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Popo: "I... conflict with their het-based interests so they've chased me off for the time being. Because most FE fans are guys we don't have that problem 'round these parts..."

I'm not even sure where to start here. On the one hand, we have Popo openly admitting that she bats for the other team, or at least switch-hits (nothing wrong with that in and of itself, let me say straight-away), but then on the other hand, she seems to be implying that most guys don't have het-based interests, which does kind of rub me the wrong way. Perhaps what she meant was that a forum of guys is more apt to look fondly on female-on-female posturings than a forum of mostly women, and I honestly have no idea whether this is true or not. On the third hand, she also pretty much admitted to shipping Edgeworth X Wright (or Wright X Edgeworth), neither of which are forgiveable. (von Karma X Edgeworth all the way, please and thank you.) Not only that, but she pretty much looked down on the whole premise of role-playing (though perhaps intended only to encompass in-universe fan-fiction RP, and not completely original work RP), and also shipping wars in general. I am now tempted to begin some sort of Fire Emblem ship-to-ship combat, simply to be a contrarian. :evil: (Do anyone know which ships Popo prefers, so I can tailor my best anti-ships?)

I guess what we can conclude from all of this is that Popo's tastes are sick and twisted, and in her desperation she is reaching out to our beloved leader with overtures that are not being reciprocated. While many of the details remain outside of my purview, I can clearly infer to their nature if they have rendered someone as liberal in her tastes as Tangerine to be somewhat uncomfortable. They are clearly highly deviant.

1. I DID NOT ADMIT TO ANYTHING. Tangerine is editing my posts so that she can turn the forum against me and have me all to herself. ;__;

2. I meant to imply that guys don't ship as hard in fandoms, and the ones that do tend to be more rational and civil about it than the ladies, or at least confine the wars to one place, not the whole fandom.

3. Actually, my gay AA ship is Klavier/Apollo, not Phoenix/Edgeworth. XD

4. Self-insertion RP for the sake of hooking yourself up with the hot main character is terrible. Never do this. u__u


6. I don't date miniature fruit.

Edited by Popo
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1. I DID NOT ADMIT TO ANYTHING. Tangerine is editing my posts so that she can turn the forum against me and have me all to herself. ;__;

2. I meant to imply that guys don't ship as hard in fandoms, and the ones that do tend to be more rational and civil about it than the ladies, or at least confine the wars to one place, not the whole fandom.

3. Actually, my gay AA ship is Klavier/Apollo, not Phoenix/Edgeworth. XD

4. Self-insertion RP for the sake of hooking yourself up with the hot main character is terrible. Never do this. u__u


6. I don't date miniature fruit.

1) A likely story.

2) Hmmm, you do hear less stories about rabid GL fanboys than you do about rabid BL fangirls, so you may be onto something there.

3) Oh, in that case carry on. Apollo didn't really leave a lasting impression on me.

4) Ewww. Self-insertion isn't RP. That's just bad taste masquerading as such.

5) THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK! My spy network is wide and vast, and your secrets will be uncovered.

6) How about human-sized fruit? I wouldn't really call that miniature.

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5) THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK! My spy network is wide and vast, and your secrets will be uncovered.

There's nothing to be found online~! XD After all these years, I've still never really stated who I ship. The only person who might know is Samu. ;D

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1. I DID NOT ADMIT TO ANYTHING. Tangerine is editing my posts so that she can turn the forum against me and have me

6. I don't date miniature fruit.

1. How can you turn this back on me :O?! Why can't you just admit to having made those perverted PMs?

6. Hey, I am 5'8 and I will not allow you to use my body and throw it away when you're done :'(.

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1. How can you turn this back on me :O?! Why can't you just admit to having made those perverted PMs?

Everyone knows that you're the mastermind behind this mess. Who else is under her control? I call for an uprising! Take her down! :Lilina:

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Everyone knows that you're the mastermind behind this mess. Who else is under her control? I call for an uprising! Take her down! :Lilina:

Slowly but surely you are revealing your true stance in this situation.

In the meantime, how come you're lying to yourself in the FE4 thread instead of replying to our "lethargic" PM? HUH?

Edited by Tangerine
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Everyone knows that you're the mastermind behind this mess. Who else is under her control? I call for an uprising! Take her down! :Lilina:

The fact that Lilina is winking speaks volumes of the true intent here.

Popo wants to "take her down" alright. Onto a nice soft matress, perhaps?

Edited by Balcerzak
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The fact that Lilina is winking speaks volumes of the true intent here.

Popo wants to "take her down" alright. Onto a nice soft matress, perhaps?

Another excellent deduction from my more reasonable half! Speaking of a nice soft mattress...

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I didn't realize she was winking. I though she was making an angry face. D:<

I'm leaving. My reputation has been ruined beyond repair. ;__;

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I'm not even sure where to start here. On the one hand, we have Popo openly admitting that she bats for the other team, or at least switch-hits (nothing wrong with that in and of itself, let me say straight-away), but then on the other hand, she seems to be implying that most guys don't have het-based interests, which does kind of rub me the wrong way. Perhaps what she meant was that a forum of guys is more apt to look fondly on female-on-female posturings than a forum of mostly women, and I honestly have no idea whether this is true or not. On the third hand, she also pretty much admitted to shipping Edgeworth X Wright (or Wright X Edgeworth), neither of which are forgiveable. (von Karma X Edgeworth all the way, please and thank you.) Not only that, but she pretty much looked down on the whole premise of role-playing (though perhaps intended only to encompass in-universe fan-fiction RP, and not completely original work RP), and also shipping wars in general. I am now tempted to begin some sort of Fire Emblem ship-to-ship combat, simply to be a contrarian. :evil: (Do anyone know which ships Popo prefers, so I can tailor my best anti-ships?)

Pfft, Frannie's too busy with Andrews to have a pairing with Edgeworth. If Edgeworth should be paired with anyone, it should be Kay Faraday. Personally, I think he should wait for someone better, but...

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