. A MAN COMES TO HIS RESCUE. IT IS CASSIUS BRIGHT WHAT THE HECK. And he tells us to finish off the mecha quickly! And I'm like, oh dear... again?!?!

But nah this time the mecha has like 5000HP and you're all charged full with CP so I s-break it and it explodes.

So. Cassius is home! 0_0 (Oh yeah, apparently it was Kurt who packaged up the Gospel and sent it to him. But he had his memories tampered so he forgot. Did I mention that?)

Apparently Cassius is going to retire as a Bracer... and rejoin the army!! Whoa. I guess they do need a lot of help, especially now that Rich and a bunch of people are arrested.

Anyway all that stuff is over with now... or is it??

It is now the Queen's Birthday celebrations!!! Whoohoo!!

So Est and Josh seem just about ready to sit down and CONFESS to each other. Est is all flustered and goes to buy ice cream. And then... *shudder* this scene gets so creepy. So. Ahem. Professor Alba strolls by. *shudder* AND THEN BOOM it is all revealed. He is not just a researching professor walking around checking out some towers. He is... Weismann the Faceless! From the Ouroboros! @_@ And he is naaaasty.

So he was the one who 'mended' Josh's broken heart. And he used Josh as a sort of spy, in Cassius's home. And Josh is nothing but a monster, he says... and he is welcome to rejoin Ouroboros. And he calls Josh the Enforcer, Legion XIII.

Then he leaves and Est returns but they don't discuss anything.

After dinner at the castle, Est notices he is acting strange. She goes to find him, but he is not in his room. He is out on the terrace playing on his harmonica.

Now, he reveals his past...

He was a timid boy, who cared about his family. (He mentions having a sister, I think, sometime...) But then his heart was broken somehow and all he could do was play his harmonica. Then a magician came along who claimed he could mend his heart. The boy was taken into his care... but the magician could do more than mend his heart. He could twist his entire existence. And then he made Josh into an assassin. He killed everyday for 2 years. One of his targets was Cassius Bright... but of course he is no match for Mr S-rank Bracer. The other assassins had to silence Josh though, since he failed, but then Cassius protects the boy and takes him home as a present to his daughter.

So Weismann planted Josh next to Cassius, and used his mind-bending powers to obtain intel from Josh. :( NOOOOOOOO.

But Estelle is like I LOVE YOU and he kisses her but he used some kind of sedative and she goes all whoozy and he loved her all along but oh well... and then he leaves. To go find Professor AlbASTARD and settle it all! But it sounds like Estelle is going to go on a journey too... to find him and bring him home!

CUE ending. Hoshi no Arika. Also tiny preview for SC. WHAT A TEARJERKER :'( JOSH NOOOOOOOOOOOO

Okay well it's not like I used up any tissues or anything.

I do have a strong urge to play SC... but it is not enough urge to overcome my wanting to play it in english and on the PSP rather than chinese on the PC. COME ON XSEED, I'M ROOTING FOR YOU.

Also what is this... > Option to start newgame+ and carry over mira, quips, quartz etc etc



Mmmmm urge to replay RISING. RISING.

Hmmm. Indeed, I can't wait to be a female school-girl and date those guys.


SC won't be out any soon by the way, since it has a huge amount of text

I wouldn't expect it in the next 2 years

New Game+ are boring btw

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Holy hell, Led Zeppelin is great. Can't believe I never listened to them all this time.

I love them both in their own ways. Gradius is more SPACE ADVENTURE and Parodius is...well, Parodius. Always choose Vic Viper though. I wish it had Lord British too.


You're shitting me you never listened to them.

I use Koitsu and Kid Dracula. Moreso Kid, because of his ridiculous homing beamspam.

Mostly because I keep watching the lower graduates doing their techniques, standing. For two hours. It's very tiring.

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You're shitting me you never listened to them.

Nope. I'm getting into them now. Stairway to Heaven is magnifico.

I use Koitsu and Kid Dracula. Moreso Kid, because of his ridiculous homing beamspam.

I mostly play the original, no Kid Dracula or Koitsu there.

But did you know that Koitsu is a condom?

Mostly because I keep watching the lower graduates doing their techniques, standing. For two hours. It's very tiring.

You'll develop patience.

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Nope. I'm getting into them now. Stairway to Heaven is magnifico.

I mostly play the original, no Kid Dracula or Koitsu there.

But did you know that Koitsu is a condom?

You'll develop patience.

Listen to Black Dog. It's badass.

I played mostly the SNES ones.

I knew he used a condom as his shield, but that he was, no.

I hope so, that's like the 5th time I attend to those exams.

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Listen to Black Dog. It's badass.

Will do.

I played mostly the SNES ones.

I knew he used a condom as his shield, but that he was, no.

Try the arcade ones.

Oh yeah, that's what I meant to say. I dunno why I said he is one.

I hope so, that's like the 5th time I attend to those exams.

What style are you taking?

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Try the arcade ones.

Oh yeah, that's what I meant to say. I dunno why I said he is one.

What style are you taking?

Which were the arcade ones again?


Eagle Claw.

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Which were the arcade ones again?

Parodius, Gokujyou Parodius and Sexy Parodius.

Eagle Claw.

That's interesting. Because of the pressure points?

I'd like to learn Dragon, personally, but there aren't really any places that teach it around here.

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She only has physical skills..? Does that mean she's useless..?

EDIT: Orgia mode. Pretty cool sounding. I wonder if it's useful.

EDIT2: Completely. I just have to make sure to end the battle before she overheats.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Parodius, Gokujyou Parodius and Sexy Parodius.

That's interesting. Because of the pressure points?

I'd like to learn Dragon, personally, but there aren't really any places that teach it around here.

Oh, Gokujyou Parodius is on the SNES as well. It's cool.

That as well. They are useful.

I also know one thing or two about Dragon. One of it's katas/katis whatever is my favorite.

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Oh, Gokujyou Parodius is on the SNES as well. It's cool.

Go play Sexy Parodius.

That as well. They are useful.

I also know one thing or two about Dragon. One of it's katas/katis whatever is my favorite.

Do they work?

Also, Black Dog is badass.

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She only has physical skills..? Does that mean she's useless..?

EDIT: Orgia mode. Pretty cool sounding. I wonder if it's useful.

EDIT2: Completely. I just have to make sure to end the battle before she overheats.

I don't think I had Aigis use Orgia mode so much as once. I didn't even try it out.

Also, Black Dog is badass.

Now go listen to Achilles Last Stand if you haven't.

In unrelated news, lots of wimpy pirates floating around the item world today and man are those treasure maps sweet.

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She only has physical skills..? Does that mean she's useless..?

EDIT: Orgia mode. Pretty cool sounding. I wonder if it's useful.

EDIT2: Completely. I just have to make sure to end the battle before she overheats.

She has buffs! ... but she never, ever uses them.

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SC won't be out any soon by the way, since it has a huge amount of text

I wouldn't expect it in the next 2 years

New Game+ are boring btw


...2 years?! 0__0 I guess it sounds kinda reasonable but... whaaaaaaaat

I get to read everything again with a different eye! And battles will probably be lol because I am lv 38.

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...2 years?! 0__0 I guess it sounds kinda reasonable but... whaaaaaaaat

I get to read everything again with a different eye! And battles will probably be lol because I am lv 38.


So, what are you going to do! Are you going to leave Estelle just like that?!

I'm pretty sure that's quite underleveled

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