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Did I mention that I love the Valkyrie outfit (as well as the Troubadour outfit)? If only it was blessed by a goddess... *cookie to anyone who gets what I'm referring to*

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Boron. Amelia. Anyone else. Can you confirm this?

+Extra time for staying up because you made me do this

Most of the time I'm cool with him, so. :c

Except for like when he's being a little brother.

Or sappy

Or cocky.


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Boron. Amelia. Anyone else. Can you confirm this?

I should reword it then.

You CAN be. Not always.

There are times you say things that I just do not approve of and in this case it's how you just want to talk down to someone.

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eek. why'd you have to get it pulled?

Because I had to.

Also, Ein, technically everyone can be an asshole, and everyone probably has been at asshole at some point, but not always. Like, I don't think this is something specific to soc.

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Also, Ein, technically everyone can be an asshole, and everyone probably has been at asshole at some point, but not always. Like, I don't think this is something specific to soc.

Man my 6th grade and 10th grade self was freaking horrible.

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i still don't like how they called the class a valkyrie

Well, that's FE for ya. Not the only class with a misleading name. So are the Myrmidons, Knights, Generals, Troubadours, etc.

Well anyway, I'm off to bed. Bye all.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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you can be horrible?

I am only a human, Boney. Of course I can.

I have a big thing against people that is noisy, energetic, and bossy.

And my classmates were exactly like that.

So I snapped.

Probably the biggest fights I've ever been in.

Well, not fight.

Just a huge argument for a month.

In my current vulnerable, emotional state, as long as she doesn't turn into Nemu, I AM FINE.

You DO realize that I'm the type of person that can just dump hw in order to be jerky, DON'T YOU?

Edited by Amelia
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I thought that was here WAY before Awakening.

Awakening's popularity just... reawakened it.

I think Awakening made the waifu rage even WORSE than it was in the previous games because the game LETS you pair yourself up with a character. Like ... FE7's tactician wasn't an actual character and couldn't be paired and had no lines. Awakening's avatar is a major character who can marry and has lines and story importance.

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Really? Gerome's wearing pretty much ALL black... but this is Nightwing we're talking about here and he and Inigo Montoya can literally look good in anything.


Retiring to the Dreamscape early tonight... I have a plan...


ayaaaaa =D

*huggles* NiGHT~

if only i had known this sooner

Hey. :o

*pat* *pat*

Because I channel shadowofchaos725... I prefer Chrom marrying a Shepherd.

Who would'nt?

And I am working like crazy. :c



My time managing skill is bad.

I had a headache earlier so I nap but I woke up too late.

Non drousy advil.
My headache goes away after an hour with one of those pills. :o

Honestly, before Boron calmed me down, I would just said "fuck her progress".

really dude

You should really try and think about being more understanding of others.

Maybe someone close can do so, or if he ever cares.

Calm down, nii-san

It's not worth wasting time.

This girl speaks the truth.

I lose my sanity in the real world from time to time and "regress" myself.
In my natural habitat, I was once a pessimistic elitist jerk who literally didn't want friends because my "high standards".

The slight elitism you see me display as your resident FE4 Thread weeb, is only a taste of the former asshole I used to be.

I'm nice to my family. I'm nice to friends I already have. I'm nice to people I don't know. But if I snap... hoooh boy.

Why yes, Master.
Shall we roll out the red carpet?


You're still kind of asshole regardless of whether you snap or not.

This elitism shtick you hold so dear isn't something you should constantly throw around as you do.


Boron. Amelia. Anyone else. Can you confirm this?

I have no problems with you. This is kind of subjective, though, what some people have no issue with others may have problems with.

At least we have some modesty.

Did I mention that I love the Valkyrie outfit (as well as the Troubadour outfit)? If only it was blessed by a goddess... *cookie to anyone who gets what I'm referring to*

Valkyrie Profile, I presume.

Well, that's FE for ya. Not the only class with a misleading name. So are the Myrmidons, Knights, Generals, Troubadours, etc.

Well anyway, I'm off to bed. Bye all.


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There are times you say things that I just do not approve of and in this case it's how you just want to talk down to someone.

"I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don't want to."

...Like that?

Anyone has ways of dealing with repetitive dickheads.

Because I had to.

Also, Ein, technically everyone can be an asshole, and everyone probably has been at asshole at some point, but not always. Like, I don't think this is something specific to soc.

Never try to understand someone who's sadistic and pessimistic to anyone of lower social status.

I have a big thing against people that is noisy, energetic, and bossy.

And my classmates were exactly like that.

So I snapped.

Probably the biggest fights I've ever been in.

Well, not fight.

Just a huge argument for a month.

There there.
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Yes it hurt a lot they cut through your gums and tear out your tooth

no, i mean why exactly do people have to get it removed? it must be pretty big if they have to put people through pain to get it out...

Well, that's FE for ya. Not the only class with a misleading name. So are the Myrmidons, Knights, Generals, Troubadours, etc.

yeah, but so many games use valkyrie as in the viking types so it's kinda disappointing.

I am only a human, Boney. Of course I can.

I have a big thing against people that is noisy, energetic, and bossy.

And my classmates were exactly like that.

So I snapped.

Probably the biggest fights I've ever been in.

Well, not fight.

Just a huge argument for a month.

that's not being terrible, that's just...not having the mind to know when the best thing to do is just endure these situations. like me on this forum, ofc. it was a pretty dumb idea to confront people on things i didn't like, except for the one involving my friend.

I thought that was here WAY before Awakening.

Awakening's popularity just... reawakened it.

it's just the novelties in that game left so much room for arguments, and well...fanbases are always bad lolol

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no, i mean why exactly do people have to get it removed? it must be pretty big if they have to put people through pain to get it out...

There isn't enough room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth, and they come out in weird ways that affect other teeth.

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There isn't enough room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth, and they come out in weird ways that affect other teeth.

Well some of us are lucky enough to have their wisdom teeth grow in and fit.

...others aren't. I apparently spoke like a drunk maniac while I was laughing gas'd after the operation.

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