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it’s shaking

it’s shaking

the ground it’s a-breakin
and you can’t control it

so own it and feel good
im searchin for glory

now tell me a story
i don’t want to hear that

you no longer feel goooood


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just how much mucus can i force out of my nostrils and throat

it's amazing how so much can fit in there

Poor Dio

Morning thread... sigh

I really hope I get a callback today. I really really REALLY want another job. I'm getting weary of always getting passed up. I'm weary of being ignored for others. DANG GONE IT! I WANT WORK RIGHT HERE AND NOW SO SOMEONE PLEASE HIRE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I did say that it could be a painful experience. But don't give up.

welcome to the big leagues girl

enjoy getting turned down a hundred times before you get something

happened to the oldest among us


Thanks Shelie, I hope so too. I don't wanna become useless before I'm hired.

How else are you going to move away from your ma and make a fucking living.
All birds have to leave their nest at some point.
How long exactly is your college experience upon medical training?

I'm looking for a job in the field of Medical Coding/ Medical Records/ Medical Billing. My biggest flaw seems to be my lack of experience though :sob:

I see.
They only want to hire the folks that won't make a mess of things making sure to have enough experience to do so.

Oh ... Well I wish you all the best with it, dont give up!


Thanks, I'll try not to. But with no one seemly wanting to hire me, it's sometimes hard not to be discouraged.

It never was easy.
It was even harder when a certain someone got in office.

;^_^; Thank you, I'll keep putting in applications until someone picks me up. There's gotta be someone out there willing to hire me, there has to be.


It is, I just got off the phone too. I won't know if I'm on the road to getting a job until late this Friday or Monday of next week.

There's a lot of people out there looking for work and not enough open jobs to take them all.

Ooh cosplay :D Do tell.

Well least thats something hopefully they hire you cause you know hope will never die

No, it won't.
We don't want to live with our parents forever. As we never will learn responsibility and independance if we don't and not wanting to end up on the fucking street. Do you know how much folks out there ask me for money and that I see sleeping out in the street everyday. Let me tell you, ALOT.

[spoiler=don't click me]

Eliwood: Vincent

Marcus: BLS

Lowen: Sask

Rebecca: Vashiane

Dorcas: bearclaw13/Lonely Wallcrab

Bartre: JSND

Hector: Ein

Oswin: Sirius

Serra: mewyeon

Matthew: Jprebs

Guy: Integrity

Merlinus: Jedi

Erk: Boney

Priscilla: NTG

Lyn: Criz

Sain: PKLucas

Kent: Hero-King

Wil: ZM

Florina: Shirley

Raven: Randoman

Lucius: Soul

Canas: Peppy

Dart: Darros

Fiora: Specta

Legault: Esme

Ninian: Randy

Isadora: Ayanami

Heath: Marthur

Rath: David

Hawkeye: Raivix

Geitz: NinjaMonkey

Wallace: DLV

Farina: Amelia

Pent: Emerald

Louise: Lettuce

Karel: Acacia

Harken: Zak

Nino: Roxas

Jaffar: Polydeuces

Vaida: Interest

Nils: Rey

Karla: Freohr

Renault: Dio

Athos: TE


Wild DLV appeared

*Wild DLV runs*

Silly DLV

Not as much of a loser as me. I just listen to K-Pop, J-Pop, American pop, anime music, video game music, and classical music. Nothing manly like rock or something.

Only pop culture, anime and video game music for me.

I just went on facebook. It felt so weird.

I need some kinda consolation. No wait, I need my penguin.

I have one too though I really don't go there anymore.

You're the saddest bunch I ever met

Care to repeat that little comment, little man? =o

Fia never comes, though.

Not knowing why? .___.

Fia is "dead"


But she stopped by once before... several months ago, IIRC.

EDIT: Yeah, it was in May.

Uh huh...
But what happened to her now? =/

Of course I do.

Me too.

I'm not nearly as cool as TE.

Are you sure about that.

I'm positive.

Your alot awesomer than he is.
You were a legend of your time.


*Old news Sh--
And hello.

Huh what?


Here's a duet! LOL.

[5:13:53 PM | Edited 5:14:25 PM] Flan: all the loneliness has always been a friend of mine, i'm leaving my life in your hands. people say i'm crazy and i am blind. risking it all in a glance. and how you got me blind is still a mystery

[5:15:45 PM] Sask: I can't get you out of my head, don't care what us wrutten in your history as long you are here with me. I don't care, who you are, where you are from, what you did as long as you love me

[5:16:32 PM] Flan: every little thing that you have said and done feels like it's deep within me. doesn't really matter if you're on the run, it seems like we're meant to beee

[11:16:59 PM] Flan: wtf are we doing
[11:17:06 PM] Flan: i'm tired i'm posting that
[11:17:13 PM] Kurumi Tokisaki: Post it at the thread
[11:17:16 PM] Flan: KAY
Tis good.
Initiating sequence.
And now our feature presentation.


And to this day I still haven't recruited Cynthia on my Lunatic+ file.

lol redundant skills

Pointless to throw Hit+20 when there is already Hawkeye.

Well, I'm going to bed.

Goodnight thread.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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what the hell did you write. D: I know I remembered some Korean characters but that is way too much LOL.

Nothing important, really. Just how the only Korean we use is basic Korean, which is good because basic Korean is pretty much all the Korean I know. :P

something about simple korean and not liking complicated korean


Really? I had the impression that you knew more that two month's worth of Korean...

Like, how'd ya get around Korea last summer if you can't even speak well?

That makes sense. Sometimes, even if I can read the characters, I can't always put them together in my mind to make it "say" something meaningful.

That's totally how I was before I went to Korea for a year. I could hardly do anything in Korean. But yeah, thta one year was like so helpful. I'd be another one of those mono-lingual Americans had I not lived abroad for so long...

Not that there's anything wrong with mono-lingual Americans.

I can read and write just fine. I can't make sentences in my head. Like on my exam at Yonsei, I got perfects on my reading and writing sections. but when it came to actually conversing and making up sentences on the fly, I got like a 75. e_e

Whoa, I'm like the exact opposite. Speaking is fine; it comes more fluidly. But 읽기 and 쓰기? Nuh-uh. I have to like think carefully about what I write and read, to make sure I'm expressing myself correctly and understand what I read. And even that's pushing it; that's only if I can do it in the first place. :P

Basically me and Chinese. I can converse just fine with my family and I know enough to get by in Taiwan by myself, but I'm completely illiterate.


How many languages do you know, anyway?

Chinese, Korean, English, Japanese, Latin, and Italian (assuming your Facebook profile is accurate).

And I thought my near four was a lot.

Edited by Fruit Ninja
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Really? I had the impression that you knew more that two month's worth of Korean...

Like, how'd ya get around Korea last summer if you can't even speak well?

That's totally how I was before I went to Korea for a year. I could hardly do anything in Korean. But yeah, thta one year was like so helpful. I'd be another one of those mono-lingual Americans had I not lived abroad for so long...

How many languages do you know, anyway?

Chinese, Korean, English, Japanese, Latin, and Italian (assuming your Facebook poor file is accurate).

And I thought my near four was a lot.

Ahaha well, I somehow managed. Also, I was in Shinchon, so everyone has /some/ degree of English at the rotary. And I know enough to survive on my own/get food/order drinks etc.

Yeah, I think it was a really good experience for me. I would totally go again if it didn't mean taking up 90% of my summer vacation and not seeing Dana for two months omg.

Well my Chinese and Korean are pretty elementary. My Chinese is just at a basic conversational level. My Korean is just okay.

I took Italian for four years from middle school through my freshman year. I studied Latin and Greek for three years in high school.

And I'm currently learning Japanese at Emory (cause I got screwed out of Italian thanks to scheduling). :U

So really, I'd say I'm comfortable with English, Latin, and Ancient Greek; then I have a decent grasp of Italian, and a basic understanding of Korean and Chinese. and then there's that silly moonrune language i've been trying to learn for the past month

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Ahaha well, I somehow managed. Also, I was in Shinchon, so everyone has /some/ degree of English at the rotary. And I know enough to survive on my own/get food/order drinks etc.

Ah, I see. Yeah, Korean people seem to know English to some extant... although I don't think it's exclusive to Shinchon...

*Googles Shinchon*

Holy crap, that was like a 20-30 minute drive from where I was staying. >_>

Yeah, I think it was a really good experience for me. I would totally go again if it didn't mean taking up 90% of my summer vacation and not seeing Dana for two months omg.

Also, of course going abroad is a good experience, to Korea, your "motherland," no less. lol, your girlfriend, I assume.

Well my Chinese and Korean are pretty elementary. My Chinese is just at a basic conversational level. My Korean is just okay.

I took Italian for four years from middle school through my freshman year. I studied Latin and Greek for three years in high school.

And I'm currently learning Japanese at Emory (cause I got screwed out of Italian thanks to scheduling). :U

So really, I'd say I'm comfortable with English, Latin, and Ancient Greek; then I have a decent grasp of Italian, and a basic understanding of Korean and Chinese. and then there's that silly moonrune language i've been trying to learn for the past month

Conversational is still good; and okay is unacceptable for Korean because every Korean out there (not in Korea) should learn Korean because the language holds heritage, which should be part of every Korean. I guess that applies to every non-White in America, too, though...

Four years? Wow. Although a language is hard to master unless you're exposed to it... The longer, the better, of course.

Two dead languages, lol. I guess they'd really help for word roots, though.

But Japanese is the most interesting language out there... And I'm totally not saying that because it creates access to anime, manga, and video games in their original conditions.

I found that my knowledge of Korean was extremely helpful in learning Japanese. Seriously, the grammar and vocab are like the same.

Off to the Dreamscape for me...

G'night, Acacia.

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are you sure you don't want to see a doctor about this

you don't want to hear me cough every minute or so do you

It's not really that bad nowadays. I'd say it's just like a small inconvenience.

Of course not.

I blame Marthur for this.

And I'm truly sorry about this. I already secretly said my piece on the matter though.
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My parents still speak Korean at home, so I can understand conversational Korean. I'm pretty decent at speaking it, my vocabulary isn't that big but I can make my point across.

Reading and writing is the real issue for me, because sounding out all those characters is really nitpicky.

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My parents still speak Korean at home, so I can understand conversational Korean. I'm pretty decent at speaking it, my vocabulary isn't that big but I can make my point across.

Reading and writing is the real issue for me, because sounding out all those characters is really nitpicky.

That's good. Speaking is the most important part, anyway, if you ask me.

Ohemgee, yes, I can never spell correctly. Reading is a bit easier, though.


'Tis a pity, then, no?

>Past 2 a.m.


>got early physics class next morning

G'night, people.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Off to the Dreamscape for me...

Good Night.

1. But Japanese is the most interesting language out there... And I'm totally not saying that because it creates access to anime, manga, and video games in their original conditions.

2. I found that my knowledge of Korean was extremely helpful in learning Japanese. Seriously, the grammar and vocab are like the same.

1. No way. Their ways of thinking always interests me. know some of their writings and words and you'll understand.

2. Wow. Never knew that it worked that way. Always thought that Chinese and Japanese characters were similar and allied.

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1. No way. Their ways of thinking always interests me. know some of their writings and words and you'll understand.

2. Wow. Never knew that it worked that way. Always thought that Chinese and Japanese characters were similar and allied.

Maybe... I should do that, actually, because my image of Japan is... tentacles, cosplays, otakus, incest, and other weird things pretty normal, actually. I admire their technological achievements.

Characters, yes. Grammar, I'm not sure about Chinese and Japanese, but Korean and Japanese are extremely close. Vocab... maybe? I don't know much about Chinese (although I do want to learn), but Korean, yes, so yeah, they're similar.

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That's good. Speaking is the most important part, anyway, if you ask me.

G'night, people.

Yes. It helps by learning to speak it like learning complete sentences as you must know

Five Parts of a Complete Sentence
  • Capital letter
  • Subject
  • Predicate
  • Complete thought
  • Terminal Punctuation

To be able to connect vocally to have it make sense.

And Goodnight.

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1. Maybe... I should do that, actually, because my image of Japan is... tentacles, cosplays, otakus, incest, and other weird things pretty normal, actually. I admire their technological achievements.

2. Characters, yes. Grammar, I'm not sure about Chinese and Japanese, but Korean and Japanese are extremely close. Vocab... maybe? I don't know much about Chinese (although I do want to learn), but Korean, yes, so yeah, they're similar.

1. And the genius.

As all Asians possess that more than ha ha us Americans.

2. Which cannot be learned by just words and Kanji alone. As forming a complete sentence of having to use different pronunciations and words is what throws many of us non native Japanese speakers off.

Like we don't use y in Ethlin








Supposed to be L as we have used R.

See..unless we learn on how to pronounce through Japanese to English correctly like Nintendo/other gaming companies and native Japanese speakers do, learning it otherwise will never work and that we won't get very far into doing so. It's like that with learning Chinese from Japanese.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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