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ASTRALUNASOL... Galeforce.

You know what!


I just... don't... ;_;

It's not... because... I'm shallow... right? ;_;

Like if I suddenly woke up... err... slept one night and she was talking in English in Karen Strassman's voice...

I wouldn't be that shallow and just immediately dislike her... right? ;_;

...Right? ;_;

Nngh... critical hit to the feels...

I mean... I - I don't know. Sometimes you can actually loathe something so much, that it affects your views on anything... even on something you feel you once loved...

I don't think you're shallow... y-you can't pick the things you hate, just like how you can't pick what you love.





I'm so sorry ^^;

If there's anyone else you want to kill just lemme know so I can help you with that at least

Or if it's not too late I can go back and change my post.

It's fine. It's amusing as heck. XD

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It's fine. It's amusing as heck. XD

All right, if you say so. And again, if you guys want me to hurt/heal anyone, just lemme know because I just do what I want XD

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Good night!

Oh, that's so mean, he's just sensitive. :(

Now, I call myself a guy with a heart of a maiden.

Is it morphing time already?

I'm the one going to sleep, not Rey

Really gone now the hell am I doing up at 2am, really

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Hataraku Maou-sama.

The "Holy Sword: Better Half" is a morphing magical sword that can only be used by half-angels.

Nngh... critical hit to the feels...

I mean... I - I don't know. Sometimes you can actually loathe something so much, that it affects your views on anything... even on something you feel you once loved...

I don't think you're shallow... y-you can't pick the things you hate, just like how you can't pick what you love.

I mean, I don't *LOATHE* English Olivia... ;_;

It's just... it's just-- I don't know ;_;


Night nii-san.

And just like I told Amelia on skype, this lag is killing me and making me sleepy.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Hataraku Maou-sama.

The "Holy Sword: Better Half" is a morphing magical sword that can only be used by half-angels.

I mean, I don't *LOATHE* English Olivia... ;_;

It's just... it's just-- I don't know ;_;


And just like I told Amelia on skype, this lag is killing me and making me sleepy.


It boils down to preferences, honestly...

Nothing's ever going to be perfect, but whether you're able to transcend those imperfections shows the true depth of that persons' effect on you. Of course... there's working with someone's imperfections and working around them, that mark the true difference between love and blind devotion.

Ah. And you should PROBABLY tuck any thought of English!Olivia far away in your brain before you fall asleep, just to lessen the chance that you DO dream about her.

Good night and sweet dreams Rey.

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Night soc.

And nope, Ein. I sleep at some point during a 24-hour period.

sangyul, would you be bothered by breezy if he came to you when he was feeling upset about something?

i recommended that he try talking to you when i'm not around to listen to his problems on skype because i guess he doesn't know who else to talk to, but that's what he thinks.

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sangyul, would you be bothered by breezy if he came to you when he was feeling upset about something?

i recommended that he try talking to you when i'm not around to listen to his problems on skype because i guess he doesn't know who else to talk to, but that's what he thinks.

He already talked to me today, so I gave him some advice.

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Well, I defeated Megrez. It wasn't all that hard, actually, I just needed to get Flight on Fumi and Airi, then destroy all the Miasmas.

Naturally, I beat Megrez with a combo of Ice Dance, Ice Boost, and Mana Surge on Fumi. Like I said: Hax magic.

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