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Why is my postcount so low?

I swear I should have WAAY more than 600. >_>

man I been here since 09 and look at my postcount



see what I did there?

see it?

If there only were such a thing as a Hammerne+ Staff... maybe that should fix him...

oh, he's got the staff he needs to fix his problems

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I've found a few already commenting something of the sorts with this layout... so what exactly is, uh, unnerving about it...?

It's different. People are always resistant to change but adapt after a while.

This is why people continue using YouTube despite bemoaning the many changes to the layout.

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The only people whose badges seem to be visible are mods/former mods/admins. My profile avatar has been replaced with the Rath mockup, which has somehow changed in size. (MY TAEGEUK ;_;) I also have no idea what the numbers below my "favorite FE game" are supposed to mean, or why they are there.

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The avatar has been replaced by the profile photo. You'll have to change that if you want your old avatar back, though it will be resized if it isn't the right dimensions. The numbers below favorite Fire Emblem are your badges. :Knoll:

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The avatar has been replaced by the profile photo. You'll have to change that if you want your old avatar back, though it will be resized if it isn't the right dimensions. The numbers below favorite Fire Emblem are your badges. :Knoll:

Ah, so that's what the numbers mean, thanks. I'm probably gonna switch my picture anyway, because the black lines in the pic are rather annoying.

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Amusingly I never thought I'd use the picture of the AcaciaSGT as the Avi again. Then this happened. Oh well, it's back to Yoshishige anyway...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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All the bitching and complaining about the upgrade is making me wish I could burn SF down. Not pretend burn it like people sometimes do, but literally burn the hard drive the site is hosted on.

This is why it's a good thing I never made admin.

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All the bitching and complaining about the upgrade is making me wish I could burn SF down. Not pretend burn it like people sometimes do, but literally burn the hard drive the site is hosted on.

This is why it's a good thing I never made admin.

You do that. Mr. Begnion Senator.

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The complaining and overdramatics is getting annoying, I do agree. I just want to make sure I know how everything works so far :P

Also, make more Folgore Ranger jokes.

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Aw man, finally I beat R&R3... all because I derped and forgot my Avatar had all the Breaker skills already. *Ba dum tush*

haha nicee. I just nosfutank that map to get a lot of limit breakers

now i'm playing lunatic + chapter 14.

I hate this difficulty

why am i doing this lol

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The complaining and overdramatics is getting annoying, I do agree. I just want to make sure I know how everything works so far :P

I'm justified in my complaints, a feature I need to use is almost completely gone now. >_>

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I never played past the first few chapters of Radiant Dawn, so you will have to forgive me for not understanding the reference. :Knoll:

Ashnard didn't burn down the Serenes Forest. Begnion Senators did. *shrug*

Anyways, time to go. Dinner. Going out to eat.

And, damn I don't feel right going out without a jacket. My alternate reality has had me gotten used to wearing a jacket no matter what the weather.

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