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Totally. I love the Nazi theme.

Talking about Nazis

The fact Part 2 treats them as people is quite awesome

Also, is it just me or is the lip-synch off when he plays air guitar. I remember in the scanlations, he actually commented on how nice her legs feel...maybe that's too lewd for TV so they censored it.

Now that you mention it...

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Talking about Nazis

The fact Part 2 treats them as people is quite awesome

It is, isn't it. Even when they're portrayed as manipulative bastards who stop at nothing to get what they want (Santana etc.), by the end Stroheim shows his honourable side as well.

Not to mention the whole Mark thing.

Now that you mention it...

So huh, you notice it too. It's strange.

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Totally. I love the Nazi theme.

Also, is it just me or is the lip-synch off when he plays air guitar. I remember in the scanlations, he actually commented on how nice her legs feel...maybe that's too lewd for TV so they censored it.

Nazi theme is great, but I must say I like the pillar men's theme the best. As soon as the OST comes out, I'm gonna go around town blasting that everywhere I go

Yeah re-watching that scene it is kind of off

I read somewhere that he was always just air-guitaring and the translation was making shit up

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No Falcom


Nazi theme is great, but I must say I like the pillar men's theme the best. As soon as the OST comes out, I'm gonna go around town blasting that everywhere I go

Yeah re-watching that scene it is kind of off

I read somewhere that he was always just air-guitaring and the translation was making shit up

Clearly we need a raw

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How is it hazukashii if nobody is around

That's the point.

How so

Conditional probability distributions. Meh.

The worst part of all this, when I was talking to a friend when I can alleviate this cold of mine with some sleep, I accidentally said "Olivi-ate".

And then I immediately corrected myself.

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That's the point.

Isn't it only supposed to be hazukashii if people saw it- oh

You exhibitionist

Conditional probability distributions. Meh.

The worst part of all this, when I was talking to a friend when I can alleviate this cold of mine with some sleep, I accidentally said "Olivi-ate".

And then I immediately corrected myself.

Are you trying to make that friend of yours into your real-life Ninian Olivia, Rey

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He talks to the Olivia binder when he thinks no one is watching.

We already knew that.

Yes, I secretly live under his bed. The square footage is awful but I don't pay rent, so whatever.

Do you feed off his lewd dreams?

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I haven't reached a high enough level to learn Dream Eater. Besides, I think dreams involving Olivia would give me indigestion.

For shame Revenant.

Heh. I have a low opinion of myself anyways, so I don't mind much.

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Man, how I like Item Crafting systems, especially when I can exploit them well... hehehe.... makes that detour to Chesedonia before the Zao Ruins worth it.

Man, I'm at Akzeriuth again...

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Are you trying to make that friend of yours into your real-life Ninian Olivia, Rey

Err what?

You're better off shipping me with Ace Tactician.

Or Freohr.



Meh, good night.

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Oh boy, that's quite the direction that is taking...

Anyway, good night Rey.

Meanwhile, I've never been more glad for a "Low Battery" situation than before. I really didn't wanted to see that all over again while it's night and before going to bed...

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Err what?

You're better off shipping me with Ace Tactician.

Or Freohr.



Meh, good night.

I choose that 他の女の子, then.

Now explain that 熊肉 thing.

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