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I drew some pictures

It's the weekend whoo


Probably going to go to bed at 4 am again, lol. I'm just chatting on Skype with an IRL friend and not doing much else.

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Ah. And you should PROBABLY tuck any thought of English!Olivia far away in your brain before you fall asleep, just to lessen the chance that you DO dream about her.

Good night and sweet dreams Rey.

are you afraid, taylor
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Morning thread.

Gim-Rey and Grimace terrorize the dawn... while Gimelia and Gim-Tay stalk the night.

Oh yeah. Very okay with this.

We make a good team! [/high fives]

*High fives, late* ^_^

Oh well... At least she didn't did in Carter's hands.

Yeah, I don't know if I want to think what would happen if it was Carter or Tsamimi who finished off Lucina... *shudders*

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damn attention whoring cat

i open the door for him, he keeps getting close to my legs until he bites me

bite him back

I know a BIT, but only about anything on the SNES since that was the only console we had for when I was younger. Plus, Freohr's a tier of awesome I can only dream of being. :3


Falchion in every game it's been.


Gradius in FE2 because everything there had infinite uses

Any goddamn weapon you want in FE10 for the final chapters because you know

While not technically infinite: FE4's Holy Weapons being repairable means you get enough uses to last you throughout the game. Barring Valkyrie stuff because you have to be intentionally off your characters in order to require many uses of it.

Finally the almighty Broken Sword/Axe/Lance in FE5 where characters can level up in BLD to offset the speed loss AND keep you in the game by still giving you something to fight with so you can avoid being auto-captured! Truly the most necessary weapon to avoid that prison chapter!

I can't remember if you're still able to fight with a Broken Bow or not but I'm pretty certain broken tomes are no.

It's risky, but at least that you won't be captured and it's not like we need the Valkyrie Staff anyway. Except to avoid battling Ishtar and Julius in Ch10 by offing one of your characters and resurrecting him/her afterwards.

Sorry, kept on meaning to add everyone here. I have most FC's written down, and now I'll give you mine.

It's 0388-0103-4196. There for whoever wants to add me :D

I will when I have mine set up.


Whoops, it fell.

But...it was so cute chasing it's tail. x.x

Charisma is pretty boss in FE5, especially since it stacks with supports. Leaf and Finn getting +20 hit/avo from Nanna was crucial at some points in my last run through FE5.

Gets even more with their supports and Leif's Light Brand. :D

Regardless, I don't really see Shaman Ewan as worthwhile. Having dark magic would be cool and all... but for the fact that this is FE8, where Luna's worthless, and the other dark tomes that aren't Flux are mega-heavy.

IS nerfed it, because it broke the game in FE7.

Which is another problem. Since it's near the end of the game, all I need to do to win is break out Sacred Twins or Bishops. AKA, there's no real niche for Luna in FE8.


I hate how my favorite Pokemon gained two weaknesses in Gen VI >_>

Why, Nintendo? Why?

I heard that Steel-Types lost its resistances to Ghost and Dark.

Which means that Metagross (and Beldum/Metang) is now weak to those two (along with Fire and Ground).

Steel types are too resisitant. They need to be nerfed.

I still remember it quite well. It was the late 90's and early 2000's, and we had a dial up connection. I was just getting into emulation, and I was very much a fan of Dragon Ball Z. It would usually take a ridiculous amount of time just to download a crummy SNES rom. Whenever some awful Japan-only DBZ game caught my interest, I would spend the time it took to download playing a video game or watching TV. There was always a 50/50 chance that my reaction when I returned to see if the rom had finished downloading was either "cool, I can play this game now" or "oh man, my connection died and I have to start over".

56K days were a nightmare.

I couldn't download anything at all

Then I got Broadband Internet

It was okay in THOSE days.

Didn't mean to give the wrong impression, I was only wondering out loud.

I really do like that picture I saw in the fanart thread :D Lucina looks so peaceful.

Yes she does.
Especially in her kimono photo. xP

I forgot to notice when you mentioned it, but congratulations for getting work.

meanwhile my parents' cat is driving me nuts

Your patience is at an end with the cat.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, yea. D:


When she asked me why I did that, I told her that maybe if I got that support she'd stopped hating Sumia over a support she's never seen, and then I also mentioned that if I HAD to be as clumsy and useless as I am, I'd at least want to be as kind and gentle as she is, so when she hates her it feels like she hates me too.

That's where she actually said she was sorry... although THEN she said this:

  • Sis: Besides, you're not nearly as useless as she is.
  • Me: ... LOOK AT SUMIA'S STATS. No stat boosters either.
  • Sis: ... ... ... Dang.
  • Me: How useless is she now?

Those people just doesn't understand how wonderful she is.

Long hair on guys is pretty hot, so I don't blame you there. :D


Um...I'm the sidekick to the LTP.
But, good list though.

It's so amusing how many people can't follow directions and fold paper.

Folding paper is a simple matter.

But they never will be able to fold the paper origami style.


my two least favorite children

Cynthia had a horrible English voice and Owain is just a complete rip-off of Ares.

Never actually used Mysletainn, I don't think. I hate using rare weapons that will break so they all sit taking up space in my inventory.

Except for Ragnell. Once, I gave Robin armsthrift and Ragnell, then did a skirmish just to watch him throw Ragnell at enemies. It was very amusing.

The animation of that attack is mirrored like the "Original Link" throwing his dirk-like knife in Zelda II as well as the Iron knuckles. The game Awakening were made by the same developers after all.

I don't like Sumia nor her spawn.

Owain is mostly for gameplay reasons, though his character is ok I guess. Why must he have a magic mother though.

I dunno, but if it's to improve his Res modifier,
Ha ha...
I won't complain.

Speaking of rare weapons, the best to keep with at least 1 use intact would probably be Elite Sword and Fire Sword in FE5. Amalda and Nanna, nuff said.

Although, with only one use left, you'd better get attacked in the enemy phase/Steal in order to make the Elite Sword stay in tact without breaking the weapon.

Yes but I'm referring to the fact that you can leave the Fire Sword with 1 use, equip it on either Nanna or Amalda for the +5 Magic to let them Sleep/Silence enemies with higher mag. Sleeping Elf is by far the best way to deal with that brat and just sleeping enemies in general makes them easy captures that everybody loves.

I never knew that.

But, these are things to do to go beyond the 20ish cap in that game.

rework around your spawn spots to have sety next to her cell

maybe give him some support/leadership stars/charisma


elf's avoid isn't that high since her as is only 5

She only has 7 bld and the tome's weight is 12.

Also, hello mysterious Lux person! [/waves]

He's a vet here.
I'm amased that he returned.

It's okay, Old man.

Don't have to go Tsuntsun on me now.

No. Levant. No.

Getting old I see.


[/tosses the Grima stone to Amelia]

Oh noes. :o


I-I swear I don't care about my EN version.

E-English Olivia can go die in a fire for all I care...! ;_;


Sure you don't Rey... you're just in denial...

I'm glad to be spared from the storms... those places look terrible... it's quite sad...

Where did this happen?

This may be tl;dr, but....

It is a long ass post.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Everywhere in the country but here. There were two storms causing trouble over there.

I hope everything gets resolved and okay in those areas. TT_TT

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Well, that was fun. I just got Fate Level 4 with Jungo, then I named his cat after him...

Who thinks I should carry on with my Sword of Seals playthrough? I haven't gotten around to doing the next chapter.

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