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Far better to have wasted two years of your life than spend a lifetime doing something you have no passion for. It may not even be correct to call the time "wasted", as it did in fact, produce something meaningful.

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He starts hitting on Liz as soon as his Birthday event is done.

...what am I gonna do with this kid?

Good Night.




This is the reason they named the DLC that.

...this time good night for real.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think I saw the face of hell, because my heart is squeezed dry, but I can't remember a thing.

[spoiler=I am horrible]vzwv.png


Would have been Vincent's fanboy/girl at the bottom row but I dunno who so I added Annie and MK404 instead

I should color this

/drags self back into the night

Hahahaha, I love it. Good job.

Edited by Nightmare
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If you want non-serious crap. I've got news for you.

I have idea for the next episode of VINCENTxREY series.


Also known as Paint Tool SAI if you're wondering.

Meanwhile, I've delivered my worst and have no more ideas. ;__;

[spoiler=I am horrible]vzwv.png



As someone who have felt like a failure (more like mediocrity) for the past decade, I feel like I should offer my 2 metal chips on the issue.

Maybe... I also have the issue of lack of motivation. And then feeling like there'll always be someone better at it, so then I try even less to be 'good' at it or something. I mean it's not like I'm saying I want to be the best or that I'm trying to be Asian or something, but I... maybe I'm making excuses for myself right now too. I've always been compared to when growing up anyway.

Just because someone is more successful than you are doesn't mean that your life is less fulfilled.

Oh, I didn't mean to have instant expertise... I know it comes with practice... It's just... maybe it's another effect of my mom's lecturing. How certain things are too late to acquire at a certain age, like how she keeps saying older people can't attend college, etc.

Mmm, I suppose I equated being the best with also being able to get things done too. But that'd be too stressful, wouldn't it? To be the best AND to get things done at the same time... Yet... yet that'll yield a lot of approval, wouldn't it?

Parents (and their kids) should really learn that life is much bigger than being No.1 in everything and shouldn't expect so much out of their children (and if they do, at least teach them to cope with disappointments!)

Also I've learnt to not listen to the "realistic" "hardened" people dispensing advice that's "good for me" so much anymore, because of how they usually love to harp on about competition...

Will their approval really make you happy? In the long run, it will bring little to you, except about considerable amounts of anguish.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't challenge yourself though, because it's the accomplishments you will get out of them that will make you feel more fulfilled.

In the end, you'll never be happy, if you only think of the "if"s and the "I wish..."s. You need to try and shift your perspective and learn to accept and appreciate life FOR WHAT IT IS, with all its ups and downs, and not constantly wanting it to be better.

I'm sorry, that was over-idealistic of me.

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>In the end, you'll never be happy

I could go a little further and place a period right there

We can't find happiness, we simply experience happy moments

I know I'm not disagreeing

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is it really horrible? I guess it could be seen that way...

who am I leaving behind? I don't have anyone irl besides my parents and one friend who'd really notice. But honestly, I don't think anyone will really miss me. I know, death can cause a lot of grief and depression but eventually, people will pull through, don't they?

And at least with lack of knowledge of what happens after death... as far as what I believe, I...don't believe anything except that we're dead and our bodies stop functioning completely.

Well, the thing is, I don't have any success or approval on anything I do to even seek solace in that... I'm guessing people count as materialistic? I don't know how else or where else to seek it. Even though I've been alive for 27 years.

although I'm probably making this thread pretty depressing with my stuff. >_>

But all that matters is that you enjoy, accomplish goals, and live it to the fullest while your alive.

No, I can't say I have. Not anyone I was particularly close to, but then again, I never really got the chance to be close to anyone.

I suppose... I guess I dunno that, but then I...don't really talk to anyone either... except on here.

Does she? Yet a mother can make her own living child feel like shit even though she could not be there for the child in early years?

What can I do though? I feel pretty useless too... and how ironic that my first therapy session is tomorrow.

Hmm, I guess people count as material then.

And I'm not spiritual at all though. Or religious. I don't really believe... I feel like I'm already a waste of space and intelligent life.


It's something you can't help...but were not stopping you either of what you decide on.

Shirley we missed you when you left for like a week

Imagine how someone closer to you would feel


The name. xD

^ What he said.

We would still miss you if you were gone. Even our friends on the internet are important. You're not useless. No one is.

Phone hard to type on sorry.


Were all unique in our owns ways and have talents that many others may not be able to do. That's what makes friendships and life in general so wonderful.

Plenty. Here's hoping it'll help me like last time.

Yet we're social creatures and we depend on each other. Sometimes it makes me a bit frustrated.

Yes... Sorry... I'm rather stupid yet I want to believe something I can see/touch/stuff that involves the five senses.

But what can I do to... well, not stay as a waste? I wonder if I'll always be a waste of time. And then that begins the vicious thought cycle of suicide.

Are we now. I...did not really intend to spill it all out here. I guess things just piled on.

closer... Hmm... I'm not sure, I guess. I can name three people, but I guess there would be more that I'm not aware of.

Thanks... It's nice to know to be told that in my face too, than having to... like... have to try to figure it out in my depressed head.

@Fre: No, it's okay. I know death causes a lot of grief to people around the dead person. I studied it too. Yet I still think about it and everything... I know it's selfish and it's running away, yet sometimes I can't help but feel that's the choice I should make. Even though I know it's a terrible way of thinking and my own studies tell me so, I still think it.

It's something you can't help...but were not stopping you either on what you decide on. Do you think there is some medication that may get you to think more positively?


I'm sorry...but I can't really find any other solution. Since I happen to have one in the family that is the same.

Why is there so much depression in this thread now?

A bipolar feeling.

Hmmm... I suppose... but I can't go believing lies though. Or at least it's hard to.

What. I guess you don't see yourself as being strong.

...I suppose that's the truth. I just don't wanna feel depressed so often, I guess.

Isn't it? I thought so.

And goodnight, TE. Also, thanks too...

Penguin did though.

It's ok to feel depressed, but there will be people around to help you if you need it. Even here...

N-No, it's okay. I mean, I spill pretty often myself too so...

[/sigh] I just... that sucks that you think that way, and I'm sorry I can't make it better for you. I - I mean, I'm not there in person since I'm talking to you over a screen, obviously, but I want to be. I want to help you so badly, it...

I-It'll get better, okay? I can promise you that, it'll get better. Eventually, it always does.

Ummm...on voodoo and Skype, you can do actual voicing and actually talk to them with your voice. =)
But that's as close as it gets to getting close to someone online. *chuckle* We all can't get lucky and be like Freohr that can see Integ in person everyday.

Spilling buddies.

It's...fine. I didn't exactly spill for anything; it just happened. All because he actually just said to let it out, hah. But thanks for the thought though... Talking through a screen is good enough too, you know... That's how I was calmed down. I think I owe my life to another person now.

Mmmm... I sure hope so. Tomorrow's first session of therapy is gonna be "super fun."

It makes sense now.
Ein always talks to you about this sort of thing is why that you have a thing for him penguin.


Those three simple words seem to just trigger a waterfall, I don't understand it.

You're welcome, even if it kills me that's all I can give. I was following this on my DS and kind of got choked up the more I read... It's helpful, yes, especially since I always make stupid faces when I'm trying not to cry. :) But glad I could help then.

The first session is always the most awkward, since you're basically talking to a stranger - but there's no wall of anonymity separating you. But once that wall breaks down it becomes so much easier.

... I hope that therapy sessions helps. I know I barely known you, but I'd be crushed if something happened to you...

If you have a mic, you can actually talk to her on Skype.

Apparently. Well, I guess maybe because when we're really upset and then someone tells us that we don't have to keep it all inside, we...we just end up letting it out? I'm not sure how to word it... >_> or even to explain it in words! What I did was actually kinda risky, now that I think about it... granted I could trust TE (hey that subway map!), but to just post it all here.

Oh... I'm sorry too... like I said, it was rather risky for me... but yes, considering it wasn't in a PM!

It is, but well... exactly, what you said. And I don't think there's time to worry about speaking to a stranger for me right now. I think I might just spill too. After some time.

Thanks... I'm sure they will. They did in the past, at least because the last therapist was really understand... *sighs* Thanks again though~ for the thought.

@Rey: That image was funny though.

I know what you mean.
I've broke down myself once and told them that I had asperger mild autism of my own agenda without anyone telling me.

Weeeell... no lies though! Sorry, sorry, I know what you meant. Yes, it's precisely that... although I was already spilling some in skype, but that was more private, I guess...? Sort of. And then I completely broke down in between text.

Mmm... well, for me, risky because I mean anyone can venture into this thread and read the post than having an actual person looking over my shoulder. My parents rarely enter my room and I keep the door closed at all times too. Plus, uh... they're not really English literate either, so fortunately for me? But the same's with my parents... weeeeeeell... they know I had depression, but they dunno it's back. Mostly because my mom'd never understand depression. She thinks it's like some kind of ... disease? I mean, it sort of IS a disease, but of the mind, and she ... just doesn't completely understand.

The thing is... okay I'm a little scared too.... but I'll try to remember that. And definitely. As long as I have internet, haha... nah, that's no problem.

Damn...it sucks that you can't be alone at all times as it sometimes helps whenever you are depressed.

Eh, I was on a bit of a tangent there... True, sometimes I'm having a conversation both on Skype and here and they overlap. It feels terrible though, because I'm just being a whiny bitch twice as much and no one wants to deal with that. :\ I don't and it's me.

The only person in my life that knows about this site and could probably find me knows all of this already, so it's irrelevant. It's hiding the brunt of it from my family. I mean... they know I'm depressed, but they don't know I beat myself up repeatedly and the suicidal thoughts. That's fine, I kind of want ti to stay that way. They think I'm a ray of sunshine, which I used to be. I'm - I'm going to be that again, and if I'm going to get better, I - I'm taking you with me!

It's ironic really... if anyone in my family should understand depression it's my mother. But... maybe I kept her out so much that I can't properly reach out to her, and if I do, she always changes the subject. I don't know... but... least I have my father. And my best friend. And, of course, this forum.

Just don't forget that then. I'll do everything in my power to help you out, and trust me, helping someone does a ton for me as well, so we'll get better together. And one day, we'll have a SF meet-up and we'll think about this and laugh. Because that was in the past, and this is now, and we'll be so much happier. I promise, w-with everything I have.

Talk to her on Skype.
You two need it.

Also seems the thread is sounding happier now.

Just helping a depressed soul in need.
And lets not forget that you have actually inspired people to do better in this forum. It hasn't gotten as it is now when you didn't exist a few months ago. x.x
Most folks back then hardly wanted to bother with each other.
Edited by FireEmblemGirl00
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Good morning thread.

[spoiler=I am horrible]vzwv.png

Would have been Vincent's fanboy/girl at the bottom row but I dunno who so I added Annie and MK404 instead
I should color this

/drags self back into the night

That comic is genius.

As someone who have felt like a failure (more like mediocrity) for the past decade, I feel like I should offer my 2 metal chips on the issue.

Just because someone is more successful than you are doesn't mean that your life is less fulfilled.

Parents (and their kids) should really learn that life is much bigger than being No.1 in everything and shouldn't expect so much out of their children (and if they do, at least teach them to cope with disappointments!)
Also I've learnt to not listen to the "realistic" "hardened" people dispensing advice that's "good for me" so much anymore, because of how they usually love to harp on about competition...
Will their approval really make you happy? In the long run, it will bring little to you, except about considerable amounts of anguish.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't challenge yourself though, because it's the accomplishments you will get out of them that will make you feel more fulfilled.

In the end, you'll never be happy, if you only think of the "if"s and the "I wish..."s. You need to try and shift your perspective and learn to accept and appreciate life FOR WHAT IT IS, with all its ups and downs, and not constantly wanting it to be better.

I'm sorry, that was over-idealistic of me.

Oh I know... about the whole parents thing.. I guess for me, it's more like I became conditioned in thinking that if someone's better, I'm doing a bad job. Yet I'm not exactly achieving to be the best. Which sounds kinda contradictory, I guess.

It's more like... I guess I can't say I want to listen but sometimes people's "advice" is right there in my face so it gets drilled in my head without me trying to listen to them.

As for the approval, I'm...not sure, to be honest. Maybe not, considering what it's bringing me nowadays? I mean it is bringing me down and breaking me apart.

You have good points... I wish I could do that more freely... accept things as they are, whether it be life or myself or someone else maybe.

>In the end, you'll never be happy
I could go a little further and place a period right there
We can't find happiness, we simply experience happy moments
I know I'm not disagreeing

Wha... That's a bit depressing, but I kinda agree with you on that too. Or at least, that's something I started to realized a while ago.

@Ayanami: That's a lot of text, but the thing I'll comment is.... *cough* That's not completely it in regards to certain someone.

Shat. I better hurry to work now. >_>

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Good morning thread.

That comic is genius.

Oh I know... about the whole parents thing.. I guess for me, it's more like I became conditioned in thinking that if someone's better, I'm doing a bad job. Yet I'm not exactly achieving to be the best. Which sounds kinda contradictory, I guess.

It's more like... I guess I can't say I want to listen but sometimes people's "advice" is right there in my face so it gets drilled in my head without me trying to listen to them.

As for the approval, I'm...not sure, to be honest. Maybe not, considering what it's bringing me nowadays? I mean it is bringing me down and breaking me apart.

You have good points... I wish I could do that more freely... accept things as they are, whether it be life or myself or someone else maybe.

Wha... That's a bit depressing, but I kinda agree with you on that too. Or at least, that's something I started to realized a while ago.

@Ayanami: That's a lot of text, but the thing I'll comment is.... *cough* That's not completely it in regards to certain someone.

Shat. I better hurry to work now. >_>

Ha ha...

We wouldn't dream of imposing, or interfere with your deepest darkest secrets (Psycho Locks) either. Nor want to know about them either. Just do your best at work is all that matters right now! ;)

Have a good day at work.

Edited by FireEmblemGirl00
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>In the end, you'll never be happy

I could go a little further and place a period right there

We can't find happiness, we simply experience happy moments

I know I'm not disagreeing

Replace it with "you'll always feel like shit" then

Oh I know... about the whole parents thing.. I guess for me, it's more like I became conditioned in thinking that if someone's better, I'm doing a bad job.

Yet I'm not exactly achieving to be the best. Which sounds kinda contradictory, I guess.

It's more like... I guess I can't say I want to listen but sometimes people's "advice" is right there in my face so it gets drilled in my head without me trying to listen to them.

As for the approval, I'm...not sure, to be honest. Maybe not, considering what it's bringing me nowadays? I mean it is bringing me down and breaking me apart.

You have good points... I wish I could do that more freely... accept things as they are, whether it be life or myself or someone else maybe.

And that's not true... It's just not possible for everyone to be the "very best" because of its very definition. I can positively say that you're not doing anything wrong. And you shouldn't let it affect you.

I guess it can be hard to avoid, when everything in our society is all about competition, job hunting is about being better than others, TV shows are all about proving you are the very best, etc...

Exactly. As I've already said, you won't get anything much from it.

It's not easy but good luck.

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And that's not true... It's just not possible for everyone to be the "very best" because of its very definition. I can positively say that you're not doing anything wrong. And you shouldn't let it affect you.

I guess it can be hard to avoid, when everything in our society is all about competition, job hunting is about being better than others, TV shows are all about proving you are the very best, etc...

Exactly. As I've already said, you won't get anything much from it.

It's not easy but good luck.

I know... It's like you said, there'll always be some kinda competition... and then for me, I still can't really say I feel like I'd be good at anything, let alone 'the best'.

I'm also bad at ignoring things, I guess... unfortunately. Which will just break me down more.

Unfortunately. Another bad habit? I have so many unhealthy habits.

Thanks. ;_; More things for my first therapy session.

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